Ibrahim Gökçek est mort après 323 jours de grève de la faim


  • Jailed musician dies after nearly yearlong hunger strike in Turkey

    A second member of a defiant left-wing folk band has died while on a hunger strike protesting the Turkish government.

    Ibrahim Gokcek died today, two days after suspending his “death fast” to receive medical treatment. Gokcek had gone 323 days without food, and was in critical condition.

    Gokcek was a member of Grup Yorum, a popular music group barred from performing in Turkey since 2016. The country’s ruling Justice and Development Party had jailed many of its members, including Gokcek, on trumped-up terror charges.

    Gokcek and bandmate Helin Bolek began a hunger strike while in prison to draw attention to the government’s treatment of the group. The two were released in November but continued their hunger strike in solidarity with their fellow jailed bandmates.

    Formed in 1985 by students at Marmara University in Istanbul, their music covered a range of sensitive topics in Turkey, including Kurdish rights, Marxism, anti-authoritarianism and women’s issues.

    “Grup Yorum chose to be a group of the people. They were always on the side of the oppressed, those who had experienced cruelty, and those engaged in resistance, and they gave them strength with their songs,” Murat Meric, a music writer and radio host, told Al-Monitor in March.

    Turkey accuses Grup Yorum of links to the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front, a leftist militant group designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. The music collective has dedicated songs to the militant group’s members, but denied any official ties to the organization.

    Gokcek was among the thousands of political prisoners languishing in Turkish prisons on terrorism charges for alleged ties to various groups, including the banned Kurdistan Workers Party and the Fethullah Gulen movement, which the government blames for the failed coup attempt in 2016.

    #turquie #kurdes #musique

    • https://www.humanite.fr/ibrahim-gokcek-est-mort-apres-323-jours-de-greve-de-la-faim-688845
      Depuis 2000, Grup Yorum n’avait plus l’autorisation de se produire en concert, les autorités turques accusant ses membres d’être affiliés au Parti-Front révolutionnaire de libération du peuple (DHKP-C). Créé par des étudiants en 1985, cinq ans après le coup d’Etat militaire, et qui se voulait « au service de tous les peuples opprimés, de Turquie et d’ailleurs », le groupe revendique un engagement politique qui l’amenait à chanter en turc mais aussi dans les langues des minorités comme les Kurdes et les Arméniens. Les textes des chansons reprennent des épisodes de la vie sociale et politique de la Turquie. Comme, par exemple, la catastrophe des mines de Soma, en mai 2014, où 300 mineurs avaient perdu la vie dans un incendie parce que les mesures de sécurité n’avaient pas été mises en place.