• L’Orient-Le Jour

    Comment le Hamas, le Hezbollah et l’Iran ont minutieusement planifié l’offensive en Israël depuis Beyrouth

    L’Orient-Le Jour dévoile la teneur des réunions organisées depuis plusieurs mois dans la capitale libanaise.

    L’OLJ se range résolument dans le camp des néo-cons qui souhaitent une guerre régionale qui permettrait de mettre au pas l’Iran, devenu une force trop gênante. Par ailleurs, cela arrangerait bien les calculs des politiques locaux qui ne souhaitent qu’une chose, se débarrasser du Hezbollah. La ficelle est un peu grosse mais gageons que ces « révélations » trouveront des oreilles bienveillantes.

    (By the way, si quelqu’n a accès au contenu...)

    • Personnellement, je suis très méfiant vis-à-vis de ces articles qui prétendent avoir parlé à tant de personnes informées du Hezbollah, du Hamas, du Jihad Islamique etc comme si ces gars étaient hyper accessibles et parlaient volontiers aux journalistes, notamment de l’OLJ. A une certaine époque, sur Seenthis, on était très sceptique sur les articles de Nicholas Blanford (?) qui prétendait avoir leur oreille du Hezbollah...

      L’offensive menée samedi par le Hamas en Israël a été planifiée durant des mois dans la capitale libanaise. C’est ce que L’Orient-Le Jour a appris auprès de plusieurs cadres au sein de l’« axe de la résistance » (Brigades al-Qods, Hezbollah, Hamas, Jihad islamique).

      « L’idée d’infiltrer des colonies israéliennes a germé il y a des années dans la tête des dirigeants du Hezbollah », révèle à notre journal un cadre au sein du camp pro-iranien. Le secrétaire général du parti Hassan Nasrallah a d’ailleurs évoqué à plusieurs reprises des plans permettant à ses combattants de pénétrer en Galilée et contrôler des régions israéliennes. Mais c’est surtout en 2021, après l’opération « Épée de Jérusalem », que l’Iran et ses alliés ont décidé que les prochaines batailles devaient être menées à l’intérieur du territoire israélien. Dans cette optique, ces dernières semaines, une série de réunions ont eu lieu entre des cadres du Hezbollah, du Hamas, du Jihad islamique et des responsables militaires iraniens, dont Ismaïl Qaani, commandant des Brigades al-Qods des gardiens de la révolution.

      Ces entretiens visaient à préparer une opération de ce genre. Parmi les pistes explorées, une infiltration des localités israéliennes par le Hezbollah depuis le Liban-Sud, du Hamas et du Jihad islamique depuis la bande de Gaza, et même depuis et à l’intérieur de la Cisjordanie. Les contacts se sont intensifiés à compter du mois d’avril, certaines réunions ont même été dévoilées à la presse, telle celle tenue entre Hassan Nasrallah, Saleh el-Arouri (numéro deux du Hamas) et Ziad el-Nakhala (chef du Jihad islamique). Les trois dirigeants ont alors dressé le bilan de l’opération de Megiddo, quand, en mars dernier, un combattant s’est infiltré depuis le Liban vers le nord d’Israël pour mener l’attaque. Cette action était une sorte de test afin d’évaluer à quel point les défenses israéliennes étaient imperméables et identifier des vulnérabilités. C’est dans ce cadre que le Hezbollah a organisé sa fameuse démonstration militaire grandeur nature dans le village de Aaramta, au Liban-Sud, baptisée « Nous traverserons », pour signaler son intention de changer les règles d’engagement actuelles et de déplacer les affrontements vers les territoires contrôlés par l’État hébreu.

      Pourquoi l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël pourrait changer la donne dans la région
      Le Hezbollah a réussi à faire diversion. Les Israéliens concentraient en effet leurs efforts préventifs sur le front nord et ne s’attendaient pas à une infiltration depuis la bande de Gaza, au Sud. « La bataille “Déluge d’al-Aqsa” a été préparée dans une chambre d’opérations militaire conjointe à Beyrouth entre le Hezbollah, le Hamas et les Iraniens pendant plusieurs mois », révèle une autre source affiliée à cet axe, précisant que les réunions se sont intensifiées ces dernières semaines pour passer à l’acte. Le plan prévoyait une cyberattaque visant à affaiblir les systèmes de défense terrestres et aériens en Israël. Ensuite, deux attaques seraient lancées simultanément, la première par voie aérienne avec des parachutistes et la seconde avec des drones piégés. Enfin, une incursion terrestre serait effectuée pour franchir la barrière de fer entre Gaza et les colonies. Environ 1 000 combattants du Hamas ont participé à la mise en œuvre de ce plan, se positionnant à des points spécifiques de la barrière et pénétrant simultanément avec un soutien aérien. Ce mode opératoire reprend les grandes lignes de la stratégie présentée par le Hezbollah lors de son exercice militaire à Aaramta, à savoir le recours aux motos et à l’infiltration par immersion pour outrepasser les barrières de sécurité israéliennes. Dans le passé, cette stratégie a été adoptée par les Iraniens dans leur guerre contre l’Irak puis par le Hezbollah dans sa lutte contre l’occupation israélienne du Liban-Sud.

      Quels objectifs
      Les objectifs sur le terrain sont d’abord de renforcer le contrôle sur le territoire palestinien par le Hamas et le Jihad islamique, tout en mettant en avant la faiblesse et l’impuissance de l’Autorité palestinienne dirigée par Mahmoud Abbas. Deuxièmement, les deux mouvements islamistes cherchent à provoquer des incidents en Cisjordanie afin d’occuper les Israéliens par un nouveau front. Troisièmement, il s’agit de libérer le plus grand nombre possible de prisonniers palestiniens et d’imposer des conditions qui pourraient modifier les règles d’engagement et le rapport de force. Cela pourrait contraindre, par exemple, Tel Aviv à lever le siège sur Gaza, voire à lui accorder une indépendance et une reconnaissance officielle et politique. Au niveau régional, l’opération a de quoi changer durablement la donne. D’abord, elle permet de bloquer le processus de normalisation en cours entre Israël et certains pays arabes, notamment l’Arabie saoudite, dont le prince héritier Mohammad ben Salmane cherche à négocier un accord de paix avec l’État hébreu. Ensuite, elle permet à l’Iran de démontrer qu’il a la main haute militairement et politiquement dans la région et de dire qu’aucune solution à la question palestinienne ou des accords de paix avec Israël ne peuvent être envisagés sans son accord. Téhéran a également obtenu une nouvelle carte de pression dans les négociations avec l’Occident, notamment sur le dossier nucléaire.

