No Long-term CV Impact With Mild COVID-19, Two New Studies Reassure


  • No Long-term CV Impact With Mild #COVID-19, Two New Studies Reassure

    Mild cases of COVID-19 that do not require hospitalization are unlikely to have any lasting cardiovascular effect on otherwise healthy individuals, a study of British healthcare workers suggests. Published the same week, the latest in a series of analyses looking at college athletes who recovered from mild COVID also found no evidence of cardiac damage on imaging.

    Sources :

    Joy G, Artico J, Kurdi H, et al. Prospective case-control study of cardiovascular abnormalities 6 months following mild COVID-19 in healthcare workers. J Am Coll Cardiol Img. 2021;Epub ahead of print.

    Berry C, Mangion K. Cardiovascular complications are very uncommon in healthcare workers with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection. J Am Coll Cardiol Img. 2021;Epub ahead of print.

    Hendrickson BS, Stephens RE, Chang JV, et al. Cardiovascular evaluation after COVID-19 in 137 collegiate athletes: results of an algorithm-guided screening. Circulation. 2021;143:1926-1928.


    Reste à savoir ce qu’il se passe chez ceux qui ont eu une atteinte du myocarde pendant l’infection.