• En décembre 2020, John Carmack réfléchissait à haute voix à ce qu’il faudrait faire pour porter Doom sur un Cray 1.

    AFAIK, nobody ever ported Doom to run on a Cray 1. The scalar CPU should be fast enough (in 1976!) to draw 320x200, but memory would be an issue because it wasn’t byte addressable — you could only load and store aligned 64 bit values, and a max of 1M elements would be a pinch.

    You could burn instructions to shift and mask on the low order address bits, but a faster path would be to interleave 8 independent textures at different bit positions in the words, and have specialized texture mapping routines with a constant shift and mask. I don’t recall ever considering that arrangement, but there may have been relevant consumer systems where doing it for 2 or 4 bit textures packed in bytes would have been helpful.

    Figuring out how to best exploit chained vector instructions for texture mapping on the Cray would be phase two.