Countries split on plastics treaty focus as U.N. talks close


  • Countries split on plastics treaty focus as U.N. talks close

    More than 2,000 delegates from 160 countries, meeting in Uruguay in the first of a planned five sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), aim to craft the first legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by the end of 2024.

    The negotiations in the coastal city of Punta del Este pitted a “High Ambition Coalition,” including European Union members, against countries including the United States and Saudi Arabia, which have the world’s top plastic and petrochemical companies.

    [...] The High Ambition Coalition of over 40 countries, including EU members, Switzerland, host Uruguay and Ghana, wants the treaty to be based on mandatory global measures, including curbs on production.

    [...] That approach contrasts with the country-driven pledges advocated by countries including the United States and Saudi Arabia.

    [...] Environmental group Greenpeace said that without a strong treaty, plastic production could double within the next 10 to 15 years, and triple by 2050.


    • ENTRETIEN. L’avalanche de plastique continue jusqu’à l’océan, déplore la journaliste Dorothée Moisan

      La journaliste Dorothée Moisan fait le point sur une industrie qui n’a pas prévu de « fermer les robinets ». Selon elle, la quantité de matières plastiques déversées dans l’océan devrait doubler avant 2050.


    • Cet article soutient que pour qu’un traité (idéalement global et contraignant) soit effectif, il faut qu’on ait bien plus de connaissances sur tout le cycle de vie du plastique (d’où il vient, qui est responsable, où il va, où sont les pollutions), ce qui suppose que la #science du plastique se développe grandement et d’avoir bien plus de données, notamment sur la production.
      Plastics tsunami : Can a landmark treaty stop waste from choking the oceans ?

      Researchers worry that public discussions focus on recycling and ways to deal with the plastic once it has reached the consumer — ideas promoted by industry — rather than who is creating all the plastic and where it’s going. Hence the emphasis in the NASEM report and global talks on circular-economy design strategies that address that first stage in the plastic life cycle, production.

      “We care so much about this material in the environment — that’s when we’re getting outraged,” Jambeck says. “But we don’t care about it before that point. If you want to prevent it from getting in the environment, we have to care so much more about it upstream, and track that data.”