• هذا ما حصل قبل “سُقوط حمص”.. روسيا نقلت 62 ضابطًا سُوريًّا رفيعًا إلى موسكو مُباشرة بعد معركة حلب.. هل تم ترحيل ماهر الأسد عبر شمال العراق؟.. تفاصيل وأسرار: الجيش تُرك لـ”صغار الضبّاط” وصيغة إعادة التموقع مهّدت لـ”فرار العسكر” بصُورةٍ جماعية | رأي اليوم

    Exclusif de Rai al-yom (?) Dès la chute d’Alep, les Russes auraient exfiltrés une soixantaine de hauts gradés syriens...

    هذا ما حصل قبل “سُقوط حمص”.. روسيا نقلت 62 ضابطًا سُوريًّا رفيعًا إلى موسكو مُباشرة بعد معركة حلب.. هل تم ترحيل ماهر الأسد عبر شمال العراق؟.. تفاصيل وأسرار: الجيش تُرك لـ”صغار الضبّاط” وصيغة إعادة التموقع مهّدت لـ”فرار العسكر” بصُورةٍ جماعية

    • 25 ans plus tôt, ils auraient pu exfiltrer un de leur formateur, Aloïs Brunner. Ç’aurait été rigolo et moins coûteux pour les Syriens.

      Mais oui, l’armée syrienne en pleine débandade, c’est non seulement après avoir perdu depuis un moment l’essentiel des miliciens du Hezbollah, mais aussi, très rapidement, l’appui militaire russe. On en est maintenant à découvrir qui était dans les bagages.
      Dès le début de l’offensive du HTS, l’aviation russe est aussi peu intervenue que lors des attaques aériennes israéliennes en Syrie durant les années antérieures. Deal tacite là aussi, le HTS a été traité en puissance, à l’image d’Israël (pour ce qui est de ne pas casser les attaques israéliennes en Syrie, cela ne date pas de la nouvelle phase de la guerre menée en Ukraine).

  • Netanyahu extends ’hand of peace’ to Syrians as Israeli jets strike Damascus

    “This is a historic day for the Middle East. The collapse of the Assad regime, the tyranny in Damascus, offers great opportunity but also is fraught with significant dangers,” Netanyahu said.

    “We send a hand of peace to all those beyond our border in Syria: to the Druze, to the Kurds, to the Christians, and to the Muslims who want to live in peace with Israel,” he added.

    The comments came after Israel deployed tanks and troops to occupy the UN-monitored buffer zone in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights – also pushing into and occupying the unoccupied part of Mount Hermon.

    Throughout Sunday afternoon, Israeli jets launched heavy air raids across the capital, Damascus, and other sites across Syria – targeting Syrian army sites, intelligence infrastructure, and weapons depots.

    Dozens of Israeli airstrikes hit the Mazzeh Military Airport along with customs and intelligence buildings, the security square, the scientific research facility in Damascus, and defense laboratories.

  • A surprise assault on Syria, but can it last ?

    Bonne synthèse sur ce qui se passe dans le nrd de la Syrie (où la désinformation règne dans la plupart des articles).

    A surprise assault on Syria, but can it last?

    The wave of enemy destabilization ploys jumped from Lebanon to Syria this week, with a swarm of foreign-backed extremists breaking into Aleppo. Israel warned that Syria was next, but can the militants do today what they couldn’t achieve for almost a decade?

  • KSA abandons US defense pact over Palestinian statehood ’stalemate’: Report

    Saudi Arabia has “abandoned its pursuit” for a defense treaty with the US in exchange for normalization with Israel and is now seeking a “more modest” agreement, Reuters cited two Saudi and four western officials as saying on 29 November.

    The sources said Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman (MbS) has doubled down on the condition that normalization with Israel must depend on Tel Aviv’s commitment to work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, in line with the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.

    “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still eager to secure normalization with the Saudi powerhouse as a historic milestone and a sign of broader acceptance in the Arab world,” the sources added.

    But the Israeli premier knows any step towards a two-state solution would break apart his ruling coalition, they said.

    As a result of the Saudi and Israeli positions, “Riyadh and Washington hope a more modest defense pact could be sealed before President Joe Biden leaves the White House in January,” according to the Saudi and western sources.

  • US mercenary firms compete for ’huge contracts’ to control security in north Gaza: Report

    Israel is examining the launch of a “pilot program” that could see US private security firms replace the army in northern Gaza to “accompany food and medicine convoys” for Palestinians who remain in the devastated region, according to a report by Israeli daily Globes.

    Among the top competitors for the multi-million dollar contract are Constellis, the direct successor to infamous mercenary company Blackwater, and Orbis, a little-known South Carolina company run by former generals that has worked with the Pentagon for 20 years.

    Officials say the pilot program for north Gaza aims to “prevent Hamas or other gangs from taking over the aid trucks and free the IDF soldiers from the dangerous mission.”

    In recent weeks, Gaza’s interior ministry established a new police force to deal with groups of bandits and gangs that have been raiding humanitarian aid shipments and blackmailing international organizations in the southern Gaza Strip.

    The UN has said these gangs are likely “benefiting from a passive if not active benevolence” or “protection” from the Israeli army.

    In October, a third US security firm – Global Delivery Company (GDC) – which describes itself as “Uber for warzones" – claimed to be working with another firm to create and manage “humanitarian bubbles” in Gaza.

    GDC is run by Mordechai Kahane, an Israeli businessman who worked with Israeli intelligence during the war on Syria to arm extremist groups seeking to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Although no official figure exists about the size of the contracts being offered by Tel Aviv for these mercenary firms, Globes cites Lt. Col. Yochanan Zoraf, a researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and former advisor on Arab affairs in the Israeli army, as saying the figure will likely reach “billions of shekels per year.”