      De son côté, le Hezbollah accompagne cette opération de plusieurs façons, à la fois sur le plan militaire, avec les frappes ciblant des sites israéliens, ou sur le plan politique, en exprimant sa solidarité avec le Hamas. Il se dit également prêt à intervenir si nécessaire. « Nous observons les développements et pourrions intervenir, notamment en cas d’offensive terrestre à Gaza », indique un cadre du Hezbollah. En effet, le parti chiite ne compte pas permettre à Israël d’atteindre ses objectifs en détruisant le Hamas. Mais il attend de voir les développements en Cisjordanie, qui risque de s’embraser en réaction aux attaques israéliennes sur Gaza. Le Hezbollah n’entrerait donc en scène que dans un troisième temps. D’autant qu’il considère ce qui se passe comme une guerre aux dimensions régionales majeures. Dans ce contexte, des informations obtenues par L’OLJ révèlent la présence actuellement à Beyrouth de hauts responsables iraniens et palestiniens pour suivre la situation. Le Hezbollah, lui, a mis ses combattants en état d’alerte, en attendant tout nouveau développement sécuritaire à Gaza ou en Cisjordanie. Aujourd’hui, il se contente d’actions militaires furtives contre les positions israéliennes et continue de coordonner depuis le Liban les opérations des différents acteurs de « l’axe de la résistance » sous le slogan de « l’unité des fronts »... et l’œil impuissant de l’État libanais.

      Quelque soit le résultat de ces affrontements et malheureusement je crains le pire ..j’espère que le monde ne va plus accepter de voir notre pays servir de pion Iranien sans aucune considération pour l’intérêt de notre peuple, il est temps de rendre le Liban au Libanais quelqu’en soit le prix à court terme. Dans le long terme nous serons gagnants car pour le moment l’Iran vide peu à peu le pays de son sang et on comprends mieux pourquoi ils n’accepteront jamais un président qui ne soit pas complètement soumis à leur désiderata.


    • Oui, c’est même assez saisissant que les services israéliens n’ont rien vu venir de la préparation de la plus importante attaque sur leur propre sol, alors que le WSJ a dénoué tout ça en 24 heures, et l’OLJ en 48.

    • les services israéliens avaient la colonisation en tête, en même temps que la contestation israélienne, corps militaire distrait ailleurs, cerveau embrumé par des tensions contradictoires

      Charles Enderlin @Charles1045

      Selon la journaliste Semadar Perry les renseignements égyptiens avaient averti Netanyahu de l’imminence de quelque chose terrible menaçant depuis Gaza


      💥#Breaking: Egypt’s Intelligence Minister Netanyahu 10 days before the war & warned “Something terrible will happen from Gaza.” ⁦@SmadarPeri quotes source: Jerusalem “dismissed our warnings” because they were focused on tensions in the West Bank.

      Netanyahu 2019, blaguant sur un secret éventé depuis longtemps : « Quiconque veut contrecarrer la création d’un État palestinien doit soutenir le renforcement du Hamas et transférer de l’argent au Hamas. Cela fait partie de notre stratégie ».

      le choix délibéré du meilleur ennemi possible, la tactique a ces jours-ci montré son coût. au vu de la manière de combattre du Hamas, pas sûr qu’elle ait épuisé tous ses effets.

    • Ali Hashem علي هاشم

      A source in Hamas: Details of the #AlAqsaFlood operation were known to only a limited group within the Qassam Brigades. Even the head of the political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, was not informed of the details.
      Islamic Jihad source: Hamas informed us of the operation in the early moments and asked us to join.

      Plus de détail en traduisant par Google translate cet article https://aljadah.media/archives/74397
      notamment cette citation :

      une source du mouvement Hamas a déclaré à « Iran Avenue » que les détails de l’attaque n’étaient connus que d’un groupe limité au sein des Brigades Al-Qassam, « même le chef du Bureau politique, Ismail Haniyeh, n’était pas au courant ». des détails. À son tour, une source proche de la Force Qods a parlé à « Iran Avenue », où il a déclaré : « Il ne fait aucun doute que les forces alliées à la Force Qods se coordonnent entre elles et avec les dirigeants, mais cela ne signifie pas nécessairement dénoncer. une opération de cette envergure au risque de fuite.

  • Israël-Russie. Antisémitisme et petits arrangements entre amis
    Sylvain Cypel > 17 mai 2022

    Les propos du ministère des affaires étrangères russe affirmant que Hitler avait « du sang juif » comme le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky ont provoqué une indignation en Israël. Pourtant, la crise entre Moscou et Tel-Aviv a été aussi inattendue que rapidement surmontée, confirmant la solidité des relations entre les deux capitales.
    Mais malgré ces « colères » diplomatiques, Melman, citant d’anonymes « experts » de son pays, indique que Moscou « comprend et accepte la situation des Israéliens ». En d’autres termes, la Russie n’autorisera pas la Syrie à utiliser contre l’aviation israélienne les batteries de missiles anti-aériens S-300 et S-400 qu’elle lui a fournies. Mais, conclut-il, « de même que Washington et d’autres États européens ont manifesté leur frustration devant l’étonnante "neutralité israélienne", c’est maintenant aux Russes de le faire ». Le journaliste exprime la conviction montante en Israël, dans les milieux politico-sécuritaires, que si la guerre en Ukraine s’enfonce dans la durée, leur pays ne pourra pas éternellement préserver sa position de neutralité. (...)

  • Noga Tarnopolsky

    For no reason, without stone-throwing or any other aggressive action as a trigger @IsraelPolice spray skunk water over Damascus Gate, one of the most beautiful & historically important spots in what the government calls Israel’s sacred & eternal capital



  • Anti-Netanyahu protesters mark six months of weekly demonstrations Bar Peleg | Dec. 19, 2020 | 7:22 PM - Haaretz.com

    Protesters against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are demonstrating in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and at traffic junctions, bridges and intersections nationwide for the 25th week in a row on Saturday, marking six months since the protest movement began.

    In Jerusalem, thousands of demonstrators are protesting in Paris Square, the central site of the demonstrations in the capital, adjacent to the prime minister’s official residence on Balfour Street, having marched there from the Chords Bridge.

    Protesters are demanding Netanyahu resign amid his criminal trial in three corruption cases and mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis.

    The model submarines that have been visible at the weekly protests for months are also at the protest in Jerusalem, under the banner of the “Investigation Now” protest group, which continues to demand that Israel’s law enforcement agencies probe the so-called submarine affair and establish a state commission of inquiry.

    Dozens of demonstrators are protesting outside the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, where Netanyahu became the first in Israel to receive the vaccine against coronavirus earlier Saturday night.

    In Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, dozens are protesting at a demonstration organized by the Movement for Quality Government.

    Hundreds of protesters gathered in the city of Ness Tziona for the second time this weekend, after anti-Netanyahu activists were targeted with malicious, threatening graffiti on their homes last week. Opposite them stood several pro-Netanyahu demonstrators holding up signs that read “Traitorous Leftists” and “Enemy Leftists.”

    Members of the group “Guardians of the Fortress,” who define themselves as veteran Likud members and demonstrate against Netanyahu on a weekly basis in Tel Aviv were also present at the demonstration in Ness Ziona. One of them, Danny Betito, said he was tired of the rift, division and corruption and called on Likud party members to change the song, so to speak, saying there is “no other way.”

    Ahead of Saturday night’s demonstrations, the Black Flag protest movement said: “In the last six months, Israel has undergone two lockdowns and we are on our way to a third only because Netanyahu is busy with his trial, tax benefits for himself and petty politics - this is not going to change.”

