Men Contribute More Climate Emissions Than Women, Study Shows


  • Comportement automobile, vente à emporter, alcool... Une étude montre que les hommes suédois ont un impact environnemental supérieur à celui des femmes (anglais)
    A new Swedish study, which was published in the Journal for Industrial Ecology, revealed that single men spent 16 percent more money on pollutive activities than single women. These findings, which were solely based on economic data, showed that men invested more in higher impact endeavors — like car travel, takeout, and alcohol. Women, on the other hand, spent more of their money on lower impact expenditures, such as: home décor, healthcare and clothing.
    (Je pense que la même étude en France et partout montrerait les mêmes résultats, les hommes ayant peu ou prou les mêmes comportements partout ;(