Reprise de l’audience pour l’extradition d’Assange


  • Reprise de l’audience pour l’extradition d’Assange | Craig Murray

    Nous re-publions ici une traduction du compte-rendu fait par Craig Murray du premier jour de la reprise de l’audience en extradition vers les États-Unis du fondateur de Wikileaks. Craig Murray, ancien diplomate ayant lancé l’alerte sur les manigances criminelles de l’empire Britannique, a suivi l’affaire Assange de près et depuis bien longtemps. Il était parmi les 5 (!) membres du public autorisés à assister physiquement à l’audience. Source : Lundi matin

    • Your Man in the Public Gallery : Assange Hearing Day 13
      September 20, 2020 Craig Murray

      Friday gave us the most emotionally charged moments yet at the Assange hearing, showed that strange and sharp twists in the story are still arriving at the Old Bailey, and brought into sharp focus some questions about the handling and validity of evidence, which I will address in comment.


      The first witness of the day was Nicky Hager, the veteran New Zealand investigative journalist. Hager’s co-authored book “Hit and Run” detailed a disastrous New Zealand SAS raid in Afghanistan, “Operation Burnham”, that achieved nothing but the deaths of civilians, including a child. Hager was the object of much calumny and insult, and even of police raids on his home, but in July an official government report found that all the major facts of his book were correct, and the New Zealand military had run dangerously out of control:

      “Ministers were not able to exercise the democratic control of the military. The military do not exist for their own purpose, they are meant to be controlled by their minister who is accountable to Parliament.” (...)