The Coronavirus Variants Don’t Seem to Be Highly Variable So Far


  • #SARS-CoV-2 #Variants and Vaccines | NEJM

    Given the emergence of immunity-evading variants even before vaccines were broadly deployed, it is hard to implicate vaccines or vaccine deployment strategies as the major drivers of immune evasion.

    However, prolonged viral replication in the presence of partial immunity in immunocompromised persons or circumstances in which rapid transmission of high titers of virus occurs (e.g., crowded living conditions23) could have contributed to the development of variants that can at least partially escape human immune responses. The use of antibody-based treatments (e.g., monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma) in circumstances in which they are of limited or undemonstrated efficacy may further contribute to the evolution of variants of concern that could evade not only these but also other antibody responses.24 Partially effective interventions may therefore encourage viral evolution. In addition, the larger the number of infected persons, the greater the chance that new variants of concern will arise. Hence, effective public health strategies such as social distancing, the use of masks, and the targeted use of effective vaccines that reduce both infection and transmission can help to limit viral evolution. Limiting transmission in the general population is extremely important for slowing the emergence of additional variants of concern.


    So far, there is no good evidence that currently identified variants of concern evade the most important vaccine effect — that of prevention of severe disease. describes key properties of and mutations in five selected variants. The fact that a few key amino acids in the spike protein have changed independently in variants identified in various parts of the world indicates that these are convergent changes and suggests that vaccines that incorporate these selected residues could cover several variants.