    People also protested in front of Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz’s house in Rosh Ha’ayin. They criticized Gantz’s political conduct in the coalition and claimed he is folding in negotiations with Netanyahu over the 2021 state budget.

    This week will determine whether the Knesset will be dissolved and Israelis will head to the polls for the fourth time in two years. If the state budget for 2020 is not approved by Tuesday, the Knesset will automatically dissolve. Negotiations between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz’s Kahol Lavan aimed at preventing the dissolution of the Knesset are set to continue on Saturday night.

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    Meanwhile, live, from Jerusalem, IT IS SATURDAY NIGHT. @TheBlackFlags1
    celebrates six months of the anti-Netanyahu protests. #SNL


    #Israelmanifs 26

  • Two thousand Israelis protest against Netanyahu in Jerusalem for 25th week in a row
    Bar Peleg and Nir Hasson - Haaretz.com

    Two thousands Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his official residence in Jerusalem, as demonstrations calling for the premier’s resignation resumed on Saturday evening, for the 25th week in a row.

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    Jerusalem anti-Netanyahu protest, 10:30 pm. In the background, the anthem “Bibi Ciao.” The submarine reads “no mercy.” (Netanyahu is suspected of shenanigans in the purchase of Navy vessels)

    #Israelmanifs 25

  • Thousands protest Netanyahu in Jerusalem, at least 18 arrested ahead of demonstration
    Nov. 14, 2020 - Haaretz.com

    Thousands are protesting outside the prime minister’s residence on Jerusalem’s Balfour Street Saturday evening, demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu step down in light of his indictments in three corruption cases.

    Protesters marched outside an apartment owned by the prime minister on Jerusalem’s Haportsim Street to his official residence on Balfour. Demonstrators from the culture sector, who have been hard-hit by the coronavirus regulations, erected a “Trojan Horse” installation outside the residence, where the crowd has gathered.

    Protesters tried to begin a protest march throughout the city streets, but were blocked by police at Agron Street. One man was arrested for reasons that are as of yet unclear.

    Hundreds of protesters have gathered in Tel Aviv. A 300-strong protest march has departed from Habima Square, where they are joining another few hundred at Rabin Square. There, Eliad Shraga, the leader of the Movement for a Quality Government, adressed the legal drama surrounding the current governing coalition. In his speech to the hundreds at the square, he said "This two-headed beast isn’t working...the crisis is not managed. "Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Yadlin also spoke, deriding the decision-makers and saying that the submarine affair causes him to lose sleep.

    Many protests against Netanyahu are taking place throughout the country Saturday night, at bridges, squares and interchanges. Protesters are reporting violence against demonstrators.

    Police have arrested a suspect for disturbing the peace in Tel Aviv, after he stole a sign from a protester and ripped it up. The protester said that a young man walked up to him and started screaming that he would “kill anyone who opposes Bibi.” Police said the suspect is a 29-year-old Ashdod resident, who has been taken for questioning.

    few hundred are gathered outside Netanyahu’s private home in Caesarea; a protest convoy of dozens of vehicles brought demonstrators from throughout the north. Among the signs are ones reading “Take your son and your wife and go on your way,” a biblical reference. Crowds are singing “Yallah Bibi, go.”

    A few dozen pro-Netanyahu counter-protesters have made an appearance as well, and are shouting “leftists are traitors” and “disease spreaders.”

    A few hundred protesters are also demonstrating in Haifa.

    On Route 4 in the north, between Tirat Carmel and Atlit, a can was reportedly thrown at a protester, and hit him in the head.

    At Ramat Hasharon’s Morasha Interchange, an assailant threw a rock at protesters gathered there, hitting a car decorated with the protest moevement’s black flags and smashing its windshield.

    The vehicle’s owner said she was waiting in her car to join the protest convoy to Balfour Street when she heard a noise and saw that her back windshield had been broken. She did not see who threw it. Police told her they were sending an officer to the scene, but then told her that she should instead drive to the police station and file a report there instead.

    Earlier Saturday, Police attempted to stop a protest march along the road to Jerusalem, which they said was not approved, in which demonstrators are demanding an investigation into the so-called “submarine affair.”

    In a statement, the police said they arrested 18 people who did not listen to police orders, but protesters said that 23 of them had been detained. The statement adds that the march was endangering the lives of the protesters and drivers on the road. Police later released all but two of the 25 protesters arrested to their homes.

    Protesters entered the Hemed Interchange, west of Jerusalem and clashed with police as the march began. Police diverted traffic on the road and set up roadblocks to keep the protesters from advancing.

    According to a police statement, officers had succeeded in stopping the marchers in the Bet Zayit Interchange area, nearly four and a half kilometers from the march’s point of origin. A number of protesters continued marching despite the roadblocks, the statement said. A short while later, the intersection was reopened to traffic.

    The “Investigation Now” protest group said that despite the arrests and the “severe police brutality,” dozens of protesters and one inflatable submarine managed to make their way to Jerusalem. Demonstrators reported that a man with his face covered threw a rock at the protesters on the Chords Bridge.


    Noga Tarnopolsky

    Anti-Netanyahu protesters outside the prime minister’s prive home in Caesarea, week XXI. @TheBlackFlags1

  • 18e semaine des rassemblements anti-Netanyahu dans tout le pays
    25 octobre 2020 - 09:29 | The Times of Israël

    Des milliers d’Israéliens se sont rassemblés, samedi soir, à Jérusalem et à Tel Aviv, mais aussi aux carrefours et sur les ponts de tout le pays lors du dernier mouvement de protestation massif contre le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu et son gouvernement.

    C’est le dix-huitième week-end de rassemblements appelant Netanyahu à démissionner en raison de son procès pour corruption et de sa prise en charge de la pandémie de coronavirus.

    Des manifestations ont eu lieu aux abords de la résidence officielle de Netanyahu à Jérusalem, sur la place Rabin de Tel Aviv et à proximité de l’habitation privée de Netanyahu, à Césarée.

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    A pro-Netanyahu group at he Jerusalem demo shout “You’ll follow Rabin’s road to hell!” & “Leftists are traitors!” (video @SuleimanMas1)


  • Netanyahu tried to stifle dissent. He got one of Israel’s largest protests Nir Hasson | Oct. 4, 2020 | 11:04 AM | Haaretz.com

    The smaller protests forced by coronavirus restrictions expose demonstrators to more violence, increasing fears of a political murder

    The usual protesters near the prime minister’s official Balfour Street residence in Jerusalem noticed something different – the disappearance of the prime minister’s convoy. The loud and aggressive convoy is a permanent part of the landscape, at least twice a day. But last week, nobody remembered seeing it, from either the main entrance on Gaza Road or the secondary entrance from Smolenskin Street. Maybe the Shin Bet security service has found another way in, and maybe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn’t have time to go home or found himself a place to rest elsewhere.

    Either way, there’s a feeling among the protesters that the demonstrations are getting to Netanyahu and putting his family under strain. There’s no other explanation for the great pressure Netanyahu is bringing to bear to place them outside the boundaries of allowed activities during the lockdown. His victory in the cabinet and the Knesset appeared pyrrhic on Saturday.

