• Il Tribunale non convalida il trattenimento dei migranti in Albania, domani torneranno in Italia

    L’ira di Lega e Fdi. Schlein: ’Si configura un danno erariale’. M5s: ’Meloni si scusi’

    La sezione immigrazione del tribunale di Roma non ha convalidato il trattenimento dei migranti all’interno del centro italiano di permanenza per il rimpatrio di Gjader in Albania.

    Il provvedimento era stato disposto per i dodici stranieri dalla questura di Roma il 17 ottobre scorso, i quali fanno parte dei 16 migranti (dieci provenienti dal Bangladesh e 6 dall’Egitto) trasportati in Albania al Cpr di Gjader dalla nave Libra della Marina militare italiana.

    I 12 migranti partiranno domani dall’Albania su una nave della Marina militare per tornare in Italia approdando a Bari. Lo si apprende da fonti sul posto secondo cui i migranti potrebbero poi essere portati in un centro per richiedenti asilo. Nonostante la loro richiesta di asilo sia già stata respinta nelle ultime ore, i migranti hanno ancora la possibilità di fare ricorso entro quattordici giorni per poter chiedere nuovamente che gli venga riconosciuto questo status.

    «I due Paesi da cui provengono i migranti, Bangladesh ed Egitto, non sono sicuri, anche alla luce della sentenza della Corte di giustizia». È quanto sostiene in sintesi uno dei giudici della sezione immigrazione del tribunale di Roma, nella sua ordinanza - riferendosi ai migranti portati nel centro Gjader in Albania - che non convalida il trattenimento di uno di loro. Il trattenimento non è stato convalidato per nessuno dsei 12 migranti. Per i giudici lo stato di libertà potrà essere riacquisito solo in Italia e per questo dovranno essere riaccompagnati nel nostro paese.

    Pedr i giudici «Il diniego della convalida dei trattenimenti nelle strutture ed aree albanesi, equiparate alle zone di frontiera o di transito italiane, è dovuto all’ impossibilità di riconoscere come ’paesi sicuri’ gli Stati di provenienza delle persone trattenute, con la conseguenza dell’inapplicabilità della procedura di frontiera e, come previsto dal Protocollo, del trasferimento al di fuori del territorio albanese delle persone migranti, che hanno quindi diritto ad essere condotte in Italia».

    L’ira della Lega e di FdI. «Proprio nel giorno dell’udienza del processo Open Arms contro Matteo Salvini, l’ordinanza che non convalida il trattenimento degli immigrati in Albania è particolarmente inaccettabile e grave. I giudici pro-immigrati si candidino alle elezioni, ma sappiano che non ci faremo intimidire». Così una nota della Lega.

    «Assurdo! Il tribunale non convalida il trattenimento dei migranti in Albania. In aiuto della sinistra parlamentare arriva quella giudiziaria», si legge in un post sul profilo X di Fratelli d’Italia, in una grafica con una toga di colore rosso. «Alcuni magistrati politicizzati hanno deciso che non esistono Paesi sicuri di provenienza: impossibile trattenere chi entra illegalmente, vietato rimpatriare i clandestini - afferma ancora il messaggio sui social del partito della premier Giorgia Meloni -. Vorrebbero abolire i confini dell’Italia, non lo permetteremo».

    Un attacco arriva anche da Forza Italia. «Sono abituato a rispettare le decisioni del potere giudiziario ma vorrei anche venissero rispettate le decisioni del potere esecutivo e legislativo, perché una democrazia si basa sulla tripartizione dei poteri. Il potere giudiziario deve applicare le leggi, non di modificarle o di impedire all’esecutivo di poter fare il proprio lavoro. Il potere viene sempre dal popolo, che ha scelto questo parlamento e questo governo. La volontà del popolo va sempre rispettata. Andremo avanti con quanto ha detto la presidente Von der Leyen, per la quale l’accordo tra Italia e Albania è un modello da seguire», ha detto il vicepremier e leader di Fi Antonio Tajani.

    Piantedosi annuncia ricorso. «Nutro rispetto per i giudici. Noi la battaglia la faremo all’interno dei meccanismi giudiziari. Battaglia nel senso di affermazione in punto di diritto internazionale europeo e nazionale. Ricorreremo e arriveremo fino alla Cassazione. Qui si nega il diritto del governo di attivare procedure accelerate: fare in un mese quello che altrimenti avviene in tre anni», ha affermato il ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi.
    Schlein: sui centri in Albania si configura un danno erariale

    «Vergogna! Altro che modello: l’accordo fatto con l’Albania è un accordo fuorilegge, un accordo che viola il diritto internazionale. Ringrazio i parlamentari che ieri» sono andati nel centro. Lo ha detto la leader Dem, Elly Schlein, durante la direzione del Pd. «L’intero meccanismo - ha aggiunto - non sta in piedi. Si tratta di 800milioni buttati che potevano essere usati per la sanità. Si configura un danno erariale».
    M5s: Meloni si scusi per la truffa del Cpr in Albania

    «Giorgia Meloni deve chiedere scusa agli italiani, a partire da quelli che l’hanno votata, per averli raggirati con una truffa. Perché di questo si tratta: una truffa da centinaia di milioni di euro con cui Meloni, dopo essersi resa conto di non poter attuare il folle blocco navale promesso in campagna elettorale, ha voluto far credere agli italiani di aver trovato il modo di tenere lontani gli immigrati spedendoli oltremare. Una truffa organizzata così male da essere sventata dopo sole 48 ore dalla sua attuazione con l’ordine dei magistrati di liberare e rispedire in Italia i primi dodici migranti trasferiti in Albania, spendendo quasi 300 mila euro solo di gasolio. Un esito inevitabile: i giudici non hanno potuto convalidare il loro fermo amministrativo dovendosi attenere, come ovvio, al diritto europeo che, per sentenza Cedu dello scorso 4 ottobre, non riconosce come sicuri i Paesi così definiti dal governo. Tutta una truffa, tutto falso. Tranne le centinaia di milioni spesi per mettere in piedi questa messa in scena. Cosa farà ora Meloni? Sfiderà la legge continuando a portare in Albania migranti che dopo due giorni dovranno tornare liberi in Italia? Dal blocco navale al ponte navale?». Lo dichiarano i parlamentari del Movimento 5 Stelle delle Commissioni Politiche Ue di Camera e Senato.

    Fratoianni: i ministri rimborsino i soldi pubblici sprecati

    «Il ministro Piantedosi e l’intero governo Meloni dovrebbero di tasca loro rimborsare lo Stato per i soldi pubblici sprecati in questi giorni per l’inutile deportazione di 16 persone in Albania. E proprio a queste persone dovrebbero poi chiedere scusa pubblicamente». Lo scrive su X Nicola Fratoianni di Avs dopo la decisione del Tribunale di Roma di non trattenimento in Albania dei migranti sbarcati dalla nave militare Libra. «La propaganda, anche la più cinica e feroce, può ben poco - conclude il leader di SI - contro la realtà e contro le leggi».

    Renzi: il governo per avere tre like butta via un miliardo

    «Dunque le cose stanno più o meno così. Le nostre aziende hanno bisogno di migranti e i nostri cittadini hanno bisogno di più soldi in busta paga e meno liste d’attesa sulla sanità. E dunque cosa fa il Governo Meloni? Per avere tre like sui social, butta via un miliardo di euro per trasportare avanti e indietro con l’Albania qualche decina di migranti. Serve immigrazione regolare per le nostre aziende, servono progetti con ITS ed efficaci strutture di formazione, serve la concretezza e non l’ideologia. I soldi vanno dati ai nostri carabinieri, ai nostri infermieri, ai nostri operai. Non vanno buttati in inutili e costosi spot. Prima o poi tutti si renderanno conto del danno che l’influencer in capo sta facendo al bilancio dello Stato». Lo scrive su X il leader di Iv Matteo Renzi.

    #justice #Albanie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #tribunal


    ajouté à la métaliste sur l’#accord entre #Italie et #Albanie pour la construction de #centres d’accueil (sic) et identification des migrants/#réfugiés sur le territoire albanais...


    • Immigration : un tribunal italien invalide la rétention des migrants envoyés en Albanie, un camouflet pour Giorgia Meloni

      Les douze migrants envoyés en Albanie doivent être transférés en Italie, mais le ministre italien de l’Intérieur Matteo Piantedosi a annoncé que le gouvernement ferait appel.

      Un revers cinglant pour le gouvernement d’extrême-droite de Giorgia Meloni. Un tribunal italien a invalidé, vendredi 18 octobre, la rétention dans des centres albanais des premiers demandeurs d’asile que Rome y a transférés cette semaine. La Première ministre a aussitôt réagi : « les Italiens m’ont demandé d’arrêter l’immigration illégale, et je ferai tout ce qui est possible pour tenir parole », a-t-elle promis dans un message posté sur X.

      Le gouvernement dirigée par la cheffe du parti d’extrême droite Fratelli d’Italia (FDI) a signé fin 2023 avec Tirana un accord prévoyant la création de deux centres en Albanie, d’où les migrants secourus en Méditerranée pourront effectuer une demande d’asile.

      Giorgia Meloni et ses alliés de droite et d’extrême droite ont présenté cet accord comme un modèle pour l’Europe et la dirigeante italienne en a détaillé le contenu jeudi à Bruxelles lors d’une réunion informelle avec la Hongrie, les Pays-Bas, l’Autriche ou encore la Grèce, en présence de la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen.
      Le gouvernement fait appel

      La décision des juges de la section des affaires migratoires du tribunal de Rome constitue donc un revers pour l’exécutif italien, qui a fait de la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière un de ses principaux chevaux de bataille politiques. Les seize premiers migrants sont arrivés mercredi en Albanie, mais quatre d’entre eux ont immédiatement été ramenés en Italie, deux affirmant être mineurs et deux autres ayant besoin de soins médicaux.

      Le tribunal italien ayant invalidé la rétention des 12 autres demandeurs d’asile, originaires du Bangladesh et d’Égypte, a invoqué un récent arrêt de la Cour européenne de justice sur les pays de provenance considérés « sûrs » par les pays d’accueil. Rome a récemment étendu la liste des pays d’origine « sûrs », définis comme des États où il n’y a pas de persécution, de torture ou de menace de violence aveugle, à 22 pays.

      Mais cette liste comprend des pays dont certaines régions ne sont pas jugées « sûres ». Or la Cour européenne de justice estime que les États membres de l’UE ne peuvent désigner comme sûrs que des pays entiers, et non des parties de pays. Les douze migrants doivent donc être transférés en Italie, mais le ministre italien de l’Intérieur Matteo Piantedosi a annoncé que le gouvernement ferait appel.


    • Op-ed: Does the Rome court’s refusal to validate the detention order of the first asylum seekers brought to Albania mark the end of the Italy-Albania deal?

      On 18 October, the Civil Court of Rome blocked the detention of 12 asylum seekers from Bangladesh and Egypt, who had been transferred to Albania under a new migration deal between the two countries. While significant, the ruling might not be the end of the story.

      What is the Italy-Albania deal?

      The Italy-Albania deal, which was signed in November 2023 and ratified in February 2024, as part of Italy’s broader efforts to hinder arrivals from the Central Mediterranean route, allows Italy to send migrants rescued in international waters to Albania for asylum processing under an accelerated border procedure and for return operations. The procedures happen under Italian jurisdiction and are regulated by Italian law transposing the relevant EU legislation. The administrative and judicial authorities competent to deal with the matter are those in Rome. Migrants are first screened at the port of Shëngjin, and vulnerable individuals, such as minors or victims of trafficking, who are exempted from the border procedure, are returned to Italy. The rest are transferred to a centre in Gjadër, where their asylum claims are processed, and potential return operations for rejected applicants are arranged. Those who instead qualify for protection are transferred to Italy.

      On 14 October, the first transfer took place, with 16 migrants from Bangladesh and Egypt being sent to Albania after initial screening aboard an Italian Navy ship. Of the 16 people who were transferred, 12 were deemed eligible for accelerated border processing and detained in Albania. Italian judges were then asked to validate the detention orders.

      What did the Italian judges say?

      Relying on a recent ruling from the Court of Justice of the EU, on 18 October, the Civil Court of Rome decided that an accelerated border procedure could not be applied to the 12 asylum seekers detained in Albania. Under Italian law, asylum seekers who arrive at the border without meeting entry conditions can undergo an accelerated process if they come from a “safe country of origin”. These individuals can also be detained if they do not provide a passport or refuse to deposit a financial guarantee. Without even looking into the detention question, the Rome court said that Italy’s designation of Bangladesh and Egypt as safe countries of origin was improper, because both countries were listed as safe with exceptions for certain groups, such as LGBTQI+ people, victims of female genital mutilation, and political opponents. On 4 October, the EU court had clarified that EU member states cannot classify third countries as safe countries of origin if there are exceptions. On the contrary, the third country should be free from the risk of persecution, torture and indiscriminate violence due to conflicts in its entirety. As a result, the Italian judges determined that the accelerated border procedure could not be applied to the 12 asylum seekers. The Rome court thus ordered them to be redirected to the ordinary asylum process in the territory. The 12 were transferred back to Italy on the same day, reaching the port of Bari in the afternoon of 19 October.

      Is the Italy-Albania deal dead?

      Not necessarily. As a response, the Italian government passed a law-decree, published on 24 October, to modify its list, removing countries deemed safe with territorial exceptions. However, countries with exceptions based on at-risk groups, including Egypt and Bangladesh, remained on the list. The government’s strategy is to claim that the EU court ruling only applies to territorial exceptions. However, this argument is unconvincing. The amendment to the 2005 Asylum Procedures Directive, used by the EU court as a basis to demonstrate the intention of the legislator to identify third countries of origin as safe only if they are entirely safe, removed the possibility of using both territorial and categories of people-based exceptions. We will soon see how the judges respond to this further change, given that the government, which is appealing the Rome court’s decision, will most likely attempt new transfers. However, even if the judges reject further detention orders, the deal could still survive.

      The ruling only focused on how Italy implements the EU border procedure in general, and not on the situation in Albania specifically. This means that, in practice, asylum applicants from safe countries of origin without territorial limitations or exceptions based on at-risk groups could nonetheless be transferred. Furthermore, future EU regulations could provide loopholes for Italy. The forthcoming Asylum Procedure Regulation explicitly provides that third countries can be listed as safe countries of origin even when there are exceptions for specific parts of their territory or clearly identifiable categories of persons. Additionally, it expands the scope of accelerated border procedures, and renders them applicable not only to asylum seekers coming from safe countries of origin, but more broadly to applicants coming from a country with a recognition rate below 20%.

      The road ahead?

