• The U.N. at 70: United Nations Disappoints on Its 70th Anniversary – Part One | Inter Press Service

    Most of the money and energy at the U.N. in recent years has poured into “peacekeeping,” which is typically a kind of military intervention outsourced by Washington and its allies. The organisation, dedicated in theory to ending war, is ironically now a big actor on the world’s battlefields. It has a giant logistics base in southern Italy, a military communications system, contracts with mercenaries, an intelligence operation, drones, armored vehicles and other accouterments of armed might. Meanwhile, the Department of Disarmament Affairs has seen its funding and status decline considerably.


    The U.N. has weakened as its member states have grown weaker. The IMF, the World Bank and global financial interests have pushed neo-liberal reforms for three decades, undermining national tax systems and downsizing the role of public institutions in economic and social affairs. Governments have privatized banks, airlines and industries, of course, and they have also privatized schools, roads, postal services, prisons and health care.

    The vast new inequalities have led to more political #corruption, a plague of #lobbying, and frequent electoral malfeasance, even in the oldest democracies. [...]

    Tightening U.N. budgets have tilted the balance of power in the U.N. even more sharply towards the richest nations and the wealthiest outside players. Increasingly, faced with urgent needs and few resources, the U.N. holds out its beggar’s bowl for what amounts to charitable contributions, now totaling nearly half of the organization’s overall expenditures .

    This “extra-budgetary” funding, enables the donors to define the projects and set the priorities. The purpose of common policymaking among all member states has been all but forgotten.

    The U.N. at 70: United Nations Disappoints on Its 70th Anniversary – Part Two | Inter Press Service

    Unfortunately, many excellent U.N. intellectual initiatives have been shut down for transgressing powerful interests. In 1993, the Secretary-General closed the innovative Center on Transnational Corporations, which investigated corporate behaviour and economic malfeasance at the international level.

    Threats from the U.S. Congress forced the Office of Development Studies at UNDP to suddenly and ignominiously abandonment its project on global taxes. Financial and political pressures also have blunted the originality and vitality of the Human Development Report. Among the research institutions, budgets have regularly been cut and research outsourced. Creative thinkers have drifted away.

    Clearly, the U.N.’s seventieth anniversary does not justify self-congratulation or even a credible argument that the “glass is half full.” Though many U.N. agencies, funds and programmes like UNICEF and the World Health Organisation carry out important and indispensable work, the trajectory of the U.N. as a whole is not encouraging and the shrinking financial base is cause for great concern.

    #militarisation #ONU #donateurs #priorités

  • Take Good News on Afghanistan’s Reconstruction With a ‘Grain of Salt’ | Inter Press Service

    Among others, official groups like the United States Agency for International Development (#USAID) say that higher life expectancy outcomes, better healthcare facilities and improved education access represent the ‘positive’ side of U.S. intervention.

    From this perspective, the estimated 26,000 civilian casualties as a direct result of U.S. military action must be viewed against the fact that people are now living longer, fewer mothers are dying while giving birth, and more children are going to school.

    But the diligent work undertaken by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (#SIGAR) suggests that “much of the official happy talk on [reconstruction] should be taken with a grain of salt – iodized, of course – to prevent informational goiter.”

    Formed in 2008, SIGAR is endowed with the authority to “audit, inspect, investigate, and otherwise examine any and all aspects of reconstruction, regardless of departmental ownership.”

    In a May 5 speech, John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector General, called the reconstruction effort a “huge and far-reaching undertaking” that has scarcely left any part of Afghan life untouched.

    Poured into endless projects from propping up the local army and police, to digging wells and finding alternatives to poppy cultivation, funds allocated to rebuilding #Afghanistan now “exceed the value of the entire Marshall Plan effort to rebuild Western Europe after World War II.”

    “Unfortunately,” Sopko said, “from the outset to this very day large amounts of taxpayer dollars have been lost to waste, fraud, and abuse.

    “These disasters often occur when the U.S. officials who implement and oversee programs fail to distinguish fact from fantasy,” he added.


  • Le #vieillissement en Europe à l’horizon 2060 - Commission européenne

    La commission européenne publie un imposant rapport (.pdf) sur les projections économiques et budgétaires du vieillissement en Europe à l’horizon 2060. Des projections à long terme pour aider à prendre des décisions et voir les défis et les paliers qu’il faudra relever pour faire face à cette transformation majeure de l’Europe qui s’annonce. La population européenne (507 millions en 2013) devrait croître jusqu’à 526 millions d’habitants en 2050 avant de commencer à décroître (423 millions en 2060). L’espérance de vie devrait s’accroître de 7,1 années pour les hommes sur cette période (atteignant 84,8 ans en 2060) et de 6 années pour les femmes (89,1 ans en 2060). La proportion des gens âgés de plus de 65 ans devrait passé de 27,8% de la population aujourd’hui à 50,1% en 2060, passant de 3 personnes en âge de (...)

    #prospective #travail #seniors