    The picture of his victory was to have shown Paris Square, near his residence, empty of protesters on Saturday night. The square was indeed relatively empty, but still, more than 200 protesters gathered. And the thousands did not remain at home, either. On the contrary, it seemed that the core of young people who usually come to Balfour Street gathered in Tel Aviv.

    The long protest, in which the police arrested 38 people and handed out hundreds of tickets, shows that their determination has not weakened at all. The opposite is true. As in the case of the arrest of protest leader Amir Haskel, the use of water cannons and false arrests, this time too, it seems that the attempt to suppress the protests was like dousing a fire with gasoline.

    In addition to the demonstration in Tel Aviv, one of the largest protests in the country’s history took place on Saturday night. Hundreds – apparently more than a thousand – demonstrations of between dozens and a few hundred people were held throughout the country. The fact that the government prohibited people from traveling more than a kilometer from their homes solved the dilemma for many people as to whether to travel to Jerusalem to join the protest. They simply walked out of the house and protested at the nearest junction. Children, old people and families stood at almost every square and every junction in cities and main roads and opposite the homes of ministers and lawmakers.

    The protests were sparked by the sense of emergency in light of the ban on demonstrations, and a feeling of frustration over the ongoing failure of the government in dealing with the pandemic. If someone hoped that the lockdown and the bans would snuff out the protest, they had a disappointing Saturday night.

    Unfortunately, the small and scattered demonstrations are turning protesters into easier prey as far as Netanyahu supporters are concerned. Dozens of reports of violence, cursing, spitting and threats against the protesters flowed throughout the evening. Netanya Ginzburg, 81, who was attacked by a Netanyahu supporter at the a junction in Jerusalem’s Kiryat Hayovel neighborhood and fell, recalled the protest in which peace activist Emil Grunzweig was killed in 1983 and said she was afraid it would happen again. Her fear is very justified.

    Israel protestCoronavirusIsrael policeBenjamin Netanyahu

    Noga Tarnopolsky
    @NTarnopolsky. 12:39 AM · 4 oct. 2020

    Tel Aviv police commander claims to be completely unaware of any violence directed by police against protesters, or of police impeding reporters’ work, yet decries violence on the part of protesters, who he says threw eggs at cops. Really.

    Noga Tarnopolsky
    @NTarnopolsky 9:08 PM · 3 oct. 2020

    More than 2,000 are marching through the heart of Tel Aviv calling for ’Justice for Solomon; Justice for Iyad.’
    “It would be very difficult to stop this march,” @bar_peleg
    reports, “and maybe that’s why the police are not around.”


  • Netanyahu calls to curb protests against him under coronavirus restrictions
    Jonathan Lis, Ido Efrati, Noa Landau | Sep. 22, 2020 | 8:38 PM |

    As coronavirus cabinet mulls intensifying lockdown restrictions, protests and prayer services become a central point of contention

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the “farce” of anti-government protests calling for his resignation must be curbed under the coronavirus restrictions.

    Israel’s coronavirus cabinet met Tuesday to discuss intensifying lockdown restrictions amid a spike in infections and mortality and the increasing burden on hospitals.

    Discussions were adjourned without a decision. Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi offered to hold a meeting on Tuesday evening with representatives of the Attorney General, the police and the Health Ministry to clarify restrictions on prayers and protests. Their recommendations will be heard when the cabinet reconvenes on Wednesday morning at 11:30 A.M. Israel time (4:30 A.M. EDT).

    “For a long time I’ve avoided weighing in on the matter, but after I’ve heard experts claiming that gatherings are a huge threat to public health, it is my obligation to speak about it. The entire public is obligated to abide by the regulations and only a group of protesters is exempt,” Netanyahu said. “You can only visit the Western Wall if you live within a kilometer of it, but people can come to Balfour from all over the country. At the Western Wall people can only pray in groups of twenty, but at the protests everything is permitted. This farce must stop!”

    “There must be one law for prayers and protests and all forms of gatherings. Otherwise the public won’t listen to the guidelines and the rate of infection will soar to threatening proportions,” Netanyahu said.

    Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn of Kahol Lavan said, “We must adjust the protests to the demands of the lockdown. But restrictions must be decided by experts and not by the politicians who are the subject of the protests."

    "We will support giving police the authority to enforce the restrictions at the protests.” Nissenkorn added, “however, in a democratic country governments do not forbid protests against them.”

    Netanyahu supporters have not been the only ones calling for protesters to stay home however. Ofer Shelah, a veteran member of opposition party Yesh Atid, who is currently staging a bid for its leadership, called on those hoping to unseat Netanyahu to “stop until the end of the lockdown, continue in other ways.”

    “There is nothing more just than a protest against a corrupt and failed prime minister. And there is nothing more justified than stopping the mass demonstrations against him at this critical moment,” Shelah said on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon.

    COVID-19 czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu presented cabinet ministers with his plan to reduce prayer activity in synagogues after an assessment by health professionals.

    Gamzu’s plan drew ire from Interior Minister Arye Dery, who chairs the ultra-Orthodox Shas party. “I cannot understand why demonstrations are a yes and prayers are a no,” Dery said. “Prayer is important not only for the ultra-Orthodox, but also for the religious, the conservatives and the secular. It is a sacred value,” Dery said.

    Dery threatened to resign over the matter. “We live in a Jewish and democratic state. From my perspective it is a Jewish state first and foremost. If we cannot hold prayers in synagogues and the protests continue, I don’t think we’re talking about a Jewish state anymore and I cannot stay at my post,” Dery said.

    The Black Flag movement, which is among the organizers of the anti-Netanyahu protests, also said last week that its activists would stop attending the protests in Jerusalem, and instead focus on coming out in multiple locations throughout the country. But it blasted the prime minister’s remarks on Tuesday evening: “The destroyer of the country Netanyahu is the reason that Israel is under lockdown. He’s busy with silly flights and managing his trial and not with the coronavirus!"

    “This is an order, for everyone who wants to save the nation,” the statement added. "Come to the bridges, intersections, and in convoys on Thursday and Saturday in order to fight the defendant who is destroying the nation.”

    #Israelmanif #Israelmanifs

    • Coronavirus Israel live : Cabinet discusses further lockdown restrictions
      Haaretz | Sep. 22, 2020 | 8:59 PM

      Two Israeli hospitals turn away virus patients due to full wards ■ Netanyahu aides violate post-D.C. trip coronavirus quarantine order ■ New guidelines allow protests in groups of 20 during lockdown

      Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are dealing with a renewed coronavirus outbreak, leading to proposals and measures intended to curb its spread and mitigate the economic ramifications of the crisis by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities.

      Israel currently has 51,338 active cases; 1,273 people have died. In the West Bank, there are 11,425 active cases and 291 deaths, and in Gaza 1,825 active cases and 17 deaths. (...)

      Charles Enderlin

      deux grands hôpitaux israéliens avec un taux d’occupation à plus de 100% refusent les nouveaux malades de Covid 19. Assouta à Ashdod et Shaarei Tzedek à Jérusalem

      Noga Tarnopolsky

      West Jerusalem hospitals are so overrun that the Health Min is asking East Jerusalem hospitals to admit their patients. But east Jerusalemite corona patients hospitalized in west Jerusalem are adamantly refusing to be transferred to the east of the city.

