Why Radicle ? · docs


    • Des explications sur : https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/understanding-radicle/why-radicle
      En raccourci :
      But :

      In a world where nearly all software relies on open source code, maintaining the resilience and health of the free and open source ecosystem is more important than ever. That’s why we believe that dependence on centrally hosted platforms and corporations for the distribution of critical open source infrastructure is unsustainable. Reliance on such centralized services contradicts the values of the free and open source ecosystem and threatens its well-being.

      Principes :

      Designing by principles
      As we set out to build an alternative, we started by thinking about the values that we recognize as integral to free and open source code collaboration. With that said, we developed the following list of guiding principles:
      1. It must prioritize user freedom In the words of the free software movement
      2. It must be accessible and uncensorable
      3. It must be user-friendly
      4. It must be offline-first
      5. It must not compromise on security

      Fonctionnement :

      Radicle’s approach is meant to return to the protocol-first philosophy by focusing on building code collaboration primitives instead of user experiences, and to reject data collection and siloing by intermediaries. This is reflected in the decision to build on and extend git. Having it as the nexus of replication builds on its strengths and decentralized nature. Having issues, pull requests, comments, and reviews locally gives developers the tools to manage and design their workflows without locking them into a new “experience”. Despite any front-end interface that will be built (😉), Radicle exists foremost as an open protocol — not a platform.

      Pour le « comment ça marche » : https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/understanding-radicle/how-it-works

      #développement #collaboratif #protocole #github #gitlab #bazaar