      The Italy-Albania deal is seen as a test case for EU member states seeking to manage migration flows through external partnerships. Its replicability is, however, questionable. The possibility of transferring migrants rescued on the high seas to Albania is based on the fact that the Asylum Procedure Directive only applies to applications made at the border, in transit zones or in territorial waters – but not in international waters, and that it can thus be unilaterally extended to procedures conducted in a third country. This means that, in practice, EU member states which do not face irregular border crossings at their external borders would not be able to copy it. However, in addition to creating unnecessary and unreasonable costs to process asylum applications outside the territory, it also sets a dangerous precedent. It deals yet another heavy blow to the right to territorial asylum, already under attack with discussions concerning “novel” ideas to manage migration inflows, including through the removal of the connection criteria to dismiss asylum applications based on the safe third country concept, and the ongoing discussions about creating “return hubs” in the context of the revision of the Return Directive. While the Italian authorities committed on paper to apply the same standards “as if” the applicants were in Italy, there are serious doubts that processing outside the EU can guarantee fair procedures and effective access to protection. For instance, in-person meetings with lawyers in Albania are permitted only if remote counselling is not possible, raising serious concerns relating to the right of defence. Given the legal, logistical, and humanitarian challenges behind external partnerships to shift responsibility to third countries or lower procedural guarantees, EU member states would do better if they if they invested in efficient asylum systems, integration measures and regularisation mechanisms in their territories instead.


  • 161 Civil Society Organisations call on MEPs to vote down harmful EU Migration Pact

    Amidst warnings from over 50 Civil Society Organisations, EU lawmakers reached a political agreement on the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum in December. The agreement is a continuation of a decade of policy that has led to the proliferation of rights violations in Europe. Moreover, it will have devastating implications for the right to international protection in the bloc and greenlights abuses across Europe including racial profiling, default de facto detention and pushbacks. On April (...) #Press_releases


  • Europe’s Nameless Dead

    As more people try to reach Western Europe through the Balkans, taking increasingly dangerous routes to evade border police, many are dying without a trace

    When hundreds of thousands of refugees crossed through the Balkans in 2015, border controls were limited and there were few fences or walls. The route was largely open.

    After several years of lull, the number of people making this journey recently increased again. Last year saw the highest number of crossings since 2015, predominantly due to ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and hostile treatment of refugees in Turkey.

    But the Balkan route has changed in the last eight years. With the help of funding from both the EU and the UK, countries in the Balkans have erected fences and built walls. When border police catch people seeking asylum, they often force them back over the border.

    Subsequently, those making the journey often take longer and more dangerous routes in order to evade the police – and the consequences can be deadly; people are freezing to death in forests, drowning in rivers or dying from sheer exhaustion.

    There is no official data on the number of dead and missing migrants in the Balkans. Efforts that have been made to collect data – for example the IOM’s Missing Migrants Project – are based mostly on media reports and are likely to be significantly underestimated.

    With RFE/RL, Der Spiegel, ARD, the i newspaper, Solomon and academics from Aston, Liverpool and Nottingham Universities, we sought to measure the scale of migrant deaths at the borders of a commonly trodden route spanning Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia. Crucially, we sought to find out what subsequently happens to the bodies of these people and what their families go through trying to find them.

    We found that the hostility people face at the borders of Europe in life continues into death. State authorities make little to no effort to identify dead migrants or inform their families, while individual doctors, NGO workers and activists do what they can to fill in the gaps. Unidentified bodies end up piled in morgues or buried without a trace.

    It was clear from the outset that it would be impossible to get comprehensive numbers on migrant deaths, given some bodies will never be found, particularly when people have drowned in rivers or died deep in forests.

    In Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia, we requested data from police departments, prosecutors’ offices, courts and morgues on how many unidentified bodies they had recorded in recent years. While some provided information, most failed to respond or declined to disclose the data.

    But through this process we managed to obtain data on the number of bodies known or presumed to be migrants received by six morgues near the borders along the Bulgaria-Serbia-Bosnia route. We found 155 such cases across the six facilities since the start of 2022 – the majority (92) dying this year alone.

    By speaking with forensic pathologists in Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia, we found that in each of the three countries, the legal protocol is that an autopsy must be performed on all unidentified bodies – but what happens next is less clear. Information on the deceased is fragmented and held across different institutions, with no unified system which proactively seeks to connect them with families looking for them.

    Through interviews with more than a dozen people whose family members had gone missing or died along the route, we learnt that they are left with no idea where to look or who to ask. We found WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages connecting networks of concerned families, desperately sharing photos and information about their lost loved ones. Some NGOs in Bulgaria and Serbia said they are contacted about such cases every day.

    In some cases when families approached Burgas morgue in south-eastern Bulgaria – where we recorded the highest number of migrant bodies – they were told by staff that they could only check the bodies if they paid them cash bribes. This was confirmed by multiple testimonies and NGOs operating in the area.

    RFE/RL followed the case of one Syrian father’s search for his son. Husam Adin Bibars, a refugee in Denmark, travelled to Bulgaria after his son, Majd Addin Bibars, went missing there while trying to reach Western Europe.

    After a day and a half of asking different institutions, Bibars was directed to a local police station near the Turkish border – where he was shown a photo of Majd’s lifeless body. He was told he had died of thirst, exhaustion and cold – and that he had been buried four days after his body was found.

    In an interview with ARD, the prosecutor in Yambol, a Bulgarian city close to the Turkish border, near where Majd was buried, said his body was buried after four days in keeping with their procedure of carrying out burials of unidentified migrants “fast” to free up space in the morgue.

    Some 900 kilometres away in Bosnia, iNews spoke to Dr Vidak Simić, a forensic pathologist responsible for performing autopsies on bodies found in the Drina River, which runs along the Serbian border. He said that in 2023 alone, he had examined 28 bodies presumed to be migrants, compared with five last year. The vast majority remain unidentified and are now buried in graves marked ‘NN’ – an abbreviation for a Latin term for a person with no name.

    The doctor is now working with local activist Nihad Suljić to try to help families find their missing loved ones, by checking his autopsy files to see if any unidentified bodies match the description of missing people. But he says a proper system needs to be put in place for this. “[Families] enter a painstaking process, through embassies, burial organisations, to obtain a bone sample, so that they can compare it with one of their family members,” he says.


    #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #morts_aux_frontières #migrations #asile #réfugiés #décès #morts #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #visualisation #cartographie

    ping @reka

    • Sie erfrieren in Wäldern, ertrinken in Flüssen

      Europas namenlose Tote: Viele Flüchtende, die auf der Balkanroute sterben, werden nie identifiziert. Angehörige suchen verzweifelt nach Gewissheit – manche müssen sich den Zugang zu Leichenhallen erkaufen. Der SPIEGEL-Report.



    • Namenloser Tod in Bulgarien

      An der türkisch-bulgarischen Grenze endet der Versuch von Migranten, in die EU zu kommen, oft in tödlicher Erschöpfung. Die Behörden begraben die Leichen schnell - ohne Identifizierung. Für die Angehörigen ist das ein weiteres Trauma.

      Das Porträt hängt zwischen den Fenstern im ansonsten schmucklosen Wohnzimmer. Wenn Hussam Adin Bibars es von der Wand nimmt, um es zu zeigen, wirkt es, als würde er eine Bürde tragen.

      Der gut aussehende junge Mann mit den blauen Augen und dem akkurat gestutzten, schwarzen Bart auf dem Foto ist sein Sohn. Das letzte Lebenszeichen von ihm kam im Herbst. Majid hatte sich auf den Weg gemacht, um zu seiner Familie zu ziehen. Sein Vater war bereits im Jahr 2015 aus Syrien geflohen und lebt heute in Dänemark.

      Um seinen Plan in die Tat umzusetzen, musste Majid über die berüchtigte Balkanroute, die in den vergangenen Jahren immer gefährlicher geworden ist. Die Außengrenzen werden strenger bewacht, Geflüchtete und ihre Schleuser wählen längere und gefährlichere Routen, um ein Aufeinandertreffen mit der Polizei zu vermeiden.

      Verloren im „Dreieck des Todes“

      Der Weg führt an der türkisch-bulgarischen Grenze durch dichte, endlose Wälder. „Dreieck des Todes“ nennen sie das Gebiet hier, weil dort besonders viele tote Körper gefunden wurden. Immer wieder verirren sich Flüchtlinge, sterben an Dehydrierung und Erschöpfung.

      Oft sind es Mitarbeiter von NGOs wie Diana Dimova, die die Toten finden. Vergangenes Jahr hätten sie zehn bis zwölf Notrufe erreicht, erzählt sie, dieses Jahr habe sie schon nicht mehr zählen können, es seien aber auf jeden Fall mehr als 70 gewesen.

      Nach Recherchen des ARD-Studios Wien in Kooperation mit Lighthouse Reports, dem Spiegel, RFE/RL, Solomon und inews starben allein in den vergangenen zwei Jahren mindestens 93 Menschen auf ihrem Weg durch Bulgarien.

      Dem Rechercheteam liegen zahlreiche Videos und Fotos Geflüchteter vor. Sie stehen neben ihren sterbenden Weggefährten, betten sie auf Jacken, versuchen sie zuzudecken und müssen sie schließlich auf dem Waldboden zurücklassen, der starre Blick eingefangen auf einem wackeligen Handyvideo.

      Wer zu schwach ist, wird zurückgelassen

      Hussam Adin Bibars erfährt, dass auch Majid nicht genug zu trinken hat. Er wird immer schwächer, berichtet von Bauchkrämpfen und kann nicht mehr weiterlaufen. Sein Vater macht sich Sorgen, versucht, mit dem Schleuser in Kontakt zu kommen.

      Der Schmuggler sagte, dass sich der Gesundheitszustand von Majid verschlechtert habe. Sie hätten ihn im Wald zurückgelassen. Ich habe versucht, ihm zu erklären, dass Majid ein Mensch ist und man ihn in so einem Zustand nicht einfach im Wald zurücklassen kann. Ich habe den Schmuggler gebeten, Majid an die nächstmögliche Behörde zu übergeben.

      Verzweifelte Suche in Bulgarien

      Als der Kontakt abbricht, macht Hussam sich auf eigene Faust auf die Suche. Er reist nach Bulgarien, klappert Krankenhäuser ab, schließlich auch Leichenhallen.

      In der Gerichtsmedizin in Yambol, einer Stadt im Südosten des Landes, findet er eine erste Spur, die ihn zu seinem Sohn führen könnte. Ein Körper, der zu seiner Beschreibung passt, sei dort gewesen, erzählt man ihm.

      Auf der Polizeistation zeigt man ihm schließlich Fotos, man habe den Leichnam auf einem Feld gefunden.

      Was bleibt: eine Grabnummer

      Hussam will seinen Sohn sehen und identifizieren, doch der Leichnam ist bereits weg. Die Polizei hat nur noch die Nummer eines Grabes für ihn. Für den Vater ist diese Nachricht kaum zu ertragen:

      Ich wünschte, ich hätte wenigstens die Chance, Majid ein letztes Mal zu sehen, aber bis heute bin ich mir über seinen Tod absolut unsicher. Ich habe zwar Fotos von ihm gesehen und sein Telefon erhalten, aber ich habe ihn nicht mit eigenen Augen gesehen, so dass mein Verstand immer noch nicht glauben kann, dass die Person in diesem Grab mein Sohn ist.

      Die Begründung der Staatsanwaltschaft

      Bevor der Körper überhaupt identifiziert werden konnte, hatte der Staatsanwalt ihn bereits zur Beerdigung freigegeben. Nach nur vier Tagen. Milen Bozidarov, einer der zuständigen Staatsanwälte für die Region verweist im Interview mit der ARD auf hygienische Gründe.

      Die Leichenhallen seien voll, jeder sei zur Eile angehalten. Wenn man davon ausgehen könne, die tote Person sei ein Migrant und die Angehörigen weit weg, dann gebe es keine sinnvollen Gründe, den Körper weiterhin aufzubewahren.

      Doch Majids Vater wollte seinen Sohn finden, die weite Anreise aus Dänemark hinderte ihn nicht an der Suche. 22 Tage nach seinem Tod war er in Bulgarien vor Ort. Da war es jedoch längst zu spät.

      Das einzige, was er noch besuchen konnte, war ein Erdhaufen auf einem Friedhof inmitten anderer namenloser Gräber.

      „Man will keine Aufmerksamkeit“

      Scharfe Kritik an dieser Praxis des schnellen Begrabens kommt von Anwalt Dragomir Oshavkov aus Burgas. Eigentlich dürfe es keinen Unterschied machen, ob der Tote ein Bulgare oder ein Migrant sei.

      Die Behörden hätten bei Migranten jedoch kein Interesse daran, die wahre Todesursache und die Identität herauszufinden, erzählt er. Man wolle den Prozess einfach schnell und möglichst bequem abschließen.

      Ein Verhalten, das für die EU unwürdig ist. So sieht es Erik Marquardt, der für die Grünen im Europaparlament sitzt und die Migrationspolitik der letzten Jahre genau verfolgt.

      Wenn man nach wenigen Tagen, ohne die Todesursache genau zu ermitteln, Menschen einfach verscharrt und sich nicht um die Angehörigen kümmert, dann will man offenbar nicht, dass die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Fälle kommt.

      Marquardt bringt die Einführung einer EU-Datenbank ins Spiel und eine Verpflichtung der Mitgliedstaaten, bei der Auffindung von Verwandten mitzuwirken.

      Ein Kind ohne Vater

      Für viele Menschen ist der Weg über die Balkanroute inzwischen tödlich - und endet in einem namenlosen Grab. Auch für Majid.

      Wenige Tage nach seinem Tod kommt Majids Tochter zur Welt. Hussam, der Großvater, zeigt ein Video, auf dem die Kleine unter einer weiß-blauen Samtmütze hervor blinzelt. Sie wird bei ihrer Mutter aufwachsen.

      Wo und wie ihr Vater genau gestorben ist, wird sie niemals erfahren.



      #Bulgarie #Turquie

    • "Ничии тела". Как стотици хора загинаха в бягството си през България

      През България минава път, който не е на картата и е все по-смъртоносен. По него вървят мигрантите, тръгнали за Западна Европа. Някои умират по пътя. После близките им ги търсят сред хаос и корупция. Разследване на Свободна Европа, Lighthouse Reports, The I Newspaper, Solomon, Der Spiegel и ARD.

      “Това е синът ми!”, възкликва със стегнат в гърлото глас 53-годишният сириец от Алепо Хусам Ал-Дийн Бибарс. Дежурният полицай в Елхово му показва снимка на очевидно мъртъв млад мъж със сиво-черни дрехи. На снимката той лежи в пръстта в землището на село Мелница, Ямболска област.

      Само ден по-рано бащата е пристигнал в България от Дания, където живее, с надеждата да открие безследно изчезналия си син Мажд, на 27 години. Екипът ни съпровожда бащата в това търсене.

      Още 22 дни по-рано Мажд е преминал нелегално българо-турската граница с група, водена от трафиканти. Платил е 7000 евро на каналджиите, за да достигне до заветната дестинация - Германия, където мечтае да се установи с жена си и малката си дъщеря.

      Хусам е чул сина си за последен път ден преди началото на фаталното пътуване. “Как си татко, добре ли си със здравето?” - пита Мажд.
      Хусам и снимката

      “На първата снимка не беше той. На втората обаче беше. Когато го видях, се сринах на земята”, каза бащата. От полицията му обясняват, че синът му е починал от преумора и че по тялото му няма следи от насилие.