    • Flouting quarantine, Netanyahu aides reveal industry of lies
      Yossi Verter | Sep. 22, 2020 | 8:20 AM - Haaretz.com

      The praiseworthy alertness of demonstrator Yoav Glasner, who recognized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s social media adviser, Topaz Luk, and Netanyahu family spokesman Ofer Golan, revealed an astounding sight Sunday night, after the Rosh Hashanah holiday ended. These two men so dear to Netanyahu and his wife, one of whom has already been questioned by police on suspicion of witness-tampering, were caught red-handed in a scene which, had it not been so disturbing and outrageous, could have been genuinely comic.

      Luk, using a professional camera, was filming the protesters who had arrived – purely by chance – at the same moment that he and Golan were on the scene; Luk then began spouting delusional coronavirus-denial conspiracy theories. Golan was assisting him. Upon being identified, both men, wearing dark caps that merely magnified the farce, fled like frightened ducks from the cellphone of Glasner, who chased after them.

      If we had previously thought Netanyahu was the local version of Richard Nixon, not just in his deceitfulness but also in his methods, we discovered that our local incompetence is hardly comparable to the American president’s “plumbers.” Had the break-in at the Watergate Hotel been assigned to the two heroes of our story, they would have been caught even before they arrived, driving in the wrong lane.

      What were the two geniuses thinking? That nobody in that politically savvy crowd would recognize them? Luk, after all, has been interviewed often of late. (And what ever happened to Jonathan Urich?)

      Luk, we should also mention, was supposed to be in quarantine. The Prime Minister’s Office, of course, admits nothing. A response by Likud said the man had gone there to take a coronavirus test. But of course – with a camera, in the middle of a demonstration, shortly before midnight, and far from his home.

      Later, Netanyahu, the coronavirus screw-up in chief, sent a hypocritical, self-righteous response to the media: “Suddenly, everyone’s upset over one man.” Let’s just remind him that for all the demonstrations that have taken place to date outside his official residence on Jerusalem’s Balfour Street, not one single quarantine violator has ever been found among the protesters.

      All the problems have emerged from him and his circle – violations, lies, incitement, smears, blood libels. The Pandora’s box in the prime minister’s residence, in the spirit and on the orders of his son, is a far greater source of danger to the public’s health than the virus. Modern medicine will never find a vaccine for that.

      Anyone who violates quarantine is subject to a fine, as Netanyahu graciously admitted. Now, we have to wait and see whether an investigation is opened against Luk and whether he’s fined 5,000 shekels ($1,400). Given the law enforcement agencies’ current weakness in the face of the Balfour mafia, don’t count on it.

      Had the two not been discovered and fled for their lives, the web would have been flooded with footage of the “coronavirus-denying” demonstrators. Netanyahu’s pet journalists and fans would have tweeted voraciously. Likud MK Osnat Mark would have screamed her lungs out in some television studio. Amir Ohana, the Netanyahu security minister, would have urged police to investigate. And more, similar garbage.

      The entire incident shone a spotlight on the industry of lies, deceit and fraud that has sheltered under Netanyahu’s wings: fraudulent videos, staged incidents, bots and fake profiles that flood the web. When it succeeds, the foot soldiers are sent out to echo and condemn. When it doesn’t, well, it’s not so terrible; we’ll lie brazenly in response and move on.

      For some reason, this reminded me of the (false) accusation that Netanyahu – who had no qualms about lies and filth even back in the mid-1990s – clearly aimed at David Levy regarding a tape that implicated Netanyahu in an adulterous affair. Netanyahu spoke of “a senior Likud official surrounded by criminals.” Well, who is the senior official and who are the criminals here?

      Then on Monday, Noa Landau reported on Haaretz’s website that Netanyahu’s diplomatic adviser, Reuven Azar, who also serves as deputy national security adviser, was caught violating quarantine for the second time (the first having been back in Washington). He turns out to be a recidivist, a serial coronavirus violator. Referring to people like that, we used to say “either he’s stupid or he’s evil.”

      The first time, he wasn’t punished, because the violation occurred abroad. Let’s see what excuse they use this time.

      Just as Netanyahu himself proved on seder night, when he violated the coronavirus rules to host his son Avner, there’s nothing like a personal example. When this is what the leader is like, that’s what his inner circle is like. And when that’s what his inner circle is like, it’s unsurprising that half the country thinks it’s fine when they cheat on the lockdown rules and cause further rises in the curves of all our woes.

  • Depuis Washington, le fils de Netanyahu exprime son soutien au tueur de Douma
    Par Times of Israel Staff 15 septembre 2020, 13:26

    Après qu’Amiram Ben Uliel a été condamné lundi à trois peines de prison à vie pour le meurtre de trois Palestiniens – dont un bébé – en 2015, le fils du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu, Yair, a critiqué la condamnation et a retweeté un lien vers une cagnotte visant à financer la défense du meurtrier extrémiste.

    Ben Uliel a tué trois membres de la famille Dawabsha – Saad, Riham, et leur fils de 18 mois Ali – dans un incendie criminel. Seul le fils aîné du couple, Ahmed, a survécu, malgré de terribles brûlures et cicatrices ; il avait 5 ans à l’époque.


  • Première manifestation anti-Netanyahu à Jérusalem depuis le reconfinement
    Jérusalem (AFP) 20.09.2020

    Plusieurs milliers de manifestants se sont rassemblés dimanche soir à Jérusalem pour réclamer le départ du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu, inculpé pour corruption et accusé de mauvaise gestion de la crise sanitaire, alors que le pays est reconfiné depuis vendredi.

    Les manifestations ont été autorisées malgré le reconfinement, dans le cadre duquel les Israéliens ne peuvent toutefois sortir de chez eux que dans un rayon d’un kilomètre pour se détendre, et plus loin uniquement pour aller faire des courses ou pour travailler si leur profession est jugée essentielle.

    Les protestataires étaient aussi nombreux dimanche soir que lors des manifestations précédentes, organisées chaque samedi depuis près de trois mois devant la résidence de M. Netanyahu à Jérusalem, malgré les nouvelles restrictions, a constaté un journaliste de l’AFP.

    Ils portaient des masques mais ne respectaient pas plus que lors des manifestations précédentes les mesures de distanciation sociale imposées pour lutter contre la propagation du nouveau coronavirus.

    La police a indiqué que les barricades qu’elle avait placées sur la place où se déroulait la manifestation avaient été enlevées par les protestataires qui « n’ont pas écouté les règles ».

    Un automobiliste qui avait tenté de lancer son véhicule vers des barricades de police dressées aux abords du lieu de la manifestation a été arrêté par la police qui n’a pas donné davantage de détails sur l’incident ni sur l’identité du conducteur.

