Smartwatches can help detect COVID-19 days before symptoms appear


  • Smartwatches & Covid : Heart Rate Variability as an Early Detector for Inflammation

    “We already knew that heart rate variability markers change as inflammation develops in the body, and Covid is an incredibly inflammatory event,” Hirten told CBS MoneyWatch. “It allows us to predict that people are infected before they know it.”

    Individuals with COVID-19 experienced lower heart rate variability, or, in other words, little variation in time between heart beats, in contrast to COVID-negative individuals, the study found.
    Researchers used smartwatch data to identify nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 cases four to seven days before people showed symptoms, according to the study, published in Nature Biomedical Engineering in November. The study examined data from 32 people who tested positive for the virus from a pool of more than 5,000 participants.