    “These are not companies that will manage the daily lives of the residents,” Zoraf claims, adding that “peripheral responsibility for the defense of [north Gaza] as well as the civil responsibility itself” falls at Israel’s feet.

    The former army officer also says Tel Aviv will likely “ask that the US – or an outside party – finance the program.”

    On Tuesday, Israel Hayom reported that the pilot program has yet to receive approval from the security cabinet “due to legal difficulties in defining the occupation” based on international law.

    “In order to circumvent the legal obstacles, the security services are examining bringing in external funding from humanitarian aid organizations or foreign countries for the [mercenary firms], which costs tens of millions of dollars to operate,” the report adds.

  • Mandat d’arrêt de la CPI contre Netanyahou : Barrot évoque des « questions d’immunité » pour « certains dirigeants »

    Après avoir affirmé qu’elle respecterait la décision de la CPI concernant les mandats d’arrêt internationaux contre les deux dirigeants israéliens, Benyamin Netanyahou et Yoav Gallant, la France semble prendre quelques distances.

    Le chef de la diplomatie française Jean-Noël Barrot, interrogé mercredi sur la possibilité d’une arrestation en France du premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahou, visé par un mandat d’arrêt de la Cour Pénale internationale (CPI), a évoqué de possibles « questions d’immunité » pour « certains dirigeants » prévues par le traité de Rome. « La France est très attachée à la justice internationale et appliquera le droit international, qui repose sur ses obligations à coopérer avec la CPI », a déclaré M. Barrot sur franceinfoTV, tout en soulignant que le statut de la cour « traite des questions d’immunité sur certains dirigeants ». « C’est en dernier ressort à l’autorité judiciaire qu’il appartiendra de se prononcer », a-t-il ajouté. Un article du Statut de Rome instituant la CPI aborde la question de l’immunité de dirigeants de pays ne reconnaissant pas la cour, mais reste ouvert à diverses interprétations.

    • Netanyahu asked Macron to block ICC arrest warrant enforcement in phone call: Report
      November 26, 2024 at 8:45 pm

      Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, reportedly spoke with French President, Emmanuel Macron, over the phone, requesting that the Paris government not enforce the arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC), Anadolu Agency reports.

      According to a report by RMC radio, Macron and Netanyahu discussed the ICC’s arrest warrant in a phone call held last week.

      During the call, Netanyahu reportedly expressed his anger and asked France not to enforce the Court’s decision.

      While Macron has not made an official statement on the matter, information obtained by RMC from various sources suggests that Macron told Netanyahu during the conversation that France would uphold international law and noted that judges could grant immunity to heads of state.

      On 21 November, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his former Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

      French Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, in remarks made today during a session in parliament, said that France would fulfil its obligations under international law with regard to the ICC’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu.

    • Le communiqué du Quai d’Orsay est encore pire :

      La France respectera ses obligations internationales, étant entendu que le Statut de Rome exige une pleine coopération avec la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) et prévoit également qu’un État ne peut être tenu d’agir d’une manière incompatible avec ses obligations en vertu du droit international en ce qui concerne les immunités des États non parties à la CPI. De telles immunités s’appliquent au Premier ministre Netanyahou et aux autres ministres concernés et devront être prises en considération si la CPI devait nous demander leur arrestation et remise.

      Conformément à l’amitié historique qui lie la France à Israël, deux démocraties attachées à l’État de droit et au respect d’une justice professionnelle et indépendante, la France entend continuer à travailler en étroite collaboration avec le Premier ministre Netanyahou et les autres autorités israéliennes pour parvenir à la paix et à la sécurité pour tous au Moyen-Orient.

      Sérieusement, il était indispensable de préciser que, outre la question de l’immunité supposée de Gallant et Netanyahu, « la France entend continuer à travailler en étroite collaboration » avec un individu qui a un mandat d’arrêt international au fesses pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité ?

    • Pour Poutine, la question de l’immunité ne se pose effectivement pas : Lutte contre l’impunité - Émission de mandats d’arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale contre Vladimir Poutine et Maria Lvova-Belova (17 mars 2023)

      La France prend note de l’émission par la Cour pénale internationale de mandats d’arrêt contre Vladimir Poutine, Président de la Fédération de Russie et Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissaire russe pour les droits de l’enfant.

      La Cour estime qu’il existe suffisamment d’éléments pour établir leur implication dans la déportation et le transfert d’enfants ukrainiens.

      La Cour, qui a ouvert son enquête le 2 mars dernier à la demande d’une quarantaine d’États, dont l’ensemble des États membres de l’Union Européenne sous présidence française de l’UE, agit en toute indépendance. Elle estime que ces actes constituent des crimes de guerre et ne peuvent à ce titre rester impunis.

      Fidèle à son engagement de longue date pour lutter contre l’impunité, la France continuera d’apporter son appui à l’indispensable travail de la justice internationale pour assurer que les responsables de tous les crimes commis en Ukraine rendent des comptes. Elle apporte son plein soutien à la CPI, ainsi qu’aux juridictions ukrainiennes qui concourent à cet objectif.

    • Et donc, soudainement, la France s’aligne glorieusement sur la Chine (qui n’est pas signataire du traité de Rome) :

      L’article 27 du Statut de Rome prévoit que les immunités ou la qualité officielle ne peuvent exonérer un individu de sa responsabilité individuelle au regard du Statut de Rome ni empêcher la CPI d’exercer sa juridiction à son égard. L’article 98 du même Statut prévoit toutefois que la Cour ne peut contraindre un État à agir à l’encontre de ses obligations en vertu du droit international en matière d’immunités. Selon la Chine, la CPI doit établir un équilibre entre ces deux dispositions. La question devrait, selon la délégation chinoise, être soumise à la Cour internationale de Justice en vue d’obtenir un avis consultatif.

      Note tout de même : le recours à 98-1 pour ne pas arrêter un individu recherché par la CPI n’est pas l’apanage de la Chine et ce n’est pas rare. L’Afrique du Sud l’a invoqué pour ne pas arrêter Omar el-Bechir.