      Първоначалната мисъл на Хусам Бибарс е да вземе тялото на Мажд и да го погребе у дома, в Сирия или в Турция, при семейството му. Тази надежда бързо бива попарена. Разбираме, че младият мъж вече е погребан служебно в безименен гроб в Елхово с постановление на окръжен прокурор от Ямбол. Документът е издаден едва 4 дни след като тракторист случайно е намерил тялото му и звъни в полицията.

      “Слушаме, че Европа е земя на свобода, демокрация и човешки права. Но къде са човешките права в това да не мога да видя сина си преди да бъде погребан? Видях единствено гроба му, снимките и телефона му. Това е всичко, което имам от него”, казва бащата.
      Един от стотици загинали

      Мажд Бибарс е един от стотиците бежанци от Близкия изток, изгубили живота си в последните години, докато минават по т.нар. Балкански маршрут в опит да намерят закрила в Европа.

      По данни на европейската гранична агенция Frontex, през 2022 г. броят на опитите за преминаване на европейските граници достига до пиковите равнища от 2016 г., като почти половината от тях, или 145 000 души, са минали именно през Югоизточна Европа.

      Обикновено смъртта по европейските граници се свързва с трагичните корабокрушения по бреговете на Средиземно море. Но различни доклади, като проекта Missing Migrants на Международната организация по миграция показват, че сухопътният маршрут през Балканите става все по-опасен.

      В продължение на повече от седем месеца екип от журналисти на Lighthouse reports, Der Spiegel, ARD, Свободна Европа и Inews проследи и документира десетки случаи на мигранти, безследно изчезнали или изгубили живота си в опит да преминат през три държави от т.нар. Балкански маршрут - България, Сърбия и Босна и Херцеговина.

      За семействата им процесът по издирване се оказва истински кошмар. Ако се окаже, че мигрантът е загинал, те трябва да идентифицират и евентуално да репатрират тялото му, или да го погребат в България.

      Само че на национално и на международно ниво няма нито единен, нито адекватен отговор на техните въпроси. Независимо от разрастващия се мащаб на проблема, роднините на загинали и изчезнали мигранти се сблъскват с липса на информация, незаинтересованост и тромави административни процедури. А ако действието се развива в България - и с корупция в бургаската морга, където се озовава най-големият брой от телата за загиналите.
      “Лавинообразен” ръст на изчезналите и загиналите

      “Често се случва да получа обаждане в полунощ от човек (...), който, на развален английски директно ме пита: Можете ли да намерите брат ми?”, разказва Калинка Янкова от Службата за възстановяване на семейни връзки към Българския червен кръст.

      “Най-много ни мотивира това да намираме хората живи. Но напоследък рядко имаме този късмет”, допълва тя.

      Янкова и екипът й разполагат с 631 сигнала за предполагаемо загинали през тази година и още стотици молби за издирване на изчезнали мигранти, подадени от роднините им. Към момента имат установени около 20 смъртни случая, в които са съдействали на семействата за идентифициране на починалите им близки. Сред тях има и деца.

      “Всичко започна през септември миналата година и оттогава случаите нараснаха лавинообразно”, казва Янкова.

      Думите й се потвърждават и от данните на правозащитната организация Фондация “Достъп до права”, или ФАР, която само за месеците септември и октомври 2023 г. е получила на своя спешен телефон 70 сигнала за изчезнали на територията на страната мигранти. За трима от тях по-късно разбират, че са починали в горите около град Средец.

      “В около 95 процента от случаите това са роднини, които се свързват с нас, посочвайки България, като държава, в която те за последен път са се чули с лицето”, казаха от ФАР.

      В останалите около 5 процента лично трафикантите подават сигнали за бедстващи хора, но това се случва часове след като човекът е бил изоставен, за да се избегне рискът от това служители на гранична полиция да задържат групата или да я върнат в Турция - практика, за която ви разказахме в последните ни разследвания. Основните места, където се намират лицата, са в горите около Средец и планината “Странджа” - район, печално известен още от времето на комунистическите гранични войски като“триъгълника на смъртта”.

      Но реално черната статистика е доста по-голяма. Само за периода 2022-2023 г. в моргата към УМБАЛ Бургас, която е и най-натоварената заради близостта си до турската граница, са съхранявани общо 54 тела на мигранти. 31 от тях са намерени от началото на тази година. Проверките ни в граничните райони до Турция и Сърбия установиха поне 93 смъртни случаи с мигранти на територията на страната за последните две години.

      Екипът ни документира други 62 случая от Сърбия и Босна и Херцеговина за същия период, с което трагичните инциденти по тази част от Балканския маршрут, установени само в рамките на това разследване, достигнаха 155.

      В местните медии темата е сведена до сензационни заглавия от типа на “Моргата в Бургас се препълни” или “Странджа е осеяна с трупове”. Ние решихме да проследим историите зад числата, причините за големия брой трагични инциденти и начините, по които институциите се справят с тях.
      В търсене на изчезналите роднини

      Мохамад Мудасир Арианпур е гордостта на семейството си. Служи в афганистанската армия, докато талибаните не вземат отново властта през 2021 г. Това прави живота му у дома невъзможен.

      На 21 септември 2022 г. Мохамад прекосява турско-българската граница с група от 26 други мигранти, водени от двама трафиканти. На 25 септември младият мъж губи сили и не може да продължи пътя през горите на Странджа. Негови приятели виждат, че се намират близо до село и му оставят две бутилки с вода с надеждата, че скоро ще бъде намерен и предаден на българските власти.

      Оттогава никой няма връзка с него.

      В следващите месеци негови роднини, живеещи в Западна Европа, посещават България няколко пъти, обикалят полицейски управления, бежански центрове, болници и морги, но опитите им да го открият не се увенчават с успех.

      Отчаяното търсене ги среща и с други семейства, сполетени от същата съдба. Сестра му Фатме Арианпур решава да създаде Whatsapp група, в която всички си помагат и обменят информация.

      “Намерихме се в различни групи във Фейсбук и разбрахме, че сме толкова много хора в една и съща ситуация”, разказва Фатме. “Надявам се, че като говорим за тези неща, ще успеем да променим нещо. Независимо дали са живи или мъртви, хората имат права”, допълва тя.

      Именно в създадената от нея група, както и в други подобни срещнахме основния герой на историята ни - Хусам Бибарс, както и други семейства, с които разговаряхме.

      Поне четирима от интервюираните ни казаха, че при посещенията си в моргата в УМБАЛ Бургас са плащали на служители на лечебното заведение, за да видят дали близките им не са сред съхраняваните там тела.

      Сумите, за които чухме, варираха между 50 лева и 200 евро на посещение.

      “В крайна сметка всички просто искат пари”, обобщи опита си Али, афганистански бежанец. Той прекарва месеци в България, опитвайки се да погребе 16-годишния си брат, като общо разходите му възлизат на над 8000 евро.
      50 лева

      Оплакванията от корупционни практики с тела на мигранти в моргата в Бургас не са нищо ново за работещите в правозащитния сектор.

      “Получавали сме информация и сигнали, че от семейства, открили мъртъв човек там, са били искани големи суми за потвърждение, че тялото е там, и за освобождаването му. Оплакват се, че са им били искани пари на всяка стъпка от процеса”, казва Георги Войнов, адвокат в бежанско-мигрантската служба на Българския хелзинкски комитет.

      За Калинка Янкова от БЧК новината за подобни форми на изнудване идва от близки на загинал афганистанец, които й споделят, че са платили над 100 евро, за да видят тялото на своя близък.

      “Бях извън себе си от възмущение.(...) Когато споделих с един колега, той ми каза: добре дошла в клуба”, добавя тя.

      Аудиофайл, с който екипът ни разполага, е и първото категорично потвърждение на тези твърдения. В него ясно се чува как служител на моргата в Бургас иска общо 100 лева от семейство, търсещо свой близък, заради това, че му е показал тела на починали мигранти в камерата.

      “Две по 50. Двама човека сме. Още едно 50”, инструктира той роднините, преди да ги насочи към процедура по разпознаване чрез ДНК.

      От УМБАЛ Бургас обясниха, че в лечебното заведение не е постъпвал нито един сигнал или жалба за подобни практики и обясниха, че идентификацията на телата се извършва само и единствено в присъствието на разследващ полицай и съдебен лекар.

      “Огромна част от телата са в състояние на напреднало разложение и е невъзможно да бъдат разпознати без ДНК експертиза, дори и да бъдат показани”, уточниха от болницата.

      “Апелираме подобни сигнали и оплаквания, да бъдат адресирани по официалния ред към нас и към разследващите органи. Ако се установи, че има подобни практики, служителите ще понесат съответната отговорност”, посочи още управлението на МБАЛ Бургас.
      “Ничии тела”

      В българския НПК процедурите по идентифициране на случайно намерени тела са едни и същи, независимо дали казусът засяга български или чужд гражданин. В подобни случаи прокуратурата започва досъдебно производство, което има две цели: да идентифицира лицето и да установи причината за смъртта. На жертвите се взема ДНК, което се съхранява, ако евентуално в бъдеще се появят близки, които искат да извършат разпознаване.

      Съвпадението на ДНК е задължително за освобождаване на тела от моргите или за евентуална ексхумация, което отнема около 3 месеца и допълнително усложнява процеса по репатриране на починалите. Към момента Хусам Бибарс вече над месец очаква резултатите от ДНК тест, за да може да получи важни документи за семейството на починалия си син.

      В случай, че самоличността на лицето не може да бъде установена и няма данни за насилствено причинена смърт, наблюдаващият прокурор може да издаде постановление за извършване на служебно погребение, което е в правомощията на съответната община.

      Чрез запитвания по Закона за достъп до обществена информация разбрахме, че през последните 4 години общините Бургас, Средец и Ямбол са извършили общо 14 служебни погребения, като основната част - 10, са били в Бургас.

      Тези данни се отнасят за всички неидентифицирани тела, но посещения на гробищните паркове ни дават основание да смятаме, че в болшинството от случаите става дума за мигранти. За сравнение, от най-голямата община в страната, столичната, в същия период не е извършено нито едно служебно погребение, разпоредено от прокурор.

      Остава отворен и въпросът защо от моргата в Бургас редовно идват оплаквания, че е препълнена с тела на неидентифицирани мигранти, някои от които престояват там с години, а случаи като този на Мажд Бибарс биват приключени за четири дни, повдигайки сериозни съмнения, че изобщо са били правени опити тялото да бъде идентифицирано.

      В отговор на наше запитване от Главната прокуратура ни увериха, че на централно ниво няма решение за по-бързо освобождаване на тела и това “не е възможно, тъй като наблюдаващите прокурори следва стриктно да спазват нормите на НПК”.

      “Ако близките не пожелаят да получат тялото и изрично заявят това, тогава се пристъпва към служебно погребение. Същото се налага да се извърши и когато не бъде установена самоличността на починалия – при обективно положени изчерпателни усилия за това или при случаи, когато се изясни, че починалият няма близки и роднини”, посочват прокурорите. Те подчертават, че при случаите с български граждани се действа по същия начин.

      Но Милен Божидаров, който е прокурор в Ямболската районна прокуратура, признава, че стремежът в неговия район е случаите да се приключват бързо.

      “Това е въпрос на организация на процеса, всички ние целим бързина”, заяви той.

      По думите на прокурора, при “обичайни обстоятелства” роднините на загинали се търсят и обикновено се установяват още в деня на смъртта.

      Но очевидно случаите с телата на мигранти не попадат в обичайната хипотеза.

      “Когато ние имаме неидентифициран труп, за който няма обяснение [за самоличността], освен, че е [ясно, че е] бежанец, и се предполага, че роднините му са някъде по света и не са се свързали с нас в този, предходния или по-предходния ден, няма обективни причини, които да налагат съхранението на този труп”, обясни той.

      “Представете си, че този баща не се беше появил - ние така или иначе нямаше да стигнем до някакъв резултат и трупът не може да стои безкрайно в камера в някое от здравните заведения”, допълни прокурорът.

      Но според адвокат Драгомир Ошавков, който работи с фондация ФАР в Бургас, в огромния процент от случаите с мигранти органите на досъдебното производство и прокуратурата просто нямат интерес от това да вършат подробни изследвания и да установяват реално причините за смъртта и самоличността.

      “Те бързат да приключат по най-бързия и удобен за тях начин това досъдебно производство”, категочен е той.

      “Това са едни ничии хора, ничии тела. Мигранти, които не представляват голям обществен интерес. Те не са желани в България, не са желани вероятно и в Западна Европа. Вероятно затова те са считани по-скоро като тежест за системата, вместо като случаи, които трябва да бъдат разрешени”, смята юристът.


    • Νεκροί πρόσφυγες στα Βαλκάνια : « Λάδωσε » για να βρεις τον άνθρωπό σου

      Στη βαλκανική οδό πεθαίνουν περισσότεροι αιτούντες άσυλο ακόμα και από το 2015. Ενώ οι συγγενείς καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν την κρατική αδιαφορία για την ταυτοποίηση των ανθρώπων τους, αναγκάζονται και να πληρώσουν εκατοντάδες ευρώ απλώς για να τους αναζητήσουν.

      Ήλπιζε πως θα έβρισκε τον γιο του σε κάποιον προσφυγικό καταυλισμό. Και αφού είχε περάσει τρεις εβδομάδες αναζητώντας τον, είχε προετοιμαστεί για το ενδεχόμενο να τον εντοπίσει σε κάποιο νοσοκομείο.

      Αλλά δεν περίμενε να τον βρει στο νεκροταφείο.

      Όταν ο αστυνομικός με το βουλγαρικό εθνόσημο του έδειξε τη φωτογραφία του γιου του, να κείτεται δίχως ζωή στο γρασίδι, έχασε τη γη κάτω απ’ τα πόδια του. « Εύχομαι τουλάχιστον να είχα τη δυνατότητα να δω τον Μαχίντ μια τελευταία φορά. Το μυαλό μου ακόμη και σήμερα δεν μπορεί να πιστέψει πως ο άνθρωπος σε αυτόν τον τάφο είναι ο γιος μου », λέει ο Χουσάμ Αντίν Μπίμπαρς.

      Ο 56χρονος Σύριος πρόσφυγας, πατέρας πέντε ακόμη παιδιών, είχε συμπληρώσει 22 ημέρες αναζητώντας από απόσταση τον γιο του, όταν αποφάσισε να ξοδέψει τα λιγοστά του χρήματα για να ταξιδέψει από τη Δανία στη Βουλγαρία και να ψάξει για εκείνον — αλλά ήταν πια αργά.

      Στη Βουλγαρία, έμαθε πως το σώμα του 27χρονου Μαχίντ είχε ταφεί μέσα σε μόλις τέσσερις ημέρες από τον εντοπισμό του. Ο Μαχίντ είχε ταφεί ως αγνώστων στοιχείων, τίποτα δεν ενημέρωνε πως κάτω από εκείνον τον σωρό με χώμα που αργότερα επισκέφθηκε βρισκόταν ο γιος του.

