Gender Gap in Wikimedia projects — Denelezh

  • Gender Gap in #Wikimedia projects

    Denelezh provides statistics about the gender gap in the content of Wikimedia projects.

    For example, as of September 21, 2020, only 18.6 % of biographies in the English Wikipedia are about women.

    Denelezh allows you to explore the gender gap by several dimensions:

    – Gender Gap by year of birth
    - Gender Gap by country of citizenship
    - Gender Gap by occupation
    – Gender Gap by Wikimedia project

    You can mix these four dimensions, for example to gather data about the biographies in the German Wikipedia about French politicians born in the 19th century.

    Last but not least, Denelezh allows you to track the evolution of gender gap in Wikimedia projects since the beginning of 2017.

    You can learn more about Denelezh and how it works by reading its documentation.

    #gender_gap #wikipedia #femmes #genre #inégalités #wiki #statistiques #chiffres