Dosing error turns into lucky punch for AstraZeneca and Oxford


  • Le vaccin Oxford-AstraZeneca serait plus efficace lorsque la dose de la première injection est 50% moins importante que la seconde.

    Mais pourquoi avoir donné la moitié de la dose ? Par erreur...

    Dosing error turns into lucky punch for AstraZeneca and Oxford | Article [AMP] | Reuters

    Around the time when Astra was initiating its partnership with Oxford at the end of April, university researchers were administering doses to trial participants in Britain.

    They soon noticed expected side effects such as fatigue, headaches or arm aches were milder than expected, he said.

    “So we went back and checked ... and we found out that they had underpredicted the dose of the vaccine by half,” said Pangalos.

    He added the company decided to continue with the half dose and administer the full dose booster shot at the scheduled time.