• WHO says 12 countries have reported unusual cases of hepatitis in kids

    Severe #hepatitis in previously healthy children isn’t common. What makes these cases of serious liver inflammation more unusual is that they haven’t been caused by the typical culprits — the hepatitis viruses labeled A through E that are the most common causes of the condition.

    Instead, suspicion has centered on an unexpected suspect — an adenovirus, specifically adenovirus type 41. At least 74 of the affected children have tested positive for adenovirus infection and molecular testing has turned up evidence of adenovirus 41 in 18 of those children.

    [...] Another theory stems from the fact that these cases are being reported roughly two years into the Covid pandemic. Many of the affected children will have had fewer colds and other infections over the past couple of years, because of social distancing and mask wearing. That may have left them more susceptible to developing severe illness when they encountered germs. Scientists from Hong Kong reported last year that children there were ending up in hospital with rhinovirus infections — common colds — when schools reopened after months of closure.

    The possibility that #Covid-19 may be playing some role in this is also still on the table, Pebody said.