    • Pour la doc, l’article en question est l’article 98-1 :

      Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale Art. 98(1)
      Article 98 Coopération en relation avec la renonciation à l’immunité et le consentement à la remise

      1. La Cour ne peut poursuivre l’exécution d’une demande de remise ou d’assistance qui contraindrait l’État requis à agir de façon incompatible avec les obligations qui lui incombent en droit international en matière d’immunité des États ou d’immunité diplomatique d’une personne ou de biens d’un État tiers, à moins d’obtenir au préalable la coopération de cet État tiers en vue de la levée de l’immunité.

    • Après, ce pseudo-légalisme n’a pas vraiment d’intérêt : Gallant n’est de toute façon plus ministre (donc je ne vois pas de quelle immunité on pourrait se prévaloir pour ne pas l’arrêter), Netanyahu ne devrait pas rester Premier ministre à vie et de toute façon, il n’y a aucun risque que ces gens se déplacent dans des pays où on leur annoncerait qu’ils vont être arrêtés.

      C’est donc une posture politique, et elle est bien dégueulasse, qui consiste à être le seul pays occidental à soudainement soulever l’article 98-1, et à pondre un communiqué qui se fait un devoir de rappeler l’« amitié historique » avec un pays poursuivi pour génocide, et annoncer qu’on est impatient de « continuer à collaborer » avec le monsieur qui a un mandat d’arrêt pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité pour assurer « la paix et la stabilité »…

      Quand des pays signataires du Statut de Rome n’arrêtent pas Poutine ou el-Béchir, ce n’est pas pour un problème de légalisme, c’est avant tout parce que, politiquement, ils ont décidé de les inviter sur leur territoire, et incidemment de ne pas appliquer le mandat d’arrêt de la CPI.

    • merci @arno pour ces commentaires vigilants.
      Je me réjouis quand même que notre pays soit une démocratie attachée à l’Etat de droit et à une justice professionnelle. Tous les pays ne peuvent pas en dire autant. Quand on pense que les Américains ont élu un gars qui, potentiellement, allait être déclaré inéligible, voire envoyé en prison, et qui avait inspiré un coup d’Etat. Ne tombons pas si bas.

    • נתניהו החליט לזרוק את צרפת מההסכם - ואז הגיע הדיל של מקרון

      בעקבות המסר, הופעל לחץ כבד על ישראל בכל זאת להסכים כי צרפת תהיה חלק מההסדר ומהוועדה המפקחת. נטען כי אחרת - כל ההסכם ייפתח מחדש והלבנונים יפוצצו את המגעים בישורת האחרונה כי הם עמדו על כך שצרפת תהיה חלק מההסכם. ישראל סירבה - ובשלב הזה החלו מגעים קדחתניים במאמץ לגשר על הפערים, במסגרתם צרפת הסכימה לרכך את עמדתה בנושא אכיפת הצווים, דבר שיש לו חשיבות והשלכות רוחב - ובעקבות כך ישראל הסכימה להשאיר את צרפת בתוך ההסדר.

    • Dans le même sens t
      (trouvé dans le commentaire d’Yves Smith, intéressant comme toujours ):
      Muhammad Shehada sur X : “Turns out France did NOT give Netanyahu ICC immunity in return for getting a ceasefire in Lebanon. The ceasefire was going to happen anyways, but France gifted Netanyahu the immunity from the arrest warrant in return for giving France credit for the ceasefire deal!” / X

      ❝Turns out France did NOT give Netanyahu ICC immunity in return for getting a ceasefire in Lebanon.

      The ceasefire was going to happen anyways, but France gifted Netanyahu the immunity from the arrest warrant in return for giving France credit for the ceasefire deal!

    • Le journal de 19 heures heure française de RFI confirme l’article en hébreu posté par @arno ; c’est Joseph Bahout qui affirme qu’il s’est bien agi d’un marchandage entre Macron et le criminel génocidaire sioniste : la France est acceptée comme membre du comité chargé de superviser l’application de l’accord si et seulement si elle accorde l’immunité au criminel génocidaire sioniste.

      Bahout disait que du point de vue du droit international cela n’avait aucune valeur.

    • c’est hallucinant !
      si l’info est avérée, non seulement, « la France » (en tous cas, son gouvernement et son président) sont des complices avérés du génocide et des protecteurs actifs des génocidaires mais, en plus, adopte un comportement de donnant-donnant typiquement mafieux pour bénéficier d’un effet d’image (la comm’ !) dans le but d’élever son statut international (et celui de son chef) !

      c’est monstrueux !

    • Déjà posté par @sombre

      Craig Mokhiber sur X :

      No, France, you are not permitted to grant immunity to the Israeli perpetrators. Rome Art. 27 denies such immunity, and Art. 98 grants you no such exception. Its purpose is to protect ordinary obligations, such as those applying to diplomatic premises or pre-existing status of forces agreements. The Netanyahu & Gallant warrants relate to jus cogens & erga omnes rules that are higher (the highest) obligations, and in a situation where the criminal conduct is ongoing, triggering higher duties on your part. You are bound, as well, under the Genocide Convention and the provisional orders of the ICJ. And the UN has long rejected the granting of impunity agreements in peace negotiations. Your deal with the devil will not hold.

    • Thread très éclairant de Johann Soufi :

      11. En Sept. 2024, la Mongolie n’a pas arrêté Poutine, qui faisait pourtant l’objet d’un mandat d’arrêt de la CPI.

      Le 24 Octobre, la Chambre préliminaire a rendu une décision constatant la violation par la Mongolie de ses obligation de coopérer avec la CPI.

      12. La Cour a notamment jugé que « l’immunité personnelle des représentants officiels, y compris les chefs d’États tiers, n’est pas opposable dans les procédures de la Cour ». CQFD.

