Madonna shares post on Instagram of ‘Coronavirus cure‘ from Trump-favored ‘demon sex’ doctor, swiftly gets the platform’s red flag


  • Madonna shares post on Instagram of ‘Coronavirus cure‘ from Trump-favored ‘demon sex’ doctor, swiftly gets the platform’s red flag — RT USA News

    Totalement incompétent sur ces questions médicales pour lesquelles les avis sont manifestement très controversés, il me reste assez de recul sociologique pour trouver malgré tout incroyablement étonnant le déchaînement de passions autour de la « vérité médicale »...

    Instagram has labeled as misinformation a post by Madonna that featured controversial preacher/doctor Stella Immanuel. Apparently, there is something in common between the pop queen and Donald Trump after all.

    In her Tuesday night Instagram update, the hyperwoke pop star called Immanuel her hero and embraced her message of standing up to greedy corporations hiding an effective cure for Covid-19 from the frightened masses. “The Truth will set us all Free!” the post said.

    Madonna posted the video of Dr. Stella Immanuel, the physician who falsely stated that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for Covid-19 and that masks don’t help to reduce transmissionIn her caption, Madonna says the so-called “Demon Sperm” Doctor is her heroIG has flagged the post
    — Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) July 29, 2020

    Immanuel landed in the public limelight in the US after President Donald Trump and his supporters embraced her claims that antimalaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has proven to be an effective cure for coronavirus. Unfortunately for them, it goes against the current medical consensus, which has ruled out HCQ as Covid-19 treatment.

    While critics of the president had a field day discovering Dr Immanuel’s past opinions on how dreaming about having sex with demons may cause gynecological problems, social media platforms cracked down on her medical proposals.

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