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    There was an attempted car ramming of protesters near the prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem. Had it happened in the West Bank, it would be headlining news. The main Israeli radio anchors are talking about how much they ate over Rosh Hashanah. @GLZRadio

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    In Oren Ziv’s video, the car ramming looks less dramatic than reports have indicated

    Noga Tarnopolsky
    9:30 PM · 20 sept. 2020

    Another view of Jerusalem’s Paris Square (via @SuleimanMas1)

    #Israelmanif #Israelmanifs

  • Protesters rally against Netanyahu over corruption, coronavirus
    Reuters | Published : 09.12.20

    Thousands of Israelis protested against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Saturday over his alleged corruption and the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The crowd rallied outside Netanyahu’s residence, blowing whistles, waving signs and flags and calling for his resignation. Smaller protests were held along bridges at major intersections in cities across Israel.
    Israeli media estimated that about 10,000 people attended what has become a weekly demonstration in Jerusalem.

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    Suleiman Maswadeh also reports the number of marchers & protesters rising at anti-Netanyahu rallies ( @SuleimanMas1 )


    @nirhasson reports Paris Square completely full, but with more space than in the huge August demos. “About 10,000, very energetic & impressive. The next few weeks between re-lockdown & the Jewish holidays will be the test.”

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    9 protesters were detained/arrested tonight for “disturbing the public.”
    As far as I know, @TheBlackFlags1 @MovGov & #CrimeMinister protests will not take place during the 3 weeks of High Holy days but expect to resume October 10 or 17.

    Charles Enderlin

    Jérsualem. Ils ne lâchent pas. des dizaines de milliers de manifestants à Balfour - place de Paris contre la corruption du pouvoir

    #Israelmanif #Israelmanifs

  • Jerusalem police clash with anti-Netanyahu demonstrators as protest enters 11th week - Israel News - Haaretz.com

    Jerusalem police clash with anti-Netanyahu demonstrators as protest enters 11th week
    Protesters march through Jerusalem on their way to the prime minister’s official residence ■ Prominent artist and activist blocked from entering protest site
    Nir Hasson, Bar Peleg, Noa Shpigel | Sep. 6, 2020 | 2:23 PM

    Thousands of Israelis gathered on Saturday evening outside the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem and at other locations around the country for the 11th consecutive week, calling on the prime minister to resign in light of his ongoing corruption trial.

    Alongside the protest, demonstrators marched from the city’s Chords Bridge to the official residence. Police forces tried to stop the group from marching through Jaffa Street towards Netanyahu’s residence, but protesters removed police barriers and brief clashes ensued. At least 12 arrests were made, and on Sunday a district court extended the detention of five protesters who tried to remove the barriers until Monday afternoon.

    Police said two officers were wounded in clashes with protesters.

    Prominent artist and activist Zeev Engelmayer, who regularly participates in the weekly demonstrations in the costume of his female character Shoshke, was stopped at the entrance to the demonstration and prevented from entering it.

    According to an eyewitness, police detained him after an argument over wearing a mask, but police said the reason was his costume.

    Engelmayer said police violated his freedom of expression. “Instead of the police arresting our corrupt Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu who has cases [against him] and cheated and incites the people against each other, they stop me because of a cloth outfit.”

    The police said in a statement they detained “a man who arrived at the protest compound dressed as a naked woman, in a manner that could constitute sexual harassment of the public.”

    Additional demonstrations were held at intersections and on bridges across the country, as well as near Netanyahu’s private residence in Caesarea, where hundreds gathered. About 40 supporters of the prime minister showed up for a counter-demonstration.

    Several dozen people also protested against Netanyahu’s government on bridges in the Arab cities of Taibeh and Nazareth.

    Wajdi Haj Yahya, a resident of Taibeh, has been protesting on a bridge at the entrance to the city for six weeks. “We are growing from week to week,” he said. Demonstrations in the city continue even though the city has been defined as “red” due to high coronavirus infection rates. “Corona will not prevent us from demonstrating and protesting,” he said.

    Salim Abbas, a member of the Arab-Jewish movement Standing Together, who demonstrated in Nazareth, said: “We demand that the government start working for us in health, livelihood and welfare. We demand hope.”

    The protest comes amid ongoing tensions between protesters and the police. On Friday night, thirteen anti-government activists were arrested for attempting to load several police crowd control barriers onto a truck, ahead of Saturday’s demonstration outside the prime minister’s official residence in Jerusalem.

    In addition, a press photographer was detained for over an hour, with the police confiscating his camera. He was detained, according to the police, because his press card had expired.

    Nine of the activists will be brought before the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court to extend their detention on Saturday evening.

    Last Saturday, about 20,000 protesters gathered outside Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem. Tensions ran high with police following documented incidents of police violence at a previous protest.

    Parallel protests were held outside Netanyahu’s private residence in Caesarea and at over 300 bridges and major intersections nationwide.

    Noga Tarnopolsky
    Live from Jerusalem, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT

    Noga Tarnopolsky

    While the police figure out what “sexual harassment” means they also release comedian & artist Zeev Engelmayer, aka “Shoshke,” who was arrested & illegally prevented from attending the protest.

    #Israelmanifs #Israelmanif

  • En Israël, les manifestations contre Netanyahu ne faiblissent pas
    30/08/2020 - Avec notre correspondant à Jérusalem, Michel Paul

    Nouvelle soirée de manifestations ce samedi contre le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahu. Un mouvement qui continue à prendre de l’ampleur.
    La police demande aux manifestants de réduire le niveau de bruit et de se disperser dans le calme. À Jérusalem ce sont des dizaines de milliers de personnes qui se sont rassemblées face à la résidence du Premier ministre.

    Ailleurs dans le pays des milliers d’autres aux carrefours et sur les ponts ont réclamé le départ de Benyamin Netanyahu. C’est la dixième semaine consécutive que se déroulent ces manifestations.

    #Israelmanifs #Israelmanif

  • Several arrested for attacking demonstrators at anti-Netanyahu protests across Israel
    Josh Breiner, Noa Shpigel, Bar Peleg, Nir Hasson, Almog Ben Zikri | Jul. 26, 2020 | 8:26 AM

    Israel Police said on Sunday morning that they had arrested at least three people for assaulting anti-government protesters as thousands demonstrated in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence, calling for his resignation over his corruption charges and what they call a faulty handling of the coronavirus crisis.

    On Saturday, over five thousand protesters massed in front of Netanyahu’s official residence on Balfour Street, which has become the epicenter of the protest movement. They were forcefully dispersed by police in the early hours of Sunday, using water cannons and mounted units.

    Police said that a Netanyahu supporter was detained for spraying mace at a protester in central Israel. The 34-year-old man from the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan remained in custody overnight and police said they will be asking to extend his detention on Sunday.

    During the police interrogation, the man confessed and regretted the act, although he said he actually used window cleaning liquid rather than pepper spray. His motivation was anger about the damage to the country’s symbols, he said, adding that he had been influenced by the incitement that exists on social networks

    Another counter-protester was arrested on suspicion of stabbing an anti-government demonstrator in the neck at the Sha’ar HaNegev junction in southern Israel. The police said they would ask that he remain in custody, adding that they are working to bring to justice those who were also involved in the incident.

    A third person was also arrested in Jerusalem, and five others detained on suspicion of attacking a demonstrator on Lincoln Street, near the prime minister’s official residence. According to eyewitnesses, the attack was carried out by five men with a helmet and a glass bottle.