      Ce qui est valable pour la Mongolie l’est pour la France.

      13. Prenant acte de la violation par la Mongolie de ses obligations, la Chambre a renvoyé la question devant l’Assemblée des États parties, qui se réunit chaque année. L’AEP décidera des mesures à prendre (ou pas). 👀

      14. Bref, la jurisprudence récente de la Cour est claire : la France doit coopérer avec la CPI, ce qui signifie, entre autres, qu’elle est tenue d’arrêter le premier ministre israélien s’il entre sur son territoire. 🛬🚔


      The French government announced on 27 November that it will not comply with the arrest warrants issued against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by the International Criminal Court (ICC) last week.

      France’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “Such immunities apply to Prime Minister Netanyahu and other relevant ministers and will need to be taken into consideration should the ICC request their arrest and surrender.”

      By that, Paris affirmed its commitment to international law but said that Netanyahu is covered by immunity regulations that apply to governments that are not party to the ICC, such as Israel and the US.

      The statement came a day after Italy said there were “many doubts” about the ICC arrest warrants.

      “Netanyahu would never go to a country where he can be arrested. The arrest of Netanyahu is unfeasible, at least as long as he is prime minister,” Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on 26 November at a press conference following a two-day G7 foreign ministers meeting hosted by Rome. The G7 countries failed to reach a common position on the issue.

      The matter has triggered disputes within Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government. Italy’s Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said Rome would have to arrest Netanyahu if he entered Italy, while the leader of the League party in Meloni’s coalition, Matteo Salvini, said the Israeli premier would be welcome.

      Austria has criticized the ICC for its decision. The German government has also rejected the warrants, as has – most prominently – Washington

    • Jean-Noël Barrot s’inscrit dans le « en même temps » si cher à la macronie. Yaël Braun-Pivet t’explique que avant le carnage, sa phrase ne voulait pas dire son soutien inconditionnel à Israël.
      Pour Yaël, ce n’est pas ne me faite pas dire ce que je n’ai pas dit mais vous m’avez mal comprise. Ça manquait d’explication car voyez vous madame la présidente de l’assemblée nazionale a la pensée complexe et le peuple français est un peuple réfractaire. En somme, pour la macronie, des gros cons.

      « Lorsque j’ai apporté mon soutien inconditionnel à Israël, Israël n’avait pas riposté. Maintenant, la situation a considérablement évolué, et ce que nous voyons est absolument dramatique. »

      La présidente de l’Assemblée nationale va-t-elle ensuite démentir son démenti de ses déclarations ? Impossible n’est pas macroniste !

    • À défaut d’esprits humains au point et mobilisés sur ces sujets, voilà ce que pourrait être une bonne application de la technologie numérique : répertorier toutes les déclarations des politiciens et des personnes publiques, et facilement rechercher et ressortir ces mots, ces phrases, ces tournures pour connaître la vérité.
      Enfin, identifier les zones d’ombres des déclarations pour savoir qui soutient qui.

    • Raji Sourani. @RajiSourani | 5:45 PM · 27 nov. 2024
      Raji Sourani is a Palestinian lawyer, based in the Gaza Strip and Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights ( @pchrgaza )

      1)The statement issued by the French Foreign Ministry today saying that certain leaders could have immunity from the ICC arrest warrants is a big shame and constitutes a stark violation of France’s legal obligations under the Rome Statute.

      2) Whoever defends genocidaires and grants them immunity after the arrest warrants have been issued the ICC against Israeli leaders is inviting the rule of jungle and destroying the rule of law. Double standards and selectivity must not have a place in international justice.

      3) Instead of ending the atrocities and the ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza, the French government is providing the legal cover for those who killed and injured over 120,000 Palestinians, displaced and starved the whole population, and brought the entire Strip on the ground.

      4) It seems that 14 months of ongoing live-streamed genocide are not sufficient for some western governments to look at Palestinians as equal human beings deserving of justice and human rights.

    • France Got a Cease-fire in Lebanon – but Did It Give Netanyahu a ’Get Out of Jail Free’ Card?
      This cease-fire deal in Lebanon, Israelis realize, is about much more than the war against Hezbollah
      Amir Tibon | Nov 27, 2024 8:31 pm IST

      The statement published by the French Foreign Ministry on Wednesday morning, just hours after a cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah went into effect, was supposedly independent and detached from that earlier development.

      It was a legalistic statement in which the words “Lebanon,” "cease-fire" or “war” were not mentioned once. Instead, its sole focus was on last week’s International Criminal Court decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

      But, as is often the case in international diplomacy, timing is everything – and the timing of the French statement sent an unmistakable signal. On the same day Netanyahu agreed to end Israel’s war in Lebanon, the French government gave him a huge reward by saying it will not necessarily enforce the ICC’s arrest warrant against him.

      This contradicted the initial French reaction to the ICC’s decision less than a week ago. Last Thursday, France emphasized its commitment to the court’s rulings as a proud member of the Rome Statute.

      The French government has a very simple explanation for this, one that is very different to the media narrative but also somewhat difficult to accept. According to this semi-official version, France simply tried to reflect in the statement its internal deliberations about how to handle the ICC arrest warrants, and the language in the Foreign Ministry statement was similar to what President Emmanuel Macron told Netanyahu over the phone last week.

      If Netanyahu, according to this analysis, were to travel to France, the decision about whether to arrest him would be in the hands of French judges, not politicians, and they would have to take into consideration the different, contradictory information included in the statement.
      Still, it would take a great deal of naivete to believe it was merely a coincidence that once the Lebanon cease-fire was completed, the experts at Quai d’Orsay suddenly discovered that as the elected leader of a state that doesn’t recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction, Netanyahu potentially enjoys immunity and therefore will not be arrested if he chooses to spend a future weekend in Paris.

