Israel police quote fake post claiming protesters called to use tear gas against them - Israel News


  • Des dizaines de milliers de manifestants contre Netanyahu
    Les rassemblements de ce samedi soir dans tout le pays pourraient être les plus importants à ce jour
    Par Aaron Boxerman et Times of Israel Staff | 11 oct 2020, 12:24

    Des dizaines de milliers d’Israéliens ont manifesté contre le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu dans plus de 1 000 rassemblements respectant la distanciation sociale dans tout le pays samedi soir – le quatrième soirée de ce type depuis que le gouvernement a institué une interdiction des manifestations de masse dans le cadre du confinement national dû au coronavirus.

    Des affrontements ont été signalés à Tel Aviv entre les manifestants et la police alors que les autorités tentaient d’empêcher les militants de défiler dans les rues. La police a déclaré avoir arrêté huit manifestants à Tel Aviv et à Jérusalem.

    Les rassemblements de ce samedi soir auraient attiré les foules les plus importantes après des mois de manifestations appelant à la démission de Netanyahu pour ses accusations de corruption et sa mauvaise gestion présumée de la pandémie. (...)


    • ’You messed with the wrong generation’: Tens of thousands march against Netanyahu across Israel
      Noa Shpigel, Bar Peleg, Josh Breiner | Oct. 11, 2020 | 9:21 AM | 2

      Recent demonstrations have been characterized by violent incidents against protesters ■ Police disseminate fake news on protesters arming themselves ■ Four arrested in Tel Aviv and later released under minimal restrictions

      Tens of thousands of Israelis protested across the country in hundreds of locations on Saturday night against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the extension of “special emergency” measures, which allow the government to limit demonstrations as part of efforts to combat the coronavirus.

      Since the legislation curbing protests went into effect, demonstrators have regularly gathered within their one kilometer, in accordance with the coronavirus lockdown. These have continued even despite reports of police violence directed at protesters and arrests.

      Hundreds gathered at various junctions in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Pardes Hannah, where a protester was attacked last week. Dozens more were scattered along highways and bridges all over the country. In various cities people formed “human chains,” in compliance with social distance guidelines.

      One protester was arrested after undercover cops started pulling him while he was broadcasting a live video on Facebook. He tried to get away, not realizing they were police. (...)

    • Israel police quote fake post claiming protesters called to use tear gas against them
      Oct. 11, 2020 -

      The Israel police claimed on Saturday that anti-Netanyahu protesters were calling to use tear gas against the police at the demonstrations, basing their information on a false Facebook post shared by right-wing activists.