Civil Society Organizations support the submission by HRD Salah Hammouri urging the ICC to Investigate Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Jerusalem


  • Salah Hamouri dépose une plainte auprès de la Cour pénale internationale
    Lundi 16 mai 2022, le Center of constitutional rights de New York et la FIDH ont déposé une plainte auprès du Procureur de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) au nom de Salah Hamouri, avocat franco-palestinien, défenseur des droits humains, actuellement en détention administrative.

    Salah Hamouri demande au Procureur de la CPI, M. Karim Khan, d’étendre son enquête sur les crimes
    de guerre et les crimes contre l’humanité commis par des responsables israéliens, notamment en ce qui concerne le transfert forcé et l’expulsion des Palestiniens de Jérusalem-Est.
    Il décrit dans sa plainte les années de harcèlement et d’abus de la part des autorités israéliennes qui inclus la révocation
    de sa carte de résident de Jérusalem, la séparation forcée d’avec sa femme et ses enfants, les années d’emprisonnement, la surveillance de son téléphone par le logiciel espion Pegasus et la menace actuelle de sa déportation forcée suite au retrait de sa carte de résident de Jérusalem.(...)


    • Civil Society Organizations support the submission by HRD Salah Hammouri urging the ICC to Investigate Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Jerusalem
      16-05-2022 | Addameer

      National, regional, and international civil society organizations,* welcome today’s communication submitted to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of 37-year-old, Palestinian-French Jerusalemite, long-time human rights defender, and colleague lawyer, Salah Hammouri, which details years of persecution and new tactics to forcibly transfer Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem. The Center for Constitutional Rights and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) submitted the communication on Mr. Hammouri’s behalf in the context of the OTP’s ongoing investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine.

      The communication, addressed to ICC prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan, sets out the prolonged persecution campaign perpetrated by the Israeli authorities targeting Mr. Hammouri since he was 15 years old, including intense harassment, repeated arbitrary detention, and the denial of his fundamental rights, including the right to family and family unity; freedom of movement; the freedom of association, assembly, expression and the right to protest; the right to pursue a livelihood; and the right to citizenship. The latest in this series of attacks was the revocation of his Jerusalem residency and placing him under administrative detention subject to indefinite renewals. (...)