      Officially, the French government did not admit to any quid pro quo in its decision. On the Israeli side, though, there was an attempt to spin the news as a victory for Netanyahu. The French government, according to the prime minister’s circle, agreed to publish this statement only in light of an Israeli ultimatum and a threat to otherwise leave France out of the cease-fire negotiations process and mechanism.

      This spin, like everything else emanating from Netanyahu’s direction, should be taken with a huge grain of salt. A likelier explanation is that France offered this as a sweetener, knowing that Netanyahu often places his personal interests above those of the state. Furthermore, even if a majority of Israelis – especially those living along the Lebanese border – are unhappy with the terms of the cease-fire, the prime minister would find it impossible to turn down a deal that included a European “get out of jail free” card.

      The French announcement will surely influence the next government in Germany, most likely led by the conservative Christian Democrats: There is no way Berlin will take a tougher line toward Israel than its western neighbor. The United Kingdom and Italy, two other countries that have expressed their commitment to the ICC arrest warrants, won’t stand alone against U.S. pressure on this issue once Donald Trump enters the White House.

      The implications, as Haaretz wrote earlier this week, will be felt far beyond Israel. If Netanyahu enjoys immunity because he is the leader of a country that rejects the ICC’s mandate, the same logic applies to Vladimir Putin – who has been facing an arrest warrant since March 2023. Russia, it should be noted, was also involved in the Lebanon cease-fire negotiations, although in a less public and significant role than the United States or France.

      Netanyahu told Israelis on Tuesday that Israel could renew the war in Lebanon at any moment if it found reason to do so. That notion was ridiculed even in media outlets considered loyal and supportive of him. The French announcement on Wednesday was the final nail in the coffin of that argument. This deal, Israelis realize, is about much more than the war against Hezbollah.

    • La France sait maintenant ce qu’il en est :

      Non-exécution du mandat d’arrêt de Poutine | La CPI rejette l’appel de la Mongolie | La Presse

      (La Haye) La Cour pénale internationale a rejeté vendredi la demande de la Mongolie de faire appel de son renvoi devant l’assemblée des États parties concernant sa non-exécution du mandat d’arrêt contre le président russe Vladimir Poutine lors d’une visite.

  • At least 36 killed in Israeli attack on Syria’s Palmyra: State media | Israel attacks Lebanon News | Al Jazeera

    At least 36 people have been killed and 50 wounded in an Israeli attack that hit residential buildings in the Syrian city of Palmyra, Syrian state media report.

    The air attack was launched from the direction of al-Tanf in eastern Syria and caused “significant material damage”, Syria’s Ministry of Defence said in a statement on Wednesday that was quoted by the state news agency SANA. Al-Tanf is an area near the Iraqi border controlled by the United States.

  • UNRWA sur X :

    A joint 109-truck @UN convoy carrying food supplies to people in #Gaza was violently looted on 16 November. The vast majority of the trucks, 97 in total, were lost and drivers were forced at gunpoint to unload aid.

    Due to critical shortages of flour, all eight UN-supported bakeries in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis have been operating at diminished capacity for weeks. Many have been forced to shut down entirely.

    Without immediate intervention, severe food shortages are set to worsen, further endangering the lives of over 2 million people who depend on humanitarian aid to survive.

    The Israeli authorities continue to disregard their legal obligations under international law to ensure the population’s basic needs are met and to facilitate the safe delivery of aid. Such responsibilities continue when trucks enter the #GazaStrip, until people are reached with essential assistance.

    #génocide #gaza

    • Le ministère de l’Intérieur du Hamas annonce [avoir tué] au moins 20 pilleurs d’aide - L’Orient-Le Jour

      Le ministère de l’Intérieur du gouvernement du Hamas pour la bande de Gaza a annoncé lundi qu’au moins 20 personnes avaient été tuées dans une opération contre des pilleurs d’aide destinée au territoire palestinien en proie à une crise humanitaire après plus d’un an de guerre.

      « Plus de 20 personnes membres de bandes de pillards de camions humanitaires ont été tuées dans une opération menée par les services de sécurité » en coopération avec des membres de clans locaux du territoire côtier palestinien, a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué.


      The government in the Gaza Strip recently set up a new police force tasked with “maintaining security,” particularly to deal with gangs that have been given a “free hand” by Israel, Palestinian sources told the Arabi21 outlet on 18 November.

      The “special police force,” named the Arrow Unit, has been tasked by the Interior Ministry in Gaza “with maintaining security in the strip and monitoring prices in the markets, in an attempt to alleviate the chaos caused by the occupation,” the sources said.

      The new force is made up of elements from Gaza’s police and security forces, as well as volunteers, the sources went on to say, adding that it was necessary to form such a unit to deal with “gangs” and “thieves” who have been given a “free hand” by Israel “to tamper with the security and livelihood of citizens.”

      “The force moves to maintain security on the main roads, especially those through which aid from international organizations and commercial trucks loaded with goods pass, and secures their arrival to the designated warehouses in preparation for their distribution to those entitled to aid,” they said.

      The Arrow Unit has been helping regulate prices in the strip’s local markets.

      Another source cited by Arabi21 says the unit has been working undercover, with its members dressing in civilian clothing; it uses light weapons and has recently helped secure the passage of aid trucks to both northern and southern Gaza.

      According to the report, the unit also “dealt with” groups of bandits and gangs who steal aid before it reaches international relief organizations operating in the Gaza Strip.

    • Muhammad Shehada sur X : “🚨Israel is aiding ISIS-linked terrorists & criminals to sow chaos & famine in Gaza: Shadi al-Sofi, a wanted murderer & son of an informant/collaborator with Israel, & Yasser abu Shabab, a drug dealer, are the main warlords responsible for looting most aid under IDF protection.” / X

      Israel is aiding ISIS-linked terrorists & criminals to sow chaos & famine in Gaza:

  • Short on troops, Israel turns to mercenaries

    Facing increasing domestic pressure to reveal the true extent of their military losses in Gaza and Lebanon, Israeli officials have released figures that are likely to only reveal minimal numbers. The data claims that since the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October 2023, around 12,000 soldiers and officers have been injured or forced into rehabilitation under the occupation state’s Ministry of Defense.

