Anthropologists Are Talking – About Capitalism, Ecology, and Apocalypse
The ‘Plantationocene’ is therefore for me a more productive concept than the ‘Capitalocene’, as coined by Moore and others (Moore 2016) even though it was at some point a nice alternative to the Anthropocene. Plantationocene is productive because it refers to a certain, historically specific, way of appropriating the land, namely an appropriation of land as if land was not there. The Plantationocene is a historical ‘de-soilization’ of the Earth. And it is striking how much analytical work is now needed to re-localise, to re-territorialise and re-earth, to ‘re-ground’, basically, practice. What is needed, I think, is an inversion of materialism. For capitalism was supposed to be purely materialist but suddenly we read in it a completely idealistic idea of what the world is made of.
#capitalisme #écologie #apocalypse #bruno_latour #isabelle_stengers #anna_tsing #plantationocene