How and why I stopped buying new laptops | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
How and why I stopped buying new laptops | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
J’ai le même depuis 2011. J’ai changé 3 fois de SSD. J’ai acheté un petit 12" d’occase pour mes (rares) déplacements.
Although capitalism could provide us with used laptops for decades to come, the strategy outlined above should be considered a hack, not an economical model. It’s a way to deal with or escape from an economic system that tries to force you and me to consume as much as possible. It’s an attempt to break that system, but it’s not a solution in itself.
The lighter the software, the longer our laptops will last, and we will need less energy to use and produce them.
#ordinateur #récupération #seconde_main #écologie #low-tech #obsolescence #énergie