    This includes 910 wounded during what Israel calls a “limited ground maneuver” launched by Tel Aviv on the Lebanese border, in addition to the deaths of over 760 officers and soldiers and 140 left completely disabled. These admissions, although selective, have stirred growing skepticism within Israeli society, already at its most politically divided since the inception of the state in 1948.

    The struggle to maintain power

    Following the sacking of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, questions are mounting: how does Israel plan to sustain its fighting force amidst the Lebanese resistance’s deadly daily attacks on them?

    Opposition against compulsory military service from religious groups, particularly the Haredim, has compounded the army’s challenges – so has the removal of Gallant, an army dropout rate soaring above 17 percent, a wave of reverse immigration that has reached one million people in a single year, the highest since 1948, and increasing reluctance among shell-shocked reservists to return to the horror of battlefields in Gaza and the Lebanese border.

    The treacherous northern front, especially, has become a symbol of perpetual fear for Israeli soldiers stationed there against Hezbollah, as history repeats itself in south Lebanon.

    The “huge shortage” of capable fighters has forced Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to explore a range of unconventional options, especially after the Haredim conscription law passed in mid-July proved insufficient in addressing the manpower gap.

    Turning to mercenaries

    Many of these options are centered around utilizing tens of thousands of mercenaries, drawing on assistance from western intelligence agencies, and enlisting unconventional fighters, including Jewish militias.

    For the past seven decades, successive Israeli administrations have been reluctant to encourage a wholesale migration or naturalization of African Jews – the ‘Falasha’ from Ethiopia – to an Israel rife with racism, citing their ’lower status’ to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

    As a result, only around 80,000 Ethiopian Jews, 20,000 of whom were born in the occupation state, hold Israeli citizenship. But today, desperate for manpower, the Ministry of Defense has begun granting amnesty to Falasha currently imprisoned for attempting illegal entry into Israel or for overstaying their visas.

    These men, aged between 18 and 40, are being fast-tracked for citizenship on the condition that they enlist. The Zionist organization ‘Al-Harith’ has also been active in Ethiopia, recruiting and training Ethiopian Jews with promises of citizenship, job opportunities, and residence within Israel after the war. It is estimated that by October 2024, more than 17,000 Falasha, including only 1,400 women, have been recruited.

    Germany’s collaboration in exploiting asylum seekers

    Another initiative by the Netanyahu administration involves cooperation with German intelligence and Zionist organizations in Germany to recruit asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Over the past seven months, the Values Initiative Association and the German–Israeli Association (DIG) have worked to enlist these refugees from war-torn Muslim-majority countries as mercenaries for Israel.

    Offered monthly salaries ranging between €4,000 to €5,000 and fast-tracked German citizenship, many have joined the fight. Reports suggest that around 4,000 immigrants were naturalized between September and October alone.


    Desperate times

    Israeli intelligence agencies, including the Shin Bet and Mossad, have also reconnected with remnants of the disbanded South Lebanon Army (SLA) militia to help recruit allies inside Lebanon. These recruits would either spy on Hezbollah positions or potentially take up arms against it should a regional escalation, akin to what happened during the war in 1982, materialize through provocations.

    Meanwhile, Israeli intelligence has collaborated with European agencies and mercenary recruitment companies – including Blackwater, led by the Zionist Eric Prince – to enlist European mercenaries for the occupation army.

    Although this practice dates back to 2023, recruitment efforts have surged lately. As reported by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo in late November 2023, a 28-year-old Spanish mercenary named Vidio Diaz Flores admitted to being recruited by Blackwater for approximately €4,000 per week to fight in Palestine. Israel sought to keep these kinds of recruitment initiatives under wraps, especially after five ’foreign workers’ were killed when a resistance rocket targeted the Metula settlement.

    These factors combined reveal an urgent desperation within Israel to address its human resource crisis in the ranks of its military forces, all while authorities are covering up their use of foreign mercenaries, likely to protect the image of their “invincible army.”

    Tel Aviv’s reliance on mercenaries resembles the US strategy in Iraq post-2003 – not only as a stopgap for declining manpower but also as a method to deflect criminal accountability since many of these mercenaries do not hold Israeli citizenship.

    The cracks in the once-unshakable image of the occupation army are widening, and whether it can hold together under mounting internal and external pressures is far from guaranteed.

    • #immigration_choisie

      For the past seven decades, successive Israeli administrations have been reluctant to encourage a wholesale migration or naturalization of African Jews – the ‘Falasha’ from Ethiopia – to an Israel rife with racism, citing their ’lower status’ to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

      As a result, only around 80,000 Ethiopian Jews, 20,000 of whom were born in the occupation state, hold Israeli citizenship. But today, desperate for manpower, the Ministry of Defense has begun granting amnesty to Falasha currently imprisoned for attempting illegal entry into Israel or for overstaying their visas.

      These men, aged between 18 and 40, are being fast-tracked for citizenship on the condition that they enlist. The Zionist organization ‘Al-Harith’ has also been active in Ethiopia, recruiting and training Ethiopian Jews with promises of citizenship, job opportunities, and residence within Israel after the war. It is estimated that by October 2024, more than 17,000 Falasha, including only 1,400 women, have been recruited.

  • Le Chef Du Conseil De Sécurité Nationale Israélien Soupçonné De Corruption - i24NEWS

    Jusque-là, tout va bien...

    Tzachi Hanegbi, chef du Conseil de sécurité nationale israélien (NSC), a été interrogé dimanche à son domicile dans le cadre d’une enquête pour corruption. Selon les soupçons, il aurait reçu en 2017 un pot-de-vin de 10 000 shekels (environ 2 500 euros) d’un entrepreneur du bâtiment en échange d’une lettre de recommandation.

