Sterling Seagrave Books


  • Quand les États Unis récupèrent les dechets des victimes de l’expérimentation humaine conduite par les Mengele japonais

    L’intérêt principal du livre des Seagrave consiste dans le récit de la récupération par les États Unis de l’énorme trésor amassé par le Japon pendant le pillage systématique de 32 nations asiatiques entre 1937 et 1945. Sterling et Peggy Seagrave ont pourtant investi une grande partie de leur propre temps et de celui de leurs collaborateurs dans la documentation de la préparation et la mise en pratique systématique du pillage préparé par la cour impériale japonaise depuis les anees 1920.

    L’histoire de l’unité 731 ne prend pas beaucoup de place dans le livre même mais il ont publié d’importants documents relatifs à cet aspect dans les CDs contenant tous les documents ayant servi de base aux affirmations dans le livre. Ces documents digitaux sont malheureusement hors de vente aujourd’hui.

    Voici les extraits du livre qui parlent de l’unité 731



    Manchuria also became the main proving ground for Japan’s biological warfare program, called simply Unit 731. Headquartered at Ping Fan, outside Harbin, it was headed by Colonel Ishii Shiro , a 1920 graduate of Kyoto University, who persuaded the high command to let him develop chemical and biological weapons, and test them on Chinese in Manchuria. Pu Yi said he learned that his subjects were being enslaved by the Japanese to build these installations, then were poisoned to keep the locations secret. Later, during the Pacific War, other labs were set up in Peking, Canton, and Singapore, experimenting on Allied POWs and civilian prisoners. Emperor Hirohito was briefed about it in detail during at least one recorded meeting with Colonel Ishii. The emperor’s brothers toured Ping Fan to observe experiments. Prince Mikasa , Hirohito’s youngest brother, revealed after the war that he had seen films in which “large numbers of Chinese prisoners of war…were made to march on the Manchurian plain for poison gas experiments on live subjects”. Others, he said, were “tied to posts in a wide field [and] gassed and shot. It was a horrible scene that could only be termed a massacre.”


    Marquat was supposed to dissolve the banks and conglomerates that financed Japan’s war and profited from it. Despite purely cosmetic changes and the break-up and sale of several small conglomerates, the biggest war profiteers were let off without even a slap on the wrist. General Marquat was also in charge of closing down and punishing Japan’s biological and chemical warfare service, Unit 731. Instead, the U.S. Government secretly absorbed Unit 731, moving most of its scientists, personnel, and documents to U.S. military research centers like Fort Dietrich in the Maryland countryside . All information about its activities, including biological warfare atrocities, and horrific experiments on fully conscious victims, was withheld by Washington from the American and Japanese public, and from the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals. All Unit 731’s records held by the U.S. Government are still top secret.

    Bribes from the Keenan Fund also were used to prevent testimony about Japan’s biological and chemical warfare program, and the vast scale of looting carried out by the imperial family’s Golden Lily operation. We now know that the U.S. Government and other Allied governments browbeat POWs when they were liberated from Japanese slave labor camps. They were bullied into signing secrecy oaths before they were allowed to go home, forced to swear that they would not reveal anything they knew about war looting or about the chemical and biological weapons testing of Unit 731. Even men who had been victims of Japanese medical experiments were forced to take this oath. At the time, they were told it was their patriotic duty to remain silent. Today they are realizing that they were victimized by their own governments, which were less interested in justice than in staying in power, and preparing for the coming Cold War.

    Gold, Hal. Unit 731 Testimony. Tokyo: Yenbooks, 1996.

    CHAPTER TWO annotations
    Pu Yi learned about Unit 731 installations. Pu Yi, Emperor to Citizen, Vol. Two, p. 289.

    CHAPTER EIGHT - annotations
    Unit 731 Information on Japan’s medical experiments and biological warfare programs was withheld from the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals. Casesse and Roling, The Tokyo Trials and Beyond. For a comprehensive treatment of the subject, see Harris, Factories of Death. Unit 731 records are part of those to be reviewed for release under the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act

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