Scientists deliberately infected people with coronavirus. Here’s what happened [à propos d’une étude en preprint dans Nature]
34 volontaires jeunes (<29 ans) et en bonne santé ont reçu du virus dans le nez, même quantité, même endroit.
Sur les 34 : 18 ont été infectés et 16 non.
the findings open a door to studying why and how some people manage to resist infection.
uninfected volunteers did not develop SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in their blood. That’s in contrast to flu challenge studies—which Memoli has run for 10 years—in which exposed but uninfected people do develop antibodies. Memoli suspects the difference may be because specialized mucosal antibodies shut down SARS-CoV-2 in the noses of the current study’s uninfected volunteers.
Sur les 18 infectés : 2 complètement asymptomatiques et 16 ont eu des symptômes mild-moderate.
Notably, the viral loads in the two volunteers who became infected but had no symptoms were not lower than in their sick colleagues. “Even if people had no symptoms at all … they all generated extremely large amounts of virus, which really speaks to the infectivity [of the virus] and explains how the pandemic has spread so rapidly,” says Chris Chiu
Chez les 16 symptomatiques : les symptômes commencent 2 jours après l’exposition, piquent à 5 jours, et le virus n’est plus isolé dans le nez à 10 jours.
#covid-19 #human_challenge