    L’enquête, menée par l’unité nationale de lutte contre la fraude (Lahav 433), a également conduit à l’interrogatoire de plusieurs autres suspects. Le versement aurait été effectué par l’intermédiaire d’un tiers, précisent les enquêteurs.

    Cette affaire intervient dans un contexte délicat pour le bureau du Premier ministre, puisqu’il s’agit de la troisième enquête touchant des personnalités qui y sont liées. Les deux précédentes affaires concernaient des questions de sécurité : l’une portait sur des documents confidentiels du bureau du Premier ministre, tandis que l’autre, dont l’existence n’a été révélée qu’hier, reste largement confidentielle.

    Sur cette seconde affaire, « largement confidentielle » :

    Israeli police are investigating “criminal incidents” reportedly linked to meetings held by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet at the start of the war on Gaza in October last year, Israeli media reported on 5 November.

    “The police’s Lahav 433 investigation unit is conducting a criminal probe related to incidents from the start of the war, including several open investigations,” a police statement said, adding that further details remain under gag order and are barred from publication.

    The Times of Israel added that reports appearing in Hebrew media earlier this year claimed that Netanyahu had been “attempting to keep his conversations regarding the management of the war in Gaza untraceable.”

    Senior figures in the security establishment allegedly fear that efforts were being made to edit the minutes of wartime discussions held with Netanyahu after discovering discrepancies between transcripts of the meetings and what officials in attendance had heard first-hand.

    According to Haaretz, police have been probing the matter for around six months, following concerns brought to them by a former staffer in the prime minister’s Office.

  • Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs inside Gaza since start of genocide

    The Israeli military has dropped more than 85,000 tons of bombs inside the besieged Gaza Strip since the start of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in October 2023, according to a statement by the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority.

    These include the indiscriminate use of white phosphorus munitions, which are prohibited under the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

    (...) In June, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported that Israel had dropped 70,000 tons of bombs inside Gaza since the start of the genocide, far surpassing the bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, and London combined during World War II. Since then, Israel has intensified its ethnic cleansing campaign in the north of Gaza, carpet bombing the region on a daily basis.

    (...) Earlier this year, the UN warned that removing tens of millions of tons of rubble left in the aftermath of Israel’s bombardment could take 15 years and cost between $500-600 million. Moreover, rebuilding destroyed homes could take at least until 2040.

    In economic terms, the UN Conference on Trade and Development said in a report released last month that if the war ends soon and Gaza returns to the status quo before 7 October 2023, it could take 350 years for its economy to return to its precarious prewar level.

  • Fifteen international airlines refuse return to Israel without new ’compensation laws’

    Capitalisme comprador

    Fifteen international airlines are threatening to halt flights to Israel unless a law mandating compensation for canceled flights is changed, saying that the current security situation due to the wars in Gaza and Lebanon makes operations too risky and costly, Haaretz reported on 5 November.

    The airlines involved include Delta Air Lines, British Airways, Iberia, EasyJet, and Wizz Air.

    They have formally requested amendments to the 2012 Aviation Services Law through an appeal to the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee.

    The law requires airlines to compensate passengers between $260-$400 for cancellations made less than 14 days before departure.

    Since 7 October last year, international carriers have been forced to cancel numerous flights at short notice. Many have chosen to suspend flights for brief or extended periods in response to intermittent rocket, missile, and drone fire from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Yemeni forces.

  • Netanyahu limoge Gallant, expliquant ne pas avoir confiance dans le ministre de la Défense
    Par Lazar Berman mardi 5 novembre 20:18 - The Times of Israël

    Invoquant un manque de confiance mutuelle, le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a annoncé mardi limoger son ministre de la Défense Yoav Gallant, rival de longue date au sein du Likud.

    Il sera remplacé par le ministre des Affaires étrangères Israel Katz. Le ministre sans portefeuille Gideon Saar remplacera Katz au poste de ministre des Affaires étrangères.

    « Malheureusement, bien que dans les premiers mois de la guerre il y ait eu une confiance et un travail très fructueux, cette confiance s’est fissurée entre moi et le ministre de la Défense au cours des derniers mois », a déclaré Netanyahu.

    Il a ajouté qu’ils étaient en désaccord sur la gestion de la guerre et que Gallant avait pris des décisions et exprimé des propos qui contredisaient les décisions du cabinet.

    « J’ai fait de nombreuses tentatives pour combler ces écarts, mais ils n’ont cessé de se creuser », a-t-il déclaré. « Ils ont également été portés à la connaissance du public d’une manière inacceptable et, pire encore, ils ont été portés à la connaissance de l’ennemi – nos ennemis en ont alors profité, tirant beaucoup de bénéfices. »

    Netanyaou a déclaré que la plupart des membres du gouvernement étaient d’accord avec lui.

  • Israel’s Mossad implicated in espionage scandal in Italy – Middle East Monitor

    Israeli foreign intelligence agency Mossad has reportedly been implicated in an espionage scandal targeting Italian prime minister and senior officials, Yedioth Ahronoth reported yesterday.

    According to the paper, Mossad has been involved in deals with the Milan-based private investigation firm which is made up of current and former senior members of the security services and who have stolen personal information on politicians, including Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and public figures, to be used for extortion.

    The paper said at least four people are under arrest and dozens more under investigation, adding that cyber security experts and hackers may have breached the servers of Italy’s Interior Ministry.

    Italian media outlets described the case as a “conspiracy of the highest level that involves members of the mafia and officials in the intelligence services, along with foreign intelligence services including the Mossad.”

    Meloni described the plot as “unacceptable” and a “threat to democracy.”

    Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto demanded an urgent parliamentary probe, concerned that state secrets may have been compromised, warning that the personal information that was exposed is the tip of the iceberg.

