TikTok’s Secret ‘Heating’ Button Can Make Anyone Go Viral


  • TikTok’s Secret ‘Heating’ Button Can Make Anyone Go Viral

    Heating also reveals that, at least sometimes, videos on the For You page aren’t there because TikTok thinks you’ll like them; instead, they’re there because TikTok wants a particular brand or creator to get more views. And without labels, like those used for ads and sponsored content, it’s impossible to tell which is which.

    Employees have also abused heating privileges. Three sources told Forbes they were aware of instances where heating was used improperly by employees; one said that employees have been known to heat their own or their spouses’ accounts in violation of company policy. Documents reviewed by Forbes showed that employees have heated their own accounts, as well as accounts of people with whom they have personal relationships. According to one document, a heating incident of this type led to an account receiving more than three million views.

    (attention modérateurices de @seenthis, on vous a à l’oeil)

    #heating #promotion #algorithmes