      « Ακούμε πως η Ευρώπη είναι η γη της ελευθερίας, της δημοκρατίας, και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων », λέει νηφάλια ο Χουσάμ Αντίν Μπίμπαρς. « Που είναι τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, εάν δεν έχω τη δυνατότητα να δω τον γιο μου πριν την ταφή του ; ».

      Νεκροί δίχως ταυτότητα

      Ο Μαχίντ είχε περάσει από την Τουρκία στη Βουλγαρία με ένα γκρουπ περίπου 20 ακόμη ατόμων, ελπίζοντας να συναντήσει και πάλι τους γονείς και τα αδέρφια του στην Ευρώπη. Αφού έφτανε εκείνος, η έγκυος γυναίκα του και η κόρη τους, Χάνα, θα μπορούσαν να ακολουθήσουν.

      Προς τα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου, σταμάτησε να απαντάει σε κλήσεις και μηνύματα. Ο διακινητής είπε στον Μπίμπαρς ότι ο Μαχίντ είχε αρρωστήσει και είχε χρειαστεί να τον αφήσουν πίσω. Οι Αρχές είπαν ότι ο γιος του πέθανε από τη δείψα, την εξάντληση, και το κρύο.

      Τα τελευταία χρόνια, με κοινοτικά χρήματα και αυξημένη συμμετοχή του ευρωπαϊκού οργανισμού συνοριοφυλακής Frontex, οι βαλκανικές χώρες εντείνουν ολοένα τους συνοριακούς ελέγχους, αναπτύσσοντας φράχτες, drones, και μηχανισμούς επιτήρησης. Αλλά αυτό δεν αποτρέπει τους αιτούντες άσυλο — τους οδηγεί σε μεγαλύτερες και περισσότερο επικίνδυνες διόδους για να αποφύγουν τις Αρχές.

      Μια έρευνα του Solomon σε συνεργασία με την ερευνητική ομάδα Lighthouse Reports, το γερμανικό περιοδικό Der Spiegel, τη γερμανική δημόσια τηλεόραση ARD, τη βρετανική εφημίδα i, το Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, και ακαδημαϊκούς από τα πανεπιστήμια Aston, Liverpool, και Nottingham, αποτυπώνει πως η εχθρότητα που αντιμετωπίζουν στα σύνορα της Ευρώπης οι άνθρωποι σε κίνηση όσο ζουν συνεχίζεται και στο θάνατο.

      Διαπιστώσαμε πως, από τις αρχές του 2022 έως σήμερα, τα άψυχα σώματα 155 ανθρώπων που πιθανολογείται ότι ήταν αιτούντες άσυλο κατέληξαν σε νεκροτομεία κοντά στα σύνορα κατά μήκος μιας διαδρομής που εκτείνεται ανάμεσα στη Βουλγαρία, τη Σερβία, και τη Βοσνία.

      Από την εξέταση των στοιχείων, για το 2023 προκύπτει ήδη μια αύξηση των θανάτων κατά 46% σε σύγκριση με ολόκληρο το 2022.

      Στα Βαλκάνια, οι αιτούντες άσυλο καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν τις δύσκολες καιρικές συνθήκες, αλλά και τις επαναπροωθήσεις, την αυξημένη βιαιότητα συνοριοφυλάκων και διακινητών, την καταλήστευση από συνοριακές δυνάμεις — έως και την κράτησή τους σε μυστικές « φυλακές ».

      Οι οικογένειες των ανθρώπων που πεθαίνουν, ή καθίστανται αγνοούμενοι στην περιοχή, αναζητούν τους δικούς τους σε νεκροτομεία, νοσοκομεία, και ειδικά γκρουπ σε Facebook και WhatsApp. Καλούνται να ανταπεξέλθουν σε μια εξίσου ψυχοφθόρα προσπάθεια, και να αντιμετωπίσουν την αδιαφορία των Αρχών.

      Στη Βουλγαρία, όπως τεκμηριώνει η παρούσα έρευνα, συχνά χρειάζεται και να « λαδώσουν » στην ελπίδα να μάθουν περισσότερα για τους δικούς τους.
      Τα 10 βασικά ευρήματα της έρευνας :

      1. Ο αριθμός όσων ταξίδεψαν παράτυπα μέσω Βαλκανίων για τη δυτική Ευρώπη το 2022 έφτασε στο ανώτατο σημείο από το 2015, με την Frontex να καταγράφει 144.118 παράτυπες διελεύσεις συνόρων.

      2. Ο αντίστοιχος αριθμός για το 2023 είναι μικρότερος (79.609 έως τον Σεπτέμβριο), αλλά παραμένει πολλαπλάσιος σε σχέση με το 2019 (15.127) και το 2018 (5.844).

      3. Η βαλκανική οδός είναι πιο επικίνδυνη από ποτέ : ελλείψει ενός κεντρικού σχετικού συστήματος καταγραφής, η πλατφόρμα Missing Migrants του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού Μετανάστευσης (ΔΟΜ) υποδεικνύει ότι το 2022 έχασαν τη ζωή τους ή κατέστησαν αγνοούμενοι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι ακόμη και από το 2015.

      4. Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που συγκεντρώσαμε, τουλάχιστον 155 αταυτοποίητα πτώματα κατέληξαν σε έξι νεκροτομεία ενός τμήματος της βαλκανικής οδού, που περιλαμβάνει Βουλγαρία, Σερβία, και Βοσνία. Η πλειοψηφία των πτωμάτων (92) εντοπίστηκαν φέτος.

      5. Για το 2023, ο αριθμός εμφανίζει ήδη αύξηση κατά 46% σε σχέση με το 2022, και εκτοξεύεται σε ορισμένα νεκροτομεία.

      6. Κάποια νεκροτομεία της Βουλγαρίας (Μπουργκάς, Γιάμπολ) δυσκολεύονται να βρουν χώρο για τα σώματα των προσφύγων. Άλλα στη Σερβία (Λόζνιτσα) δεν διαθέτουν καθόλου χώρο.

      7. Η έλλειψη χώρου οδηγεί στην ταφή αταυτοποίητων σωμάτων εντός ημερών, σε τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων. Αυτό σημαίνει πως καθίσταται πρακτικά αδύνατο για τις οικογένειες να μπορέσουν να ταυτοποιήσουν τους δικούς τους.

      8. Στη Βουλγαρία, οικογένειες μας είπαν πως αναγκάστηκαν να « λαδώσουν » εργαζομένους σε νοσοκομεία και νεκροτομεία, αλλά και συνοριοφύλακες, αναζητώντας τους ανθρώπους τους. Πηγές στο πεδίο επιβεβαιώνουν την πρακτική, η οποία καταγράφεται και σε ηχητικό αρχείο στην κατοχή μας.

      9. Στη Βοσνία, 28 άνθρωποι που εκτιμάται πως ήταν αιτούντες άσυλο έχουν ήδη χάσει τη ζωή τους στον ποταμό Ντρίνα φέτος, σε σύγκριση με μόλις πέντε το 2022 και τρεις το 2021.

      10. Γραφειοκρατία και έλλειψη κρατικού ενδιαφέροντος καταγράφεται πως δυσχεραίνουν τις προσπάθειες ταυτοποίησης νεκρών αιτούντων άσυλο.

      Νεκρός αλλά δεν ξέρει γιατί

      Τι κάνεις όταν ο μικρός σου αδερφός σου αγνοείται, και το δικό σου καθεστώς απαγορεύει να βρεθείς στο πεδίο για να τον αναζητήσεις ;

      Ο 29χρονος Ασματουλά Σεντίκι βρισκόταν στη δομή φιλοξενίας στο Γουόρινγκτον του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, όπου έχει αιτηθεί άσυλο, όταν συνταξιδιώτες του αδερφού του τον ενημέρωσαν πως ο 22χρονος Ραχματουλά πιθανόν να ήταν νεκρός.

      Λόγω του καθεστώτους του ως αιτούντα άσυλο, το Home Office δεν επέτρεψε στον Ασματουλά να επιστρέψει στη Βουλγαρία, την οποία είχε διασχίσει και ο ίδιος κατά το δικό του ταξίδι, για να αναζητήσει τον αδερφό του.

      Όταν ένας φίλος κατέστη δυνατό να πάει για λογαριασμό του, η βουλγαρική αστυνομία αρνήθηκε να δώσει οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία. Και το προσωπικό του νεκροτομείου ζήτησε 300 ευρώ για τον αφήσει να δει ορισμένα πτώματα, είπε ο Σεντίκι στα πλαίσια της παρούσας έρευνας.

      « Σε μια τέτοια κατάσταση, ο άνθρωπος πρέπει να βοηθάει τον άνθρωπο », πρόσθεσε. « Ξέρουν μόνο τα χρήματα. Δεν τους ενδιαφέρει η ανθρώπινη ζωή ».

      Κατάφερε να δανειστεί το ποσό που του ζήτησαν. Τον Ιούλιο του 2022, 55 ημέρες μετά την εξαφάνισή του αδερφού του, το νοσοκομείο του Μπουργκάς επιβεβαίωσε ότι ένα από τα σώματα στο νεκροτομείο ανήκε σε κείνον. Με ακόμη 3.000 ευρώ που δανείστηκε, μπόρεσε να επαναπατρίσει τον αδελφό του στους γονείς τους στο Αφγανιστάν.

      Αλλά έως και σήμερα, τον Ασματουλά κατατρώει μια σκέψη : δεν γνωρίζει πώς, δεν τον έχει ενημερώσει κανείς γιατί, πέθανε ο αδερφός του.

      Οι βουλγαρικές Αρχές δεν του έχουν δώσει τα αποτελέσματα της νεκροψίας, επειδή δεν έχει βίζα για να ταξιδέψει εκεί, λέει. « Είμαι σίγουρος ότι, όταν η αστυνομία τον βρήκε στο δάσος, θα τράβηξε κάποιες φωτογραφίες. Θέλω να δω πώς έμοιαζε τότε το σώμα του ».
      « Ούτε μια καταγγελία »

      Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας έρευνας των Solomon, Lighthouse Reports, RFE/RL, inews, ARD, και Der Spiegel, αρκετοί συγγενείς μας είπαν πως είχαν επίσης αναγκαστεί να « λαδώσουν » εργαζομένους στο νεκροτομείο του Μπουργκάς, προκειμένου να μπορέσουν να διαπιστώσουν εάν ανάμεσα στα νεκρά σώματα στους ψύκτες βρίσκονταν οι δικοί τους.

      Όταν ρωτήσαμε τη διοίκηση του νοσοκομείου εάν τέτοιου είδους πρακτικές ήταν σε γνώση της, η επικεφαλής του τμήματος ιατροδικαστικής του νοσοκομείου Μπουργκάς, Γκαλίνα Μίλεβα, είπε πως δεν έχει λάβει « ούτε μία αναφορά ή καταγγελία για κάποια τέτοια περίπτωση ».

      « Η ταυτοποίηση των πτωμάτων πραγματοποιείται αποκλειστικά και μόνο παρουσία αστυνομικού που διεξάγει την έρευνα και ιατροδικαστή », υποστήριξε. Απαντώντας σε σχετική ερώτηση, συμπλήρωσε πως δεν υπάρχει καμία νομική πρόβλεψη, με βάση την οποία εργαζόμενοι στο νεκροτομείο θα μπορούσαν να ζητήσουν χρήματα από τους συγγενείς γι’ αυτή τη διαδικασία.

      « Απευθύνουμε έκκληση αυτές οι καταγγελίες να απευθύνονται μέσω της επίσημης οδού σε εμάς και στις ανακριτικές αρχές. Εάν διαπιστωθεί η ύπαρξη τέτοιων πρακτικών, οι εργαζόμενοι θα λογοδοτήσουν », είπε.
      « Ζητούνται χρήματα σε κάθε βήμα της διαδικασίας »

      Άλλος συγγενής, η οικογένεια του οποίου στα τέλη του 2022 χρειάστηκε επίσης να μεταβεί στη Βουλγαρία για να αναζητήσει μέλος της, μας είπε πως αφού έδωσαν δίχως επιτυχία 300 ευρώ σε κάποιον στο νεκροτομείο για να τους επιτραπεί να κοιτάξουν τα νεκρά σώματα, χρειάστηκε να πληρώσουν και συνοριοφύλακες.

      Ήταν ο μόνος τρόπος να τους πάρουν στα σοβαρά, εξήγησε.

      Όταν ζήτησαν από τους συνοριοφύλακες να τους δείξουν φωτογραφίες ανθρώπων σε κίνηση που είχαν εντοπιστεί νεκροί, εκείνοι τους είπαν πως δεν είχαν χρόνο — όταν δέχθηκαν να τους δώσουν 20 ευρώ για κάθε φωτογραφία που θα τους έδειχναν, ο χρόνος βρέθηκε.

      Ο Γκεόργκι Βόινοφ, δικηγόρος του προγράμματος για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες της Βουλγαρικής Επιτροπής του Ελσίνκι, επιβεβαίωσε πως οικογένειες θανόντων έχουν απευθυνθεί στην οργάνωση για περιπτώσεις στις οποίες νοσοκομεία ζήτησαν μεγάλα ποσά για να επιβεβαιώσουν πως τα σώματα των δικών τους βρίσκονταν εκεί.

      « Καταγγέλλουν ότι τους ζητούνται χρήματα σε κάθε βήμα της διαδικασίας », είπε.

      Πηγές από διεθνείς οργανισμούς, μεταξύ αυτών και από τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό Βουλγαρίας, επιβεβαίωσαν πως είχαν συναφή εμπειρία από συγγενείς τους οποίους είχαν υποστηρίξει, και οι οποίοι είχαν επίσης αναγκαστεί να καταβάλουν χρήματα σε νεκροτομεία και νοσοκομεία.

      « Καταλαβαίνουμε ότι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι είναι πολύ καταβεβλημένοι και πρέπει να πληρώνονται επιπλέον για όλη αυτή την επιπλέον δουλειά που κάνουν », σχολίασε στέλεχος του Ερυθρού Σταυρού Βουλγαρίας που μίλησε στην έρευνα υπό τον όρο ανωνυμίας.

      « Αλλά ας συμβαίνει αυτό με νόμιμο τρόπο ».

      * Στην έρευνα, που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συντονισμό του Lighthouse Reports, συμμετείχαν οι Σταύρος Μαλιχούδης, Jack Sapoch, May Bulman, Maria Cheresheva, Steffen Ludke, Ivana Milanovic Djukic, Nicole Voegele, Jelena Obradović-Wochnik, Thom Davies, Arshad Isakjee, Doraid al Hafid, Anna Tillack, Oliver Soos, Klaas van Dijken, Aleksandar Milanovic, Camelia Ivanova, Pat Rubio Bertran.



    • Surge in refugee deaths in Balkans region where UK provides border force training

      InvestigationAlmost 100 people presumed to be migrants have died along one section of the route this year - a 46 per cent increase on the whole of 2022

      When he saw the photograph of his dead son, Hussam Adin Bibars collapsed to the floor. After three weeks of searching, he had found him – and his worst fears had been realised.