  • Israel fails with ultra-Orthodox draft as only four percent show up for service

    Less than four percent of the 3,000 Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Israelis who received recruitment orders since July to join the military have done so, Israeli army radio reported on 28 October.

    The head of the Israel Beiteinu party, Avigdor Lieberman, criticized the Haredi community for its failure to participate in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and invasion of Lebanon.

    Lieberman criticized the government for failing to enforce conscription orders, stressing that “the army is violating the law” and that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant “must ensure that the law is applied to everyone.”

    “The government has extended regular service by four months and reserve service by a year,” Lieberman told Yedioth Ahronoth, adding: “No more quotas, targets and exemptions - one people, one conscription,” stressing that “the whole story of quotas must end.”

  • ’Israel must defeat Hamas’ Arab leaders told Blinken days after 7 Oct: Report

    In his new book, War, Woodward claims to provide details of the meetings of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held with several Arab rulers shortly after 7 October, as Israel’s war against Hamas and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza was getting underway.

    In the book, Woodward claims that when Blinken met with Jordanian King Abdullah II in Amman on 13 October 2023, the king told him, “We told Israel not to do this, we told them not to trust Hamas, Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel must defeat Hamas. We will not say this publicly, but we support the defeat of Hamas.”

    Woodward claims that when Blinken visited the UAE on 14 October 2023 and met with Mohammed bin Zayed, the emir told him, “Hamas must be eliminated. We have repeatedly warned Israel that Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood. We can give Israel time to eliminate Hamas, but first, it must help us calm our citizens from the images of violence and destruction in Gaza by bringing in aid, establishing safe zones, and controlling the violence of the settlers in the West Bank. Let it help us with our citizens, and we will give it the space to eliminate Hamas.”

    The book says that when Blinken visited Saudi Arabia on 14 October 2023, Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud told him, “Israel should not have trusted Hamas, and Netanyahu warned us against that repeatedly, because Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    The Saudi foreign minister continued, saying, “The terrorist groups are not only trying to eliminate Israel, but they also want to overthrow other Arab leaders. We are concerned about what the Israeli operation will do to all of our security, and what comes after Hamas may be worse.”

    Bin Farhan added, “We will not pay a single dollar to rebuild Gaza after the chaos that Netanyahu created.”

    The next day, Blinken met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who allegedly told him, “I want the problems caused by October 7 to disappear. A Palestinian state must be established before normalization with Israel. I do not want that, but I need it to justify normalization. I want to return to Vision 2030 by normalizing with Israel. Gaza must be calm first for us to normalize with Israel.”

    Blinken’s next visit before returning to Israel was in Cairo, where he met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

    Sisi then asked the US delegation to leave so he could meet with Blinken alone. Sisi then allegedly told Blinken that he “only wants to maintain peace with Israel.”

    Egyptian Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel then provided the US delegation with important information about the depth and extent of the tunnels under Gaza. He explained to them that Hamas is entrenched in Gaza and that it will be difficult to eliminate it. “Israel must not enter Gaza all at once but rather do so in stages. It must allow Hamas leaders to emerge from the tunnels before cutting off their heads all at once.”

    Woodward also writes that Senator Lindsey Graham and Netanyahu “had scheduled a quiet negotiation between Netanyahu and a Saudi ambassador in Tel Aviv in November 2023 [the month after the Hamas attack on Israel]. It would be a historic moment.”

    Regarding his sources, Woodward writes, “All interviews for this book were conducted under the journalist ground rule of ‘deep background.’ This means that all the information could be used, but I would not say who provided it.”

    • C’est bien de documenter comment tous, là, ils ont fait comme si éliminer les frères musulmans, ça pouvait se réaliser sans éliminer la population tout autour. Ils ont cru que ça allait se concrétiser par une police politique, à l’égyptienne, qui t’emprisonne et te fait disparaître les gens par centaines, mais que c’est pas un génocide.

      Et maintenant, ils vont devoir expliquer qu’ils ne savaient pas qu’en fait, ça allait être un massacre, où le moindre frère musulman présumé, allait avoir droit à sa bombe d’une tonne, et qu’il allait y avoir 80000 frères musulmans à supprimer et que ça allait fortement ressembler à un génocide.

      Le frère musulman, c’est comme le terroriste, il mérite tout ce qu’il lui arrive de la part des dictateurs modérés pro-occidentaux, de Bibi’ à Momo’ ou Momo’ ou même Abdu’. Ils sont mignons, tous, là, à confirmer qu’en fait, Bibi’, il avait carte blanche.

  • Iran, Saudi Arabia in talks for joint naval drills

    The Iranian and Saudi navies are planning to hold a joint exercise in the Red Sea region, Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Shahram Irani announced on 22 October.

    ISNA news agency quoted Irani as saying that the Iranian naval forces are present in the Red Sea and that Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in organizing joint maneuvers in the region.

    The admiral stressed that the delegations from both countries would hold consultations on organizing the maneuver, adding that they had extended mutual invitations to visit each other’s ports.

    Iran and Saudi Arabia normalized relations in March 2023 following a six-year rupture through talks brokered by China.

    The joint naval exercise proposal comes amid escalating tension between Tel Aviv and Tehran.

  • Israel bombs south Lebanon municipality, kills mayor during relief work meeting

    Non seulement le titre du Monde hier ( était répugnant, mais on apprend depuis que l’assassinat du maire de Nabatiyyé a eu lieu pendant une réunion qui coordonnait les secours après lesl bombardements israéliens...

    In response to the violent raid of the southern Lebanese town, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said Israeli jets “deliberately struck a municipal council meeting focused on addressing the city’s relief and service needs.”

    “This new assault, along with the ongoing crimes committed by Israel against civilians, is a direct challenge to the international community, whose silence only emboldens the occupation to continue its violations and crimes,” Mikati added.