    In addition, police said that 12 anti-Netanyahu protesters had been arrested overnight for “various offences related to disturbing the peace.” Protests were also held in Caesarea in front of Netanyahu’s private home, and at some 250 intersections throughout the country. One man was also detained for tearing up protesters’ signs in Caesarea.

    A group of some 20 right-wing activists participated in a counter-protest nearby, raising concerns of further clashes between anti- and pro-Netanyahu groups. On Thursday, a counter-protest by Netanyahu supporters drew some 200 Likud activists nearby, joined by a few dozen members of La Familia, an extremist organization of fans of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team. Six ant-Netanyahu demonstrators said they were violently assaulted by members of La Familia.

    According to eyewitnesses, a demonstrator wearing a pink bandana was attacked by five men dressed in black on Lincoln Street, Jerusalem. The witnesses reported that the five beat him with a helmet and smashed a glass bottle on his body. An eyewitness at the scene called the police.

    Meanwhile, two other anti-Netanyahu protesters testified that they were attacked by three right-wing activists after they left the demonstration. According to one of them, “Three young men asked my friend: ’Are you [with] Bibi or against Bibi?’ He didn’t answer, and then one of them started beating him. Then he came in front of me and punched me in the face and threw my glasses down the road.”

    ’It’s important for him to be there’

    The protesters that were attacked in junctions in central and southern Israel both recount being there with children, and being attacked without provocation.

    at the Sha’ar HaNegev junction in Nir Am, in southern Israel said they were attacked by at least ten people

    Nir Sa’ar, the man who was stabbed in the neck, said he was participating in a peaceful demonstration with several friends and their families, including children, when five vehicles arrived. Sa’ar said that about 15 men disembarked and began to encircle them.

    They arrived “to make chaos, they came down and started to tear posters,” and beat and spit at protesters, says fellow protester Ishai Loz. “They took out some sort of sharp object. We tried to just get the kids out of there. My friend was stabbed in the neck. I took a blow to my chest, a little cut, and I’m getting an X-ray now.” According to Loz, the same group threw punches as well.

    K. was protesting with his son and a few friends at the Aluf Sadeh interchange in central Israel. “My son asked to stay and stand close to the road with his friends and their parents,” he told Haaretz. “All of a sudden, a car passed and sprayed gas towards him and his group of kids,” he said.

    “[The car] slowed down, opened the window, sprayed, and hurried away. There were police, but they didn’t manage to catch the car... The brave kid, he understands what happened there. This is his second protest there, it’s important to him to go,” he added.

    Netanyahu blasts ’anarchist’ and ’Bolshevik’ media

    In a Facebook post, Netanyahu accused Channel 12 News of inflating the number of attendees of the protests against him in its reporting, calling it a “Shameless propaganda arm of the anarchist left to bring down the right-wing government and its leader.”

    He went on to write that the channel is pouring fire on the flames of the “Political protests that are organized and funded by leftist groups. [It’s] fake news on steroids.” He continued, “Almost all their programs, segments and analyses are used for unbridled Bolshevik propaganda against the prime minister.”

    “And of course, they don’t even say one word on the blatant threats to murder the prime minister and his family,” the prime minister added.

    Public Security Minister Amir Ohana said Saturday night that the protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must be limited. “We need to restrict the number of people, the location, maybe in a more open space,” Ohana told Channel 12’s Meet the Press program.

    “The Health Ministry said that this is a coronavirus incubator. If all the experts are saying that this hurts our efforts against the coronavirus, then we must limit it,” he said.

    His remarks come after it was reported that Ohana asked the police to examine the possibility of requiring protests held outside Netanyahu’s official residence to move to another venue, arguing that these events are harming the neighbors.

    Police representatives cited a Supreme Court ruling and told Ohana it wasn’t possible to prevent a protest from taking place or to require a license for it.

    Protests gain pace

    This marks the fifth week of the “black flag” protests, which call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down in light of his criminal indictments for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. This particular wave of demonstrations began after the arrest of protest leader Amir Haskel.

    The protests were organized by multiple movements calling for economic relief and Netanyahu’s resignation: the Black Flags, Crime Minister, Culture Shock, Wake Up Israel and a number of new groups. These include the Women’s March, which was established over the past few years in Tel Aviv, and a number of LGBTQ activists, including the gay party line Cock Shock.

    Another central protest site is Tel Aviv’s Charles Clore Park, where a number of organizations are protesting the economic crisis. The protest is being held under the banner “Shaking them from their chairs,” and the organizers explained that they do not intend to take aim at the prime minister alone, and that they want the demonstration to remain apolitical.

    “The protest is socio-economic, where there will be shouts and roars to fix the conduct toward Israeli citizens. They will come to sound the cries of the nation,” the organizers said.

    Ahead of Saturday night’s protest, the organizers posted a call to police to behave with restraint. “We hope that contrary to previous demonstrations, in which the police did not allow protesters to disperse and exacted useless and unruly violence against them, which injured dozens of people, tonight the police will conduct itself responsibly.”

    The statement sought to remind the Israel Police that “it is your duty to defend your citizens, not to fill arrest quotas… We will on our part continue to fulfill our role: To throng the streets with beautiful, hopeful citizens who are unwilling to remain silent any longer.”

    Violence and arrests

    On Friday, a one thousand-strong demonstration took place in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence. Over the weekend, another group of protesters set up camp at the city’s Independence Park, which is located near Balfour Street. The group, which goes by the name FestiBalfour sought to establish a permanent camp that would support the protest and act as its cultural hub.

    Police sought to evacuate members of the group from the park following Thursday’s demonstration, but they later returned and remained there over the weekend.

    Some 4,000 people protested in Jerusalem on Thursday, calling on Netanyahu to resign over his corruption charges, handling of the coronavirus crisis and allegedly anti-democratic measures.

    This is the eighth protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence in two weeks. As of Saturday evening, 160 protesters were arrested during demonstrations, 55 of them on Thursday night. Thirty-five of them were released on the condition that they keep their distance from Jerusalem’s Paris Square and the residence, and 19 more were brought before a judge to be released with similar restraining orders.

    Two were released unconditionally, one of whom after he showed the judge a video of his arrest in which he did not resist, countering the police’s claims. Another protester was sentenced to house arrest until Sunday, on suspicion of attacking an officer.

    Fortifying Caesarea

    Also Thursday, Caesarea residents reported that security protocols around Netanyahu’s private house had changed: A fence was erected behind the homes on the street, and temporary barriers were put up that would allow security forces to close off the street.

    An activist who claimed he was walking on the house’s street was stopped by police Saturday afternoon. Police said he had entered “a sterile area” and that they had requested he leave a number of times, and only stopped him when he refused to do so.

    The activist, Gil Solomon of Caesarea, told Haaretz that he is still “trying to understand why they stopped me.” He added, “In the beginning, the security guard told me that these are the instructions of the government. After I began to question it a little bit, a police officer told me that it was the Shin Bet’s instructions.”

    He continued, “At the police station, when they questioned me, they told me that I was stopped on suspicion of bothering the police officer while he was fulfilling his duties. The officer wasn’t there when the argument happened. [The security guards] called for him. How did I get in the way of him carrying out his duty? He was literally carrying out his duty.”