      The image, handed to him by a Bulgarian police officer, showed 27-year-old Majd Addin Bibars lying pale and lifeless on a patch of grass. “I fell down when I saw it,” Mr Bibars, 53, recalls. “I recognised him immediately … It was my son.”

      The Syrian father of five, who has refugee status and lives in Denmark, wanted to see Majd’s body for himself – but was told it had already been buried in an unmarked grave in a cemetery several miles away, four days after it was found.

      Majd had been travelling through Bulgaria from Turkey in the hope of reaching Germany, where he would be closer to his parents and hoped to later bring his pregnant wife and young daughter, Hanaa, to join him.

      He had been with a group of around 20 others embarking on the same, dangerous journey – but he stopped responding to texts and calls at the end of September. The smuggler leading the group informed Mr Bibars that Majd had fallen sick and the group had left him, the grieving father says.

      After 22 days searching for Majd from afar, Mr Bibars decided to spend the little money he had to travel to Bulgaria.

      After speaking to a staff member at a hospital near the Turkish border – with the help of a translator – he was directed to the local police station, where he was shown the photo of Majd’s lifeless body. He was told his son had died of thirst, exhaustion and cold – and that he had been buried.

      “We hear that Europe is the land of freedom, democracy and human rights – where are human rights if I can’t see my son before his funeral?” asks Mr Bibars. “All I saw was a grave, photos and his phone. That’s all I have of him.”

      Majd was one of many people who have died while travelling through the Balkans to reach Western Europe – and whose families are forced to undergo a painstaking process to find out what happened.

      Many making these fatal journeys had hoped to claim asylum in EU countries such as Germany and France, while others planned to try their luck on a small boat towards the UK, often due to existing family ties in the country. So far this year, Britain has received the fifth-highest number of asylum applications across Europe.

      There is no official data on the number of deaths, but an investigation by i, in collaboration with investigative bureau Lighthouse Reports, Der Spiegel, Solomon, ARD and RFE/RL Sofia, has found that the bodies of 92 people presumed to be migrants have been received across six morgues in border areas along one section of the route – spanning Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia – this year, a 46 per cent increase on the whole of 2022.

      Border security in these countries has been tightened in recent years, helped by funding from the EU and the UK. Britain has provided training and equipment to Bulgarian border police since 2020, and Rishi Sunak announced in October that his Government would form bilateral initiatives with Bulgaria and Serbia aimed at tackling organised crime linked to illegal migration.

      Migration experts have criticised these agreements, highlighting the risks attached to such cooperation given that border guards in these countries are known to have been involved in violations of international law, including pushbacks and other violence against people on the move.

      Use of violence by border police in the Balkans has increased, with officers in some areas – notably Bulgarian police operating near the Turkish border and Serbian police in northern Serbia – documented using violence against people trying to cross, and sometimes illegally forcing them back across borders.

      Instead of deterring people from making the journeys, it has led them to take longer and more dangerous routes to evade security forces – leading to more deaths.

      At the same time, the number of people being resettled under safe and legal routes in Europe has declined, with 79 per cent fewer relocated under UNHCR resettlement schemes in the UK last year than in 2019, and 17 per cent fewer across the EU.

      This investigation has found that many migrants have been buried in anonymous graves, sometimes within days – like Majd – due to lack of space in morgues, making it almost impossible for their families to locate them.

      Milen Bozhidarov, the prosecutor in Yambol, a Bulgarian city close to the Turkish border, said Majd’s funeral took place after four days in keeping with their procedure of carrying out burials of unidentified migrants “fast” to free up space in the morgue.

      “When we have unidentified body that was found in a place that gives us no other explanation except that the person is a migrant, and the suggestion is that the relatives are somewhere in the world and no one is getting in touch with us that day or on the next day, then there are no objective reasons why the body should be kept,” he added.

      Some family members have been forced to pay bribes to morgue staff to find out whether their loved ones’ bodies are held. i has heard testimony from several families saying they paid sums of cash ranging from €50 to €300 to staff at the morgue in Burgas, a Bulgarian city near the Turkish border, to see the bodies.

      The head of the Burgas morgue, Galina Mileva, said it had not received any complaints about such incidents and encouraged people to report such cases to the morgue’s management.

      The countries where these deaths occur, and Europe as a whole, are under growing pressure from politicians, NGOs and forensic experts to create a mechanism to help families searching for missing loved ones who have died on these journeys.

      Families face additional hurdles when they can’t travel due to their status or nationality. Asmatullah Sediqi, an Afghan asylum seeker in the UK, was prevented by UK Home Office rules from travelling to Bulgaria, where his 22-year-old brother Rahmatullah had gone missing presumed dead after crossing from Turkey.

      A friend went on his behalf, but Bulgarian police refused to provide any information, and morgue staff said he would need to pay them €300 to see any bodies, Mr Sediqi said.

      “They just know money. They don’t care about a human life,” he added.

      Mr Sediqi, 29, who lives in asylum accommodation in Warrington, borrowed money to pay the bribe. His friend established that one of the bodies in the morgue was Rahmatullah.

      By borrowing another €3,000 – putting him into heavy debt – Mr Sediqi paid a company to repatriate his brother’s body to his parents in Afghanistan. But he has had no information by the Bulgarian authorities on how Rahmatullah died.

      “They didn’t give us the results of the autopsy because I don’t have a visa to go there,” he says. “It’s very painful not knowing what happened to my brother.”

      Dr Vidak Simić, a pathologist in Bosnia who carries out autopsies on bodies found in the Drina River on the Serbian border, said the number of unidentified migrant bodies being brought to him for autopsy has surged in the past year.

      In 2023, he has examined the bodies of 28, compared with five last year and three in 2021. The vast majority remain unidentified and are buried in graves marked “NN” – an abbreviation for a Latin term for a person with no name.

      The doctor is working with a local activist to try to help families find missing loved ones, checking his autopsy files to see if any unidentified bodies match the description of missing people – but says a proper system is needed.

      “[Families] enter a painstaking process, through embassies, burial organisations, to obtain a bone sample, so that they can compare it with one of their family members,” he says. “Nobody is doing the work to connect families with those who have drowned.”

      EU human rights commissioner Dunja Mijatović described “inaction” among European countries to facilitate DNA matching and create a data collection procedure on migrant disappearances and deaths.

      Erik Marquardt, Green Party politician in the European Parliament, said the fact that countries such as Bulgaria are burying unidentified bodies within days suggested they “don’t want attention brought to these cases”.

      “We have to think about whether we can set up a database at an EU level that would oblige member states to clarify: who is this person’s child, who are the parents, how can they be reached? This is very important,” he added.

      Until then, the bodies of those who die escaping conflict will continue to pile up in morgues or be buried without a trace, leaving more families to endure an agonising process to find out they have died – or left in a perpetual state of uncertainty.

      A Home Office spokesperson said: “The UK and Bulgaria have a close law enforcement partnership. By working together we are able to bolster Bulgaria’s border security, tackle serious organised crime and immigration crime threats, and disrupt the business model of these criminal groups.

      “Individuals awaiting the outcome of their asylum claims in the UK are not permitted to travel abroad, but are provided with a range of support by the government.”


    • Almost 100 refugees died on their way through Bulgaria within the last two years

      According to a research by the ARD studio (https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/bulgarien-migranten-todesfaelle-100.html) in Vienna in cooperation with Lighthouse Reports (https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/europes-nameless-dead), Der Spiegel (https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/vermisste-fluechtlinge-auf-der-balkanroute-europas-namenlose-tote-a-5d0b55a7), RFE/RL (https://www.svobodnaevropa.bg/a/migranti-zaginali-bejanci/32708468.html), Solomon (https://wearesolomon.com/el/mag/thematikh/metanasteush/dead-refugees-balkans) and inews (https://inews.co.uk/news/world/surge-refugee-deaths-balkans-uk-training-border-forces-2785043) – which was published in the beginning of December 2023 – at least 93 people died on their way through Bulgaria in the last two years alone.

      The research team spoke with forensic pathologists in Bulgaria and people whose family members had gone missing or died on the route. The people on the run are usually dying because of exhaustion and cold on their route, which leads through mountains, bushes and the countryside. The last case was reported on the 27th of November 2023 by the Bulgarian authorities (https://orf.at/stories/3341237). Additionally there is a fence at the Bulgarian-Turkish border which was constructed already in 2013 and replaced and modified in the following years with a bigger one (https://bordermonitoring.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/bm.eu-2020-bulgaria_web.pdf). Additionally to this numerous car accidents are happening regularly. Some of them are fatal (https://bulgaria.bordermonitoring.eu/2023/03/20/another-refugee-dies-on-the-streets-of-bulgaria).

      But not only the dangerous way is the problem for the people on the run, there is also the Bulgarian border police, which is accused of brutal Push-Backs. According to the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee only in 2022 almost 90.000 people where affected by #push-backs (https://ecre.org/2022-update-aida-country-report-on-bulgaria). Also young people with their families and unaccompanied minors are at risk to be push-backed, as the NGOs “Center for legal aid – Voice in Bulgaria“ and “Mission Wings“ found out, while conducting interviews in Turkey (https://www.tdh.de/fileadmin/user_upload/inhalte/04_Was_wir_tun/Themen/Weitere_Themen/Fluechtlingskinder/tdh_Bericht_Kinderrechtsverletzungen-an-EU-Aussengrenzen.pdf). For 2023 Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov stated that that app 165,000 ‚illegal entry attempts‘ at the Bulgarian-Turkish were prevented (https://www.novinite.com/articles/222633/October+Sees+41+Decrease+in+Illegal+Migrants+in+Bulgaria).

      With regard to Bulgaria, the fundamental rights officer of the EU border protection authority Frontex became active in a total of seven internally reported cases regarding possible violations of fundamental rights, the authority said in response to a request from ORF (https://orf.at/stories/3341237). In the beginning of December 2023. All cases concern pushback allegations from Bulgaria to Turkey, a Frontex spokeswoman said. At least 232 Frontex officers were deployed in Bulgaria in 2023 (https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/51259/exclusive-why-are-migrant-pushbacks-from-bulgaria-to-turkey-soaring).


    • Bulgarie :

      “The #Strandzha national park straddles the Bulgarian-Turkish border. It is in this densely forested and mountainous area of land where people are known to often make the border crossing by foot. A treacherous journey often taking many days, and also known to have taken many lives - lighthouse reports identified 82 bodies of people on the move that have passed through three morgues in Bulgaria. Many of whom will have died on the Strandzha crossing.

      It is reported(14) that morgues in the towns of Burgas and Yambol - on the outskirts of the Strandzha national park - are having difficulty finding space due to the amount of deaths occurring in this area. So much so that a public prosecutor from Yambol explained this as the reason why people are being buried without identification in nameless graves, sometimes after only 4 days of storage. It is also reported that families who tried to find and identify the bodies of their deceased loved ones were forced to pay cash bribes to the Burgas morgue in order to do so.

      Through networks with families in home countries, NGOs based nearby make efforts to alert authorities and to respond to distress calls from people in danger within the Strandzha national park. However, the Bulgarian state makes these attempts nearly impossible through heavy militarisation and the associated criminalisation of being active in the area. It is the same militarisation that is supported with money from the EU’s ‘cooperation framework’. Due to these limitations even the bodies that make it to morgues in Bulgaria are likely to be only a percentage of the total death toll that is effectively sponsored by the EU.

      Local NGO Mission Wings stated(15) that in 2022 they received at most 12 distress calls, whereas in 2023 the NGO stopped counting at 70. This gives a clear correlation between increased funding to the fortification of the EU’s external border and the amount of lives put in danger.”


  • EU Divided Over Gaza as Humanitarian Crisis, Displacement and Death Toll Increases, Leaked Document Reveals Israeli Plan for Permanent Displacement of the Strip Population in the Egyptian Sinai Desert

    The lack of consensus among EU member states over the tragedy in Gaza continues as deaths, displacement increases and humanitarian crisis worsens. Leaked plan confirms Egyptian fears of Israeli attempts to permanently displace the population of Gaza in the Sinai desert.

    After a diplomatic meltdown following the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, the EU remains divided over its position on Gaza as the humanitarian crisis worsens, death toll and displacement increase and protests and calls for a ceasefire spread across the globe. Commissioner-General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini addressed the UN Security Council Meeting on 30 Oct warning that “An immediate humanitarian cease-fire has become a matter of life and death for millions,” and stating: “The horrific attacks by Hamas in Israel on 7 October were shocking. The relentless bombardments by the Israeli Forces of the Gaza Strip are shocking. The level of destruction is unprecedented, the human tragedy unfolding under our watch is unbearable. One million people, half the population of Gaza, were pushed from the north of the Gaza Strip towards the south in three weeks. The south, however, has not been spared from bombardment, with significant numbers killed. I have said many times, and I will say it again no place is safe in Gaza”. The Commissioner-General for the UN agency said that the agency had lost 64 staff members in Israeli bombardments on Gaza by 30 October and was hosting more than 670,000 displaced in their facilities. He further pointed out: “Nearly 70 per cent of those reported killed are children and women. Save the Children reported yesterday that nearly 3,200 children were killed in Gaza in just three weeks. This surpasses the number of children killed annually across the world’s conflict zones since 2019”. By 5 October, after nearly a month of Israeli bombardments, the death toll in Gaza had reached 9,770 with at least least 4,008 children according to the Palestinian health ministry. By 7 November the civilian death toll in Gaza had reached 10,000 people and by 6 November UNRWA had lost 89 staff members.

    On 27 October, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce” between Israeli forces and Hamas militants in Gaza with 120 votes in favour, 14 against and 45 abstentions. The vote illustrated the divisions across the EU with Austria, Croatia and Hungary among the countries voting against the resolution, a number of member states including Germany, the Netherlands and Italy abstaining and others including France, Spain and Belgium voting in favour. On 26 October, the 27 EU member states agreed on a call for “humanitarian corridors and pauses” of the Israeli shelling of Gaza to allow food, water and medical supplies to reach civilians. However, the agreement was reached only after what one diplomat defined as a week of “difficult discussions”. In the final wording, the Council “expresses its gravest concern for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza and calls for continued, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access and aid to reach those in need through all necessary measures including humanitarian corridors and pauses”. Reportedly, three member states “including Israel’s close ally Germany” favoured the phrase “windows” and felt an earlier version involving the phrase “humanitarian pause” suggested a permanent ceasefire and would undermine Israel’s right to self-defense. Spain currently holding the presidency of the Council had urged the mentioning of a “ceasefire” but gave it up for other concessions in the final text including consensus on a peace conference on a two-state solution in the formal declaration. However, the 27 member-state call for an “international peace conference” so far leaves more questions than answers. According to POLITICO: “A spokesperson for the Israeli mission to the EU said they are “not in a position to say if we would attend or not because we don’t know yet what it would actually mean,” adding that so far, no European officials had reached out on the initiative. The Palestinian mission to the EU did not immediately respond to a request for comment”. Diplomats speaking privately, because the subject is so sensitive, told POLITICO “that this flailing around in search of sensible things to say shows how EU leaders are simply “navel gazing” and playing to domestic audiences enflamed by conflict, rather than trying seriously to deliver peace”. On 6 October, Belgian prime minister Alexander De Croo, stated: “If you bomb an entire refugee camp with the intention of eliminating a terrorist, I don’t think it’s proportionate”.

