Smart Move, Google


  • Google vient de rediriger sur son domaine principal, à l’adresse : De ce fait, quand on donne une autorisation à Maps, on donne désormais l’autorisation à tout Google.

    Smart Move, Google

    For as long as I can remember, was the defacto domain for Google Maps. Also for as long as I can remember, I allowed this domain to use the location services of my browser.

    Yesterday I was asked to allow the usage of location services for Google Maps seemingly out of nowhere. Of course I accepted. After all, I just wanted to check a route to a local business and I was in a hurry. Back home I opened Google Maps again, and noticed that now redirects to This implies that the permissions I give to Google Maps now apply to all of Googles services hosted under this domain. So far I only identified Google Flights to have made the same switch (, though I’m sure they’re just beginning to transfer their services to the main domain.

    Congratulations, you now have permission to geo-track me across all of your services.

    • Pour ma part ça ne date pas d’hier.

      Sur certaines sessions, je ne nettoie pas mes historiques. > plus vieux = 2018 ; et en fait, je n’ai aucun historique de navigation effective de ce type, je ne trouve que ce qui ressemble à des redirections. > 2016 > 2018