    The Black Flags protest movement said: "This evening is a sharp and clear message to the convict Netanyahu that his time is up. This week, we received proof as to what the Netanyahu regime is: weakening the Knesset and democracy, suppressing the protest, incitement against broad segments of the nation, dealing with criminal matters and an endless campaign of lies.

    “The complete failure to deal with the coronavirus is on the convict alone. The citizens of the country deserve a prime minister who deals from morning until night with stopping the pandemic and rehabilitating the economy – not a convict who only looks out for himself.”


  • Antoine Mariotti
    11:19 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    De nombreux Israéliens continuent de manifester ce soir à #Jérusalem devant la résidence de #Netanyahou pour réclamer sa démission. Moins de monde que samedi dernier à la même heure mais mobilisation toujours forte et surtout qui dure. #Israel #coronavirus #corruption

    Antoine Mariotti
    11:24 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    « Justice pour Iyad » scandent les manifestants devant la résidence du Premier ministre israélien. Iyad Al Hallak, palestinien de 32 ans et autiste, a été tué par la police israélienne dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem le 30 mai dernier.

    Guilhem Delteil
    11:01 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    Ce soir encore, la place de Paris près de la résidence du Premier ministre israélien est pleine de manifestants anti-Netanyahu. La foule est encore plus nombreuse que samedi dernier. Les protestataires promettent de rester sur place et appellent les Israéliens « à se réveiller »

    Guilhem Delteil
    11:18 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    Dans la foule, les revendications se mêlent : « justice pour Eyad » (Eyad el Hallaq, un Palestinien autiste tué par la police en juin) dit la banderole. Mais une même demande : la démission de Netanyahu.

    Antoine Mariotti
    11:54 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    Le correspondant de @rfi @GuilhemDelteil « gentiment » dégagé par la police israélienne pendant qu’il fait simplement son travail et a clairement un micro à la main..

    Noga Tarnopolsky
    11:22 PM · 21 juil. 2020

    Justice for Iyad! Justice for Iyad! No protesters seem inclined to go anywhere were and the police has moved back significantly.


    • Jerusalem police clash with anti-government protesters, detain 55 outside Netanyahu’s residence
      Nir Hasson, Bar Peleg | Jul. 24, 2020 | 10:47 AM - Haaretz.com

      Police arrested 55 demonstrators Thursday night as thousands of anti-government protesters gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem, calling for his resignation over his corruption charges and what they call a mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis and assault on democracy.

      This is the biggest number of protesters police have arrested since the anti-Netanyahu demonstrations kicked off several weeks ago. Most of the protesters were released on Friday morning with restrictions on movement, including a ban from entering Jerusalem for a period of up to 10 days.

      Nearly 20 other protesters will be brought before a Jerusalem judge on Friday after refusing to agree to limitations.

      Police said some 4,000 people took part in the protest, adding that about 1,000 demonstrators remained at Paris Square by the Prime Minister’s Residence on Balfour Street after the protest ended.

      The movement had called for Thursday’s protest in response to an emergency powers law that was passed in the Knesset on Wednesday and allows the government to take some executive decisions bypassing legislative oversight amid the coronavirus crisis.

      Police started to forcefully break up the protest at around 10:30 P.M. At midnight, violent clashes erupted between the police and hundreds of demonstrators who refused to leave the square. Those remaining planned to march toward the city center, but police officers used water cannons to prevent them from doing so, prompting the crowd to disperse.

      Police said in a statement that protesters were arrested on suspicion of causing public disturbance, as well as assaulting police officers and other demonstrators.

      “Police officers acted to protect the health of those taking part in the protest, and enforced the wearing of masks on those who failed to do so. After police declared several times that the protest was over, some refused to leave the area, therefore obligating officers to disperse them and restore public order,” the statement read.

      The police added they “will work to allow each and every person to exercise their right to protest, but at the same time won’t allow any violation of public order.”

      Gonen Ben Yitzhak, an attorney for some of those arrested, said an investigations officer for the Jerusalem police refused to allow him to enter the station where those arrested were being held, and was unable to represent them.

      Police set up a buffer zone to separate the anti and pro-Netanyahu protesters. Confrontations also developed between the police Netanyahu’s supporters, with mounted police officers pushing back demonstrators who tried to enter the buffer zone.

      One counter-protester, Likud activist Boris Aplichuk, said the anti-Netanyahu protesters were “the pereprators of chaos, the perpetrators of anarchy and the destroyers of the State of Israel” and said the protests were funded by “a pedophile named Epstein,” referring to Jeffrey Epstein, whose links with former prime minister and Netanyahu opponent Ehud Barak have been highlighted by supporters of the prime minister.

      Aplichuk added that Barak and opposition politicians Yair Lapid and Avigdor Lieberman were behind the protests and that “they serve the Israeli deep state that has taken over our law enforcement system.”

      Left-wing activists said they have been attacked throughout the protest by members of extremist right-wing La Familia soccer fan club at Paris Square and nearby streets. Some said they were attacked while sitting at a coffee shop, with one saying his hand was cut by a glass bottle a La Familia member smashed at his direction.

      Left-wing activist and media adviser Ahiya Shatz who attended the protest told Haaretz he was also attacked by La Familia members. “There were four people from La Familia who yelled ’It’s a shame that Hitler didn’t finish the job,’ and ’You don’t deserve someone like Bibi, you deserve someone like Hitler.’ Then a bigger group approached me and I started filming them, pushed me and knocked my phone out of my hand.”

      Thursday’s protest is the sixth such demonstration in the last ten days. Further demonstrations are expected on Friday and Saturday. The protests started last month and as they grew and turned into marches on the center of the city, the police response also became increasingly forceful, with law enforcement deploying riot control units, as well as mounted units and water cannons.

      More than 100 people were arrested in the last week and a half, most of them released with restraining orders preventing them from returning to the area.

      Residents of the Rehavia neighborhood, where Balfour Street is situated, filed a petition with the High Court asking to prevent the demonstrations, saying it affected their quality of life, as well as their safety. They report constant noise from almost permanent encampments of anti- and pro-Netanyahu supporters, who sometimes engage in shouting matches in the middle of the night.

      Some of the petitioners met with Public Security Minister Amir Ohana on Wednesday, who is known as a staunch Netanyahu ally. The minister suggested to ban the protests altogether, while other security officials floated the idea of moving them to another location – but police said this could not be done.

      On Thursday, Ohana asked protests representatives to meet with him and residents of the neighborhood, but they all, apart from one, refused. Organizer Amir Haskel said Ohana “has nothing to do with it. We’ve already reached agreements with the police… so as not to disturb the residents, but Ohana has his mind made up to block the protest.”

      The so-called Black Flag group said Ohana “puts Israeli democracy in danger,” adding: “We won’t agree to meet with him, but send him home, just like Netanyahu.”

      Several groups are organizing attendance for the protests, which are mirrored by smaller gatherings in other cities and on bridges and junctions over major highways throughout the country.

      But they are largely decentralized and have spontaneously combusted into a mass movement, which has made law enforcement increasingly brazen in its attempt to gather information. Several people attending protests reported attempts by police officers to recruit them as informant in the last week.