    According to EURACTIV: “The wrangling over the exact phrasing comes as EU member states have always been traditionally more split between more pro-Palestinian members such as Ireland and Spain, and staunch backers of Israel including Germany and Austria”. Prior to the talks, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer stated: “All the fantasies of truces, ceasefires, etc. have the effect of strengthening Hamas in its determination to continue its action and perpetuate this terrible terror”. His German counterpart, Olaf Scholz expressed confidence in the Israeli army that “will follow the rules that come from international law”. Meanwhile, Irish Taoiseach (head of government) Leo Varadkar emphasized the need: “for the killing and the violence to stop so that humanitarian aid can get into Gaza, where innocent Palestinian people are suffering, and also to allow us to get EU citizens out”. Spain’s acting minister of social rights, Ione Belarra, has called for economic sanctions against Israel and the suspension of diplomatic relations and acting prime minister, Pedro Sánchez has expressed support for UN Secretary General, António Guterres amid Israeli demands for his resignation and threats to refuse visas for UN representatives.

    Meanwhile, on 30 October, WikiLeaks announced: “A week after the Hamas attack, Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence issued a secret ten-page document outlining the expulsion of the Palestinian population of Gaza to northern Sinai, in Egypt”. The plan reportedly consists of several elements including instructing Palestinian civilians to evacate north Gaza ahead of land operations; Sequential land operations from north to south Gaza; Routes across Rafah to be left clear; Establishing tent cities in northern Sinai and construct cities to resettle Palestinians in Egypt. Linking to the document, WikiLeaks state: “The document has been verified by an official from the Ministry of Intelligence, according to the Hebrew website Mekomit which originally published the document. Mekomit noted that documents from the Ministry of Intelligence are advisory and not binding on the executive”. The US outlet ABC news reports: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office played down the report compiled by the Intelligence Ministry as a hypothetical exercise — a “concept paper.”

    Nonetheless, the report added to long-standing fears in Egypt and other countries in the region that Israel may want to further displace Palestinians, into Egypt but also adding to the refugee populations established in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and beyond since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The countries also face significant pressure from their populations, with protests continuing. For the EU, concerns about onward movement should displacement take place continues to feature in its relationship with Egypt in particular.


    #Sinaï #Egypte #Gaza #Israël #guerre #à_lire #expulsion #WikiLeaks #déportation

  • Communiqué de presse du Conseil « Justice et affaires intérieures » (#JAI) de l’Union européenne :

    Migration policy : Council reaches agreement on key asylum and migration laws

    The Council today took a decisive step towards a modernisation of the EU’s rulebook for asylum and migration. It agreed on a negotiating position on the asylum procedure regulation and on the asylum and migration management regulation. This position will form the basis of negotiations by the Council presidency with the European Parliament.

    “No member state can deal with the challenges of migration alone. Frontline countries need our solidarity. And all member states must be able to rely on the responsible adherence to the agreed rule. I am very glad that on this basis we agreed on our negotiating position.”
    Maria Malmer Stenergard, Swedish minister for migration
    Streamlining of asylum procedure

    The asylum procedure regulation (APR) establishes a common procedure across the EU that member states need to follow when people seek international protection. It streamlines the procedural arrangements (e.g. the duration of the procedure) and sets standards for the rights of the asylum seeker (e.g. being provided with the service of an interpreter or having the right to legal assistance and representation).

    The regulation also aims to prevent abuse of the system by setting out clear obligations for applicants to cooperate with the authorities throughout the procedure.
    Border procedures

    The APR also introduces mandatory border procedures, with the purpose to quickly assess at the EU’s external borders whether applications are unfounded or inadmissible. Persons subject to the asylum border procedure are not authorised to enter the member state’s territory.

    The border procedure would apply when an asylum seeker makes an application at an external border crossing point, following apprehension in connection with an illegal border crossing and following disembarkation after a search and rescue operation. The procedure is mandatory for member states if the applicant is a danger to national security or public order, he/she has misled the authorities with false information or by withholding information and if the applicant has a nationality with a recognition rate below 20%.

    The total duration of the asylum and return border procedure should be not more than 6 months.
    Adequate capacity

    In order to carry out border procedures, member states need to establish an adequate capacity, in terms of reception and human resources, required to examine at any given moment an identified number of applications and to enforce return decisions.

    At EU level this adequate capacity is 30 000. The adequate capacity of each member state will be established on the basis of a formula which takes account of the number of irregular border crossings and refusals of entry over a three-year period.
    Modification of Dublin rules

    The asylum and migration management regulation (AMMR) should replace, once agreed, the current Dublin regulation. Dublin sets out rules determining which member state is responsible for the examination of an asylum application. The AMMR will streamline these rules and shorten time limits. For example, the current complex take back procedure aimed at transferring an applicant back to the member state responsible for his or her application will be replaced by a simple take back notification
    New solidarity mechanism

    To balance the current system whereby a few member states are responsible for the vast majority of asylum applications, a new solidarity mechanism is being proposed that is simple, predictable and workable. The new rules combine mandatory solidarity with flexibility for member states as regards the choice of the individual contributions. These contributions include relocation, financial contributions or alternative solidarity measures such as deployment of personnel or measures focusing on capacity building. Member states have full discretion as to the type of solidarity they contribute. No member state will ever be obliged to carry out relocations.

    There will be a minimum annual number for relocations from member states where most persons enter the EU to member states less exposed to such arrivals. This number is set at 30 000, while the minimum annual number for financial contributions will be fixed at €20 000 per relocation. These figures can be increased where necessary and situations where no need for solidarity is foreseen in a given year will also be taken into account.

    In order to compensate for a possibly insufficient number of pledged relocations, responsibility offsets will be available as a second-level solidarity measure, in favour of the member states benefitting from solidarity. This will mean that the contributing member state will take responsibility for the examination of an asylum claim by persons who would under normal circumstances be subject to a transfer to the member state responsible (benefitting member state). This scheme will become mandatory if relocation pledges fall short of 60% of total needs identified by the Council for the given year or do not reach the number set in the regulation (30 000).
    Preventing abuse and secondary movements

    The AMMR also contains measures aimed at preventing abuse by the asylum seeker and avoiding secondary movements (when a migrant moves from the country in which they first arrived to seek protection or permanent resettlement elsewhere). The regulation for instance sets obligations for asylum seekers to apply in the member states of first entry or legal stay. It discourages secondary movements by limiting the possibilities for the cessation or shift of responsibility between member states and thus reduces the possibilities for the applicant to chose the member state where they submit their claim.

    While the new regulation should preserve the main rules on determination of responsibility, the agreed measures include modified time limits for its duration:

    - the member state of first entry will be responsible for the asylum application for a duration of two years
    - when a country wants to transfer a person to the member state which is actually responsible for the migrant and this person absconds (e.g. when the migrant goes into hiding to evade a transfer) responsibility will shift to the transferring member state after three years
    - if a member state rejects an applicant in the border procedure, its responsibility for that person will end after 15 months (in case of a renewed application)


    #conseil_de_l'Europe #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Dublin #règlement_Dublin #accord #8_juin_2023 #UE #Union_européenne #EU #asylum_procedure_regulation (#APR) #procédure_d'asile #frontières #procédure_accélérée #inadmissibilité #procédure_de_frontière #frontières_extérieures #capacité_adéquate #asylum_and_migration_management_regulation (#AMMR) #mécanisme_de_solidarité #solidarité #relocalisation #contribution_financière #compensation #responsibility_offsets #mouvements_secondaires #abus


    ajouté à la métaliste sur le pacte :

    • Analyse de #Fulvio_Vassallo_Paleologo:

      Paesi terzi “sicuri”, sicurezza delle persone migranti e propaganda di Stato

      1.Le conclusioni del Consiglio dei ministri dell’interno dell’Unione Europea riuniti a Lussembugo lo scorso 8 giugno sono state propagandate come una vittoria della linea tenuta dal governo Meloni fino alle ultime ore di una convulsa trattativa, che si è conclusa con una spaccatura che avrà certamente ripercussioni sulla prossima fase di codecisione sulle politiche migratorie e sulle procedure di asilo, nella quale analoghe divisioni si potrebbero riprodurre all’interno del Parlamento europeo.

      La materia sulla quale i ministri del’interno dei diversi paesi europei hanno alla fine trovato una soluzione di compromesso, su cui il ministro Piantedosi ha espresso soddisfazione, riguarda buona parte della vigente legislazione europea in materia di imigrazione ed asilo, sia per quanto riguarda la cd. dimensione esterna, con riferimento ai paesi terzi di origine e transito, che per quanto concerne i cd. meccanismi di solidarietà, in materia di rimpatri forzati e al fine di contrastare i cd. movimenti secondari, con una sostanziale rivisitazione del vigente Regolamento Dublino III del 2013. A tale riguardo si prevede espressamente che “Gli Stati membri hanno piena discrezionalità quanto al tipo di solidarietà cui contribuiscono. Nessuno Stato membro sarà mai obbligato a effettuare ricollocazioni”. Una sconfitta che il governo italiano non può nascondere dietro i propositi di espellere o respingere i richiedenti asilo denegati nei paesi di transito.

      I ministri dell’interno dei diversi paesi dell’Unione Europea hanno così trovato a maggioranza una intesa che però appare come una scatola vuota, se si pensa alla mole delle normative (dal Regolamento frontiere Schengen alla Direttiva 2008/115/ CE sui rimpatri) che dovrebbero essere modificate per approvare definitivamente quanto si è deciso a Lussemburgo, ed all’esiguo tempo che manca in vista delle prosime elezioni europee, dopo tre anni di stallo seguiti alla prima versione del Patto sull’immigrazione e l’asilo adottata dalla Commissione nel 2020. Inoltre la spaccatura tra i paesi di Visegrad Ungheria e Polonia, ed i conservatori del gruppo della Meloni, non lasciano presagire risultati definitivi nel breve periodo.

      2. La proposta di regolamento sulla procedura di asilo (Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund] tenta di stabilire una procedura comune in tutta l’UE che gli Stati membri devono seguire quando le persone fanno richiesta di protezione internazionale. Si snelliscono le disposizioni procedurali (ad esempio la durata della procedura) e si stabiliscono norme per i diritti del richiedente asilo (ad esempio, la fornitura del servizio di un interprete o il diritto all’assistenza e alla rappresentanza legali). La procedura di frontiera si applicherebbe quando un richiedente asilo presenta domanda a un valico di frontiera esterna, a seguito di arresto in relazione a un attraversamento illegale della frontiera e in seguito allo sbarco dopo un’operazione di ricerca e soccorso. Ma anche quando proviene da un paese terzo ritenuto sicuro. La procedura è obbligatoria per gli Stati membri se il richiedente rappresenta un pericolo per la sicurezza nazionale o l’ordine pubblico, ha ingannato le autorità con informazioni false o nascondendo informazioni e se il richiedente ha una nazionalità di un paese con un tasso di riconoscimento delle richieste di asilo inferiore al 20%.

      Il punto sul quale in Italia il governo Meloni ed il ministro dell’interno Piantedosi hanno insistito di più, a livello di comunicazione, ma anche come base per una intensa attività diplomatica che conducono da mesi senza risultati effettivi, riguardava la possibilità di rinviare nei paesi di transito i richiedenti asilo denegati dopo la procedura in frontiera, già prevista in modo più rigoroso dalla legge 50 del 2023 (ex Decreto Cutro). Una legge approvata senza il parere delle competenti Comissioni Affari costituzionali, che sta già facendo vitime, con espulsioni comminate dai prefetti “in automatico” a persone già inserite in Italia, che chiedono il rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno per protezione speciale, ma che ad oggi appare in contrasto non solo con importanti principi fondamentali del nostro ordinamento (come gli articoli 10, 13,24,32,113 della Costituzione), ma anche con molti dei principi di garanzia ribaditi con grande nettezza dalle proposte legislative adottate a Lussemburgo dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’interno dell’Unione Europea.

      Durante l’iter di conversione del decreto legge in Parlamento, l’Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (ACNUR- UNHCR) aveva inviato una “Nota tecnica” al governo, nel tentativo di avviare un confronto su diversi punti “critici” che non rispettavano norme internazionali o Direttive dell’Unione Europea. Come ha dichiarato la rappresentante dell’UNHCR per l’Italia, “Avevamo rappresentato queste criticità, confidando che nel procedimento legislativo alcuni correttivi potessero essere apportati”.

      Nella sua ultima nota tecnica, l’UNHCR evidenzia innanzitutto come la nuova legge 50/2023 “ estende la preesistente procedura accelerata di frontiera ai richiedenti provenienti da Paesi di origine designati come sicuri e dispone il trattenimento per quei richiedenti, tra coloro che siano stati avviati a tale procedura, i quali non abbiano consegnato il “passaporto o altro documento equipollente” o non prestino “idonea garanzia finanziaria”. Il trattenimento avverrà nei punti di crisi (hotspot) esistenti presso i maggiori luoghi di sbarco, nelle strutture analoghe ai punti di crisi che verranno individuate o nei Centri di Permanenza per i Rimpatri (CPR) che si trovino in prossimità della frontiera. I minori e tutte le altre persone con esigenze particolari, come da disposizioni vigenti, sono esonerati da ogni forma di procedura accelerata”.

      L’ACNUR dopo una generale considerazione positiva delle procedure accelerate in frontiera, soprattuto nei casi in cui appare maggiormente probabile l’esito positivo della domanda di protezione, “Raccomanda, tuttavia, di incanalare in procedura di frontiera (con trattenimento) solo le domande di protezione internazionale che, in una fase iniziale di raccolta delle informazioni e registrazione, appaiano manifestamente infondate.
      In particolare, la domanda proposta dal richiedente proveniente da un Paese di origine sicuro non deve essere incanalata in tale iter quando lo stesso abbia invocato gravi motivi per ritenere che, nelle sue specifiche circostanze, il Paese non sia sicuro. Si sottolinea, a tal fine, la centralità di una fase iniziale di screening, volta a far emergere elementi utili alla categorizzazione delle domande (triaging) e alla conseguente individuazione della procedura più appropriata per ciascun caso.

      3. La nozione di Paese terzo sicuro è presente nella legislazione eurounitaria con la direttiva 2005/85/Ce del Consiglio del 1° dicembre 2005. L’art. 29 prevedeva che il Consiglio, deliberando a maggioranza qualificata su proposta della Commissione e previa consultazione del Parlamento europeo, potesse adottare un elenco comune minimo dei paesi terzi considerati dagli Stati membri paesi d’origine sicuri. Tale disposizione fu annullata dalla Corte di giustizia perché introduceva una riserva di competenza in favore del Consiglio, con semplice obbligo di consultazione del Parlamento europeo, che non poteva essere prevista da un atto derivato.

      Con la cd. direttiva procedure (dir. 2013/32/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 26 giugno 2013) la traccia è stata ripresa e ampliata.
      Gli articoli da 36 a 39 disciplinano infatti in termini molto dettagliati i contorni della nozione di Paese di origine sicuro e le conseguenze di tale nozione sulle procedure di valutazione delle domande.
      L’art. 36 detta le condizioni soggettive alle quali è subordinato il riconoscimento della natura di Paese sicuro di un determinato richiedente: questi deve essere cittadino del Paese di provenienza definito sicuro o apolide che in quel Paese soggiornasse abitualmente; inoltre, non deve avere invocato gravi motivi a lui riferibili, tesi a escludere che il Paese di origine sia sicuro.
      L’art. 37 fa rinvio all’allegato I della stessa direttiva, dove sono dettate le condizioni alle quali è possibile designare un Paese come sicuro. Il testo dell’Allegato I è il seguente: “Un paese è considerato paese di origine sicuro se, sulla base dello status giuridico, dell’applicazione della legge all’interno di un sistema democratico e della situazione politica generale, si può dimostrare che non ci sono generalmente e costantemente persecuzioni quali definite nell’articolo 9 della direttiva 2011/95/UE, né tortura o altre forme di pena o trattamento disumano o degradante, né pericolo a causa di violenza indiscriminata in situazioni di conflitto armato interno o internazionale.
      Per effettuare tale valutazione si tiene conto, tra l’altro, della misura in cui viene offerta
      protezione contro le persecuzioni ed i maltrattamenti mediante:
      a) le pertinenti disposizioni legislative e regolamentari del paese ed il modo in cui sono applicate;
      b) il rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà stabiliti nella Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali e/o nel Patto internazionale relativo ai diritti civili e sociali

      L’art. 38 della Direttiva atualmente in vigore, fino a quando non verrà espressamente abrogata, fornisce il: “Concetto di paese terzo sicuro”.

      1. Glic Stati membri possono applicare il oncetto di paese terzo sicuro solo se le autorità competenti hanno accertato che nel paese terzo in questione una persona richiedente protezione internazionale riceverà un trattamento conforme ai seguenti criteri:
      a) non sussistono minacce alla sua vita ed alla sua libertà per ragioni di razza, religione,
      nazionalità, opinioni politiche o appartenenza a un determinato gruppo sociale;
      b) non sussiste il rischio di danno grave definito nella direttiva 2011/95/UE;
      c) è rispettato il principio di «non-refoulement» conformemente alla convenzione di Ginevra;
      d) è osservato il divieto di allontanamento in violazione del diritto a non subire torture né
      trattamenti crudeli, disumani o degradanti, sancito dal diritto internazionale; e
      e) esiste la possibilità di chiedere lo status di rifugiato e, per chi è riconosciuto come rifugiato,
      ottenere protezione in conformità della convenzione di Ginevra.
      2. L’applicazione del concetto di paese terzo sicuro è subordinata alle norme stabilite dal diritto nazionale, comprese:
      a) norme che richiedono un legame tra il richiedente e il paese terzo in questione, secondo le quali sarebbe ragionevole per detta persona recarsi in tale paese;
      b) norme sul metodo mediante il quale le autorità̀ competenti accertano che il concetto di paese terzo sicuro può̀ essere applicato a un determinato paese o a un determinato richiedente. Tale metodo comprende l’esame caso per caso della sicurezza del paese per un determinato richiedente e/o la designazione nazionale dei paesi che possono essere considerati generalmente sicuri;
      c) norme conformi al diritto internazionale per accertare, con un esame individuale, se il paese terzo interessato sia sicuro per un determinato richiedente e che consentano almeno al richiedente di impugnare l’applicazione del concetto di paese terzo sicuro a motivo del fatto che quel paese terzo non è sicuro nel suo caso specifico. Al richiedente è altresì data la possibilità di contestare l’esistenza di un legame con il paese terzo ai sensi della lettera a)”

      4. Secondo la nuova proposta legislativa sulle procedure di asilo, approvata dal Consiglio dei ministri del’interno dell’Unione Europea a Lussemburgo, gli Stati membri dovrebbero avere la possibilità di applicare il concetto di terzo sicuro paese […] come motivo di inammissibilità ove esista la possibilità per il richiedente[…] di chiedere e, se ne ricorrono i presupposti, di ricevere effettivo protezione in un paese terzo, dove la sua vita e la sua libertà non sono minacciate conto di razza, religione, nazionalità, appartenenza a un particolare gruppo sociale o opinione politica, dove lui o lei non è soggetto a persecuzione né affronta un rischio reale di danno grave come definito nel regolamento (UE) n. XXX/XXX [Nuovo Regolamento sulle Qualifiche ancora da approvare] ed è tutelato contro il respingimento e contro l’allontanamento, o contro le violazioni del diritto alla protezione dalla tortura e da trattamenti crudeli, inumani o degradanti prevista dal diritto internazionale.
      Si aggiungono poi nuove condizioni per considerare inammissibile una domanda di asilo.
      Si prevede in particolare che Il concetto di un paese terzo sicuro può essere applicato solo se esiste […] un collegamento tra il richiedente e […] il paese terzo in base al quale sarebbe […] ragionevole[…] che il richiedente […] si rechi in quel paese […], compreso il fatto che […] ha transitato […] in quel paese terzo. La connessione in particolare tra il richiedente e il paese terzo sicuro potrebbe essere considerata stabilita dove i membri della famiglia del richiedente siano presenti in quel paese o dove il richiedente si è stabilito o ha soggiornato in quel paese. Nella fase convulsa di ricerca del compromesso finale, nella notte dei ministri del’interno a Lussemburgo, è saltata la previsione sostenuta dall’Italia che anche un transito temporaneo avrebbe potuto comportare l’acertamento di questa “commessione” e dunque comportare l’inammissibilità della domanda di protezione già nella procedura in frontiera e la possibilità di respingimento o espulsione con immediato accompagnamento forzato. La posizione dei cittadini di paesi terzi “in transito” rimane comunque molto a rischio e sarà sicuramente oggetto di trattative in sede di rinegoziazione degli accordi bilaterali già esistenti.

      Al Considerando 37b) si prevede comunque che, “Nel valutare se i criteri per una protezione effettiva come stabilito nel presente Regolamento sono soddisfatte da un paese terzo, l’accesso ai mezzi di sussistenza sufficienti a mantenere un tenore di vita adeguato dovrebbe essere inteso come comprensivo dell’accesso a vitto, vestiario, alloggio o alloggio e il diritto a svolgere un’attività lavorativa remunerata a condizioni non meno favorevoli di quelle previste per gli stranieri del Paese terzo generalmente nelle stesse circostanze”. Anche nella proposta di nuovo Regolamento oltre alla situazione dei transitanti nei paesi terzi ritenuti sicuri si deve aggiungere anche la considerazione della maggiore ampiezza operativa che si sta attribuento, anche a livello interno, alla categoria di paese di origine sicuro.

      Al Considerando (46) si aggiunge che […] Dovrebbe essere possibile designare un paese terzo come paese di origine sicuro con eccezioni per parti specifiche del suo territorio o categorie chiaramente identificabili di persone. Inoltre, il fatto che un paese terzo sia incluso in una lista di paesi di origine sicuri non può stabilire una garanzia assoluta di sicurezza per i cittadini di tale paese paese, anche per coloro che non appartengono a una categoria di persone per le quali tale è fatta eccezione, e quindi non dispensa dalla necessità di condurre un’adeguata esame individuale della domanda di protezione internazionale. Per sua stessa natura, la valutazione sottesa alla designazione non può che tener conto del carattere generale, civile, circostanze legali e politiche in quel paese e se autori di persecuzioni, torture o trattamenti o punizioni inumani o degradanti sono soggetti a sanzione quando ritenuti responsabili in quel paese. Per questo motivo, dove il richiedente può dimostrare elementi che giustificano il motivo per cui il concetto di paese di origine sicuro non è applicabile a lui, la designazione del paese come sicuro non può più essere considerata rilevante per lui o lei.

      5. Il governo italiano si vanta di avere costretto l’Unione europea a spostare l’attenzione dai problemi che interssano maggiormente agli Stati continentali, e dunque dai cd. “movimenti secondari” alla questione dei “movimenti primari”, con particolare riferimento alle frontiere esterne del Mediteraneo. La prospettiva che si persegue, magari in collaborazione con l’UNHCR, che però ha posizioni di garanzia molto precise sul punto, è di favorire la “deportazione” in questi paesi, ritenuti “sicuri”, di immigrati irregolari di diversa nazionalità, dopo il diniego sulla domanda di protezione, alla fine della “procedura in frontiera”. Sfugge evidentemente alla premier Meloni, o si preferisce nascondere, la situazione dei diritti umani nei paesi nordafricani di transito, come l’Egitto, la Libia, la Tunisia, l’Algeria, che pure ministri e sottosegretari italiani hanno intensamente frequentato in questi ultimi mesi. Con i risultati che sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. Adesso ci riproveranno a Tunisi, con la visita in programma per domenica 11 giugno in cui la Meloni sarà accompagnata adirittura da Ursula Von der Layen a nome della Commissione europea e dal premier olandese Rutte.

      Nella propaganda governativa si omette di ricordare che nessun accordo di riammissione stipulato con paesi terzi, anche quello tuttora vigente con la Tunisia, prevede deportazioni di cittadini provenienti da altri Stati e giunti irregolarmente nel nostro territorio, o che hanno ricevuto un diniego sulla richiesta di protezione internazionale. A parte la considerazione che l’ingresso per ragioni di soccorso non può essere equiparato all’ingresso clandestino. E questo lo chiarisce bene la Corte di Cassazione con la sentenza sul caso Rackete n.6626/2020. Si vedrà se la prossima missione della Meloni a Tunisi, in compagnia della Presidente della Commissione europea convincerà l’autocrate Saied che sta espellendo sistematicamente dal suo paese tutti i migranti subsahariani, ad accettare di riprendersi cittadini non tunisini sbarcati in Italia. Ed è pure abbastanza improbabile che aumenti la quota di cittadini tunisini che, in base agli accordi vigenti, vengono espulsi o respinti (respingimento differito) verso Tunisi, sulla base degli accordi bilaterali già vigenti con l’Italia. Due voli alla settimana, o poco più per circa sessanta persone. Difficile immaginare una intensificazione dei rimpatri con accompagnamento di polizia. In questi casi, come osserva il Garante nazionale per le persone private della libertà personale in un recente rapporto, “L’aspetto di maggiore criticità è che “le regole dell’attività di rimpatrio forzato da parte della Polizia di Stato sono in larga parte definite da semplici circolari e disposizioni interne e non da fonti normative di rango primario. Manca cioè un quadro legislativo che specifichi le regole operative e ciò ha inevitabili ricadute”. Per esempio, “la disciplina compiuta del possibile ricorso all’impiego della forza, al di là di principi generali, che definisca i possibili strumenti contenitivi, le modalità e la durata del loro impiego. Così come mancano disposizioni operative sui controlli di sicurezza, la cui attuazione talvolta si avvicina a una perquisizione personale, pratica eccezionale anche in contesti ben più problematici”. Ma anche in Tunisia la discrezionalità di polizia sconfina sempre più spesso nell’arbitrio.

      Come denuncia l’ASGI, “Alla luce dell’attuale trasformazione autoritaria dello Stato tunisino e dell’estrema violenza e persecuzione della popolazione nera, delle persone in movimento, degli oppositori politici e degli attori della società civile, noi, le organizzazioni firmatarie, rilasciamo questa dichiarazione per ricordare che la Tunisia non è né un paese di origine sicuro né un paese terzo sicuro e pertanto non può essere considerato un luogo sicuro di sbarco (Place of Safety, POS) per le persone soccorse in mare”.

      Come riferisce il sito Meltingpot, a margine di un diniego dopo la richiesta di protezione internazionale alla competente Commissione territoriale, il Tribunale di Cagliari ha accolto la richiesta di sospensiva di un cittadino tunisino. La situazione è peculiare e occorrerà attendere il merito per approfondirla ma il decreto è significativo perché, il Tribunale “smentisce” il fatto che la Tunisia sia un Paese Sicuro“. Si tratta naturalmente di decisioni che valgono per casi individuali, e sarà fondamentale provare la situazione di ciascuna persona che in frontiera, ma anche nei CPR, possa risultare destinataria di un provedimento di allontanbamento forzato verso la Tunisia.

      6. La seconda proposta legislativa su nuovi criteri di gestione in materia di immigrazione ed asilo di portata più ampia approvata a Lussemburgo lo scorso 8 giugno (Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund] non prevede particolari impegni dell’Unione Europea per sostenere le politiche di rimpatrio forzato di citt che adini di paesi terzi verso gli Stati da cui sono transitati prima di entrare in territorio europeo. Materia che richiederebbe una modifica radicale della Direttiva rimpatri 2008/115/CE.

      Il nuovo regolamento sulla gestione della migrazione e dell’asilo dovrebbe sostituire, una volta concordato, l’attuale regolamento Dublino che stabilisce norme che determinano quale Stato membro è competente per l’esame di una domanda di protezione internazionale. Il nuovo Regolamento dovrebbe semplificare queste regole e ridurre i termini. Ad esempio, l’attuale complessa procedura di ripresa in carico finalizzata al trasferimento di un richiedente nello Stato membro responsabile della sua domanda sarà sostituita da una semplice notifica di ripresa in carico. Rimane comunque confermata la responsabilità primaria dei paesi di primo ingresso, quello che Salvini voleva evitare ricattando i paesi membri con la chiusura dei porti. Lo Stato membro di primo ingresso sarà competente per la domanda di asilo per una durata di due anni. Quando un paese vuole trasferire una persona nello stato membro che è effettivamente responsabile del migrante e questa persona fugge (ad esempio quando il migrante si nasconde per eludere un trasferimento) la responsabilità passerà allo stato membro di trasferimento solo dopo tre anni.

      La nuova proposta legislativa su immigrazione ed asilo, faticosamente elaborata a Lussemburgo, si limita, con l’art. 7 (Cooperazione con i paesi terzi per facilitare il rimpatrio e la riammissione), a prevedere che dove la Commissione e il Consiglio ritengano che un terzo paese non collabora sufficientemente alla riammissione di cittadini di paesi terzi il cui soggiorno è irregolare, la Commissione e il Consiglio, nell’ambito delle rispettive competenze, prendono in considerazione le azioni appropriate tenendo conto delle competenze dell’Unione e delle relazioni generali degli Stati membri con il paese terzo.
      In particolare, in questi casi, 1. […] La Commissione può, sulla base dell’analisi effettuata a norma dell’articolo 25 bis, paragrafi 2 o 4, del regolamento (UE) n. 810/2009 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio e di qualsiasi altra informazione disponibile dagli Stati membri, nonché dall’Unione istituzioni, organi e organismi, […] presentare al Consiglio una relazione comprendente, se del caso, l’identificazione di eventuali misure che potrebbero essere adottate per migliorare la cooperazione di tale paese terzo in materia di riammissione, tenendo conto dell’Unione e delle relazioni generali degli Stati membri con il paese terzo.

      7. Al di là delle perplessità sui tempi di attuazione delle proposte varate dal Consiglio dei ministri dell’interno dell’Unione europea e della loro dubbia compatibilità con il vigente diritto eurounitario e con il diritto internazionale umanitario e dei rifugiati, si deve rimarcare come il governo italiano, con un decreto interministeriale approvato lo scorso marzo, abbia ulteriormente ampliato la lista di paesi terzi sicuri che preclude di fatto sia l’esame approfondito delle domande di protezione nelle procedure in frontiera, che il rinnovo della maggior parte dei permessi di soggiorno finora concessi per protezione speciale. Con questo ultimo aggiornamento di marzo 2023 vengono ritenuti paesi terzi sicuri: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Capo Verde, Costa d’Avorio, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Kosovo, Macedonia del Nord, Marocco, Montenegro, Nigeria, Senegal, Serbia e Tunisia.

      La categoria di “paese terzo sicuro” esisteva da anni nella legislazione italiana e nella normativa europea, ma è stato con il Decreto sicurezza Salvini n.113 del 2018 che se ne è estesa la portata e assieme ad altre modifiche legislative, ha ridotto di molto la portata effettiva del diritto di asilo riconosciuto dall’art. 10 della Costituzione italiana.

      L’art. 7-bis del dl 4 ottobre 2018, n. 113 (cd. decreto sicurezza), introdotto in sede di conversione dall’art. 1 della l. 1°dicembre 2018, n. 132, ha inserito nel d.lgs 28 gennaio 2008, n. 25 l’art. 2-bis, intitolato «Paesi di origine sicuri». E’ dunque chiaro che nell’ordinamenro italiano non esiste al momento alcuna categoria di paese di transito “sicuro” e dunque questo criterio, ancora allo stato di proposta legislativa da parte del Conisglio dei ministri dell’interno dell’Unione Europea NON potrà avere nell’immediato alcuna portata normativa, almeno fino a quando, al termine della procedura di codecisione, un nuovo Regolamento che lo preveda non venga pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale europea.

      L’art. 2-bis del d. lgs n. 25 del 2008, modificato dal decreto sicurezza del 2018, era articolato in cinque commi:

      «Art. 2-bis (Paesi di origine sicuri). – 1. Con decreto del Ministro degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale, di concerto con i Ministri dell’interno e della giustizia, è adottato l’elenco dei Paesi di origine sicuri sulla base dei criteri di cui al comma 2. L’elenco dei Paesi di origine sicuri è aggiornato periodicamente ed è notificato alla Commissione europea.

      2. Uno Stato non appartenente all’Unione europea può essere considerato Paese di origine sicuro se, sulla base del suo ordinamento giuridico, dell’applicazione della legge all’interno di un sistema democratico e della situazione politica generale, si può dimostrare che, in via generale e costante, non sussistono atti di persecuzione quali definiti dall’articolo 7 del decreto legislativo 19 novembre 2007, n. 251, né tortura o altre forme di pena o trattamento inumano o degradante, né pericolo a causa di violenza indiscriminata in situazioni di conflitto armato interno o internazionale. La designazione di un Paese di origine sicuro può essere fatta con l’eccezione di parti del territorio o di categorie di persone.

      3. Ai fini della valutazione di cui al comma 2 si tiene conto, tra l’altro, della misura in cui è offerta protezione contro le persecuzioni ed i maltrattamenti mediante: a) le pertinenti disposizioni legislative e regolamentari del Paese ed il modo in cui sono applicate; b) il rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà stabiliti nella Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali del 4 novembre 1950, ratificata ai sensi della legge 4 agosto 1955, n. 848, nel Patto internazionale relativo ai diritti civili e politici, aperto alla firma il 19 dicembre 1966, ratificato ai sensi della legge 25 ottobre 1977, n. 881, e nella Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura del 10 dicembre 1984, in particolare dei diritti ai quali non si può derogare a norma dell’articolo 15, paragrafo 2, della predetta Convenzione europea; c) il rispetto del principio di cui all’articolo 33 della Convenzione di Ginevra; d) un sistema di ricorsi effettivi contro le violazioni di tali diritti e libertà.

      4. La valutazione volta ad accertare che uno Stato non appartenente all’Unione europea è un Paese di origine sicuro si basa sulle informazioni fornite dalla Commissione nazionale per il diritto di asilo, che si avvale anche delle notizie elaborate dal centro di documentazione di cui all’articolo 5, comma 1, nonché su altre fonti di informazione, comprese in particolare quelle fornite da altri Stati membri dell’Unione europea, dall’EASO, dall’UNHCR, dal Consiglio d’Europa e da altre organizzazioni internazionali competenti.

      5. Un Paese designato di origine sicuro ai sensi del presente articolo può essere considerato Paese di origine sicuro per il richiedente solo se questi ha la cittadinanza di quel Paese o è un apolide che in precedenza soggiornava abitualmente in quel Paese e non ha invocato gravi motivi per ritenere che quel Paese non è sicuro per la situazione particolare in cui lo stesso richiedente si trova».

      8. Adesso si sta tentando di estendere la nozione di paese terzo sicuro non solo ai cittadini di quel paese, ma anche a coloro che provengono da altri paesi e sono transitati nel paese terzo “sicuro”. Anche per queste persone, con la sola eccezione di MSNA (minori non accompagnati) e di altri soggetti vulnerabili, si prevedono procedure accelerate in frontiera e un numero più ampio di casi di trattenimento amministrativo, per facilitare respingimenti ed espulsioni al termine delle procedure in frontiera, in modo forse da dissuadere le partenze verso l’Italia e l’Europa, aspirazione di vari governi, che comunque, nel corso degli anni, è stata sistematicamente smentita dai fatti. Non si vede peraltro con quali mezzi, risorse umane e luoghi di detenzione amministrativa, si potrà attuare il trattenimento dei richiedenti asilo nelle procedure in frontiera, subito dopo gli sbarchi. Le norme al riguardo, tra l’altro, non saranno operative per 90 giorni dall’entrata in vigore della legge n.50/2023, in assenza del decreto interministeriale che dovrebbe fissare l’entità delle risorse economiche che il richiedente asilo dovrebbe dimostrare per evitare il trattenimento nella prima fase di esame della sua richiesta di protezione. Per tutta l’estate, dunque, la situazione nei punti di sbarco, ma anche nei centri di prima accoglienza, resterà caotica, e sarà affidata esclusivamente ai provvedimenti delle autorità amministrative, prefetti e questori, senza una chiara cornice legislativa.

      Su questo sarà battaglia legale, e solidarietà verso chi chiede comunque protezione, soprattutto nei territori più vicini alle frontiere esterne, sempre che sia possibile esercitare i diritti di difesa, e che le misure di accompagnamento forzato non vengano eseguite prima del riesame da parte della giurisdizione, dato l’abbattimento dei casi di effetto sospensivo del ricorso, ed i precedenti purtroppo non sono molti. La sentenza della Cassazione (Sez. 1, 18 novembre 2019, n. 29914) ha cassato una precedente decisione di merito che aveva rigettato la domanda di protezione internazionale, facendo leva sul principio, già più volte enunciato, secondo cui “nei giudizi di protezione internazionale, a fronte del dovere del richiedente di allegare, produrre o dedurre tutti gli elementi e la documentazione necessari a motivare la domanda, la valutazione delle condizioni socio-politiche del Paese d’origine del richiedente deve avvenire, mediante integrazione istruttoria officiosa, tramite l’apprezzamento di tutte le informazioni, generali e specifiche di cui si dispone pertinenti al caso, aggiornate al momento dell’adozione della decisione, sicché il giudice del merito non può limitarsi a valutazioni solo generiche ovvero omettere di individuare le specifiche fonti informative da cui vengono tratte le conclusioni assunte, potendo incorrere in tale ipotesi, la pronuncia, ove impugnata, nel vizio di motivazione apparente”. Rimane quindi alto il rischio che la categoria dei paesi terzi sicuri, o dei paesi di transito sicuri, considerate anche le nuove procedure in frontiera introdotte dalla legge n.50 del 2023, riducano fortemente la portata effettiva del diritto di asilo costituzionale.

      Il Diritto di asilo previsto nelle sue diverse forme dall’art. 10 della Costituzione italiana, e ribadito nelle Direttive europee e nei Regolamenti fin qui vigenti, ha natura individuale e costituisce un dirito fondamentale della persona. La ratio fondante di tutta la disciplina in materia di protezione internazionale consiste proprio nella protezione dei singoli da condotte gravemente lesive dei loro diritti umani. Ciò è confermato con grande apertura e
      chiarezza dalla nostra Costituzione, all’art. 10, co. 3 che ha una portata molto più ampia della formulazione dello stesso diritto nella Convenzione di Ginevra del 1951 e nelle Direttive europee. Al contrario, la nozione di «Paesi di origine sicuri» si fonda su una valutazione di «safety for the majority» che difficilmente si concilia con la dimensione individuale del diritto di asilo, fortemente sminuendo «the role of individual case by case assessment»”previsto dalle Convenzioni internazionali. In Italia la legge vigente prevede soltanto una presunzione relativa di sicurezza rispetto al Paese di origine, ma senza alcun riferimento automatico alla situazione in questo paese o al transito in un altro paese terzo ritenuto sicuro. Il richiedente e la Commissione teritoriale, e poi il giudice in caso di ricorso giurisdizionale, sono tenuti a cooperare per fare emergere i necesari elementi probatori per affermare o escludere un diritto alla protezione. Ma non ci può essere alcun automatismo nel diniego di uno status di protezione nei confronti di chi provenga o sia transitato da un paese terzo sicuro.

      Si deve ricordare a tale proposito la sentenza della Corte Europea dei diritti dell’Uomo del 21 novembre 2019, Ilias and Ahmed c. Ungheria, che ha accertato la violazione dell’art. 3 della CEDU da parte dell’Ungheria, le cui autorità avevano rigettato la domanda di protezione di due cittadini bengalesi espulsi verso la Serbia, sul semplice presupposto che tale Stato era stato incluso in un elenco governativo sui Paesi sicuri, senza compiere una
      valutazione seria e approfondita del caso specifico e senza preoccuparsi degli effetti di
      un respingimento a catena verso altri Stati.

      9. La pressione dei governi europei, e del governo italiano in particolare, sulle procedure in frontiera e sulla possibilità di ricorrere alle categorie di paese terzo di origine o di transito “sicuro” apre scenari inquietanti, soprattutto dopo che con la legge n.50/2023 si sono introdotte norme procedurali che intaccano i diritti di difesa dei richiedenti asilo giunti in frontiera, sia pure a seguito di operazioni di soccorso in mare. Toccherà operare un attento monotoraggio sul riconoscimento effettivo dei diritti fondamentali, a partire dai diritti all’informazione ed alla comprensione linguistica, e dal diritto di accesso effettivo ad una procedura di asilo, in tutti i luoghi di frontiera soprattutto in quelli che sono definiti “punti di fontiera esterna”. Ocorrerà vigilare sulla attuazione degli accordi con i paesi di transito e origine che possano essere ritenuti “sicuri”, ma solo sulla carta, dalle autorità amministrative. Bisogna impedire che attraverso l’esecuzione immediata di misure di allontanamento forzato, adottate magari con modalità sostanzialmente uniformi e collettive, senza riguardo alla situazione individuale delle singole persone, o delle loro condizioni psico-fisiche, possano ripetersi quelle violazioni dei diritti umani che hanno già portato a pesanti condanne dell’Italia da parte dei Tribunali internazionali, come nei tre fondamentali casi Hirsi, Sharifi e Khlaifia.


    • Editorial : Migration Pact Agreement Point by Point

      What was agreed? What are the consequences? Where are we now?

      ECRE will analyse the detailed texts of the General Approach, when they are available. In the meantime, 48 points can already be made on the agreement reached yesterday among the EU Member States on the Pact on Migration and Asylum to reform EU asylum law.

      - The EU Member States have reached an agreement on key pillars of the EU asylum system, responsibility, solidarity and procedural rules. The agreement has been under discussion throughout the Swedish Presidency.
      - This is not the final word – the Council will negotiate with the Parliament on the basis of this agreement and the Parliament’s respective agreement in order to reach a common position which will become law. However, it is to be expected that Parliament will concede – and these are more or less the positions likely to be adopted.
      - The agreement reduces protection standards in Europe, which is kind of the point. Whether it will meet its other objectives of deterring arrivals, rapid returns or reducing so-called secondary movement remains to be seen.
      – Two countries opposed the agreement: Hungary and Poland, primarily on the basis that they don’t believe that Europe should have an asylum system. Four countries abstained: Bulgaria, Malta, Lithuania and Slovakia, for different reasons in each case.

      The headlines

      - Overall, states have agreed on labyrinth of procedural rules, byzantine in their complexity and based on trying to limit the number of people who are granted international protection in Europe.
      - They fail to address the major the dysfunction of the system, the Dublin rules, which escape largely intact.
      - An underlying objective is to transfer responsibility to countries outside Europe, even though 85% of the world’s refugees are hosted outside Europe, mainly in desperately poor countries. The targets are the countries of the Western Balkans and North Africa, through the use of legal tools such as the “safe third country” concept. Nonetheless, the reforms do nothing to increase the likelihood that these countries agree to host people returned from the EU.
      - Within Europe, the reforms increase the focus at the borders.
      - As such, the reforms go in the opposite direction to the successful response to displacement from Ukraine, which demonstrated the value of light procedures, rapid access to a protection status, allowing people to work as soon as possible so they can contribute, and freedom of movement which allows family unity and a fairer distribution of responsibility across Europe.

      Procedural changes

      – Instead, new elements include expanded use of border procedures, inadmissibility procedures, and accelerated procedures, and the Pact deploys legal concepts to deflect responsibility to other countries, such as the safe third country concept. More people will be stuck at the borders in situations akin to the Greek island model.
      - There will be an expanded use of the border procedure with it becoming mandatory for people from countries where the protection rate is 20% or below.
      - Countries in the centre and north insisted on this change before agreeing to solidarity because their primary concern is ending so-called “secondary movement”. Safeguards such as access to legal assistance or to an appeal are reduced. There will be almost no exemptions for vulnerable people, families or children, and more procedures will be managed in detention.

      No new responsibility rules

      - The rules on responsibility remain the same as now under Dublin, with the principle of first entry still in place.
      - The period of responsibility of the country of arrival for an applicant is extended. It will be two years for people who enter at the external border, but reduced to 15 months after a rejection in the border procedure (to give states an incentive to use the border procedure), and reduced to 12 months for those rescued at sea (to give states an incentive to stop watching people drown).
      – The improvements to the rules on responsibility (compared to Dublin) proposed by the Commission have been rejected, including a wider family definition to allow family unification with siblings.

      A new solidarity mechanism

      - To compensate for the effects of the rules, a solidarity mechanism is introduced to compensate the countries at the borders in situations of “migratory pressure”. A separate mechanism for situations of search and rescue has been rejected.
      – Solidarity is mandatory but flexible, meaning that all countries have to contribute but that they can chose what to offer: relocation and assuming responsibility for people; capacity-building and other support; or a financial contribution.

      The numbers

      – The states have agreed on a minimum of 30,000 people to have their applications processed in a border procedure every year. There will also be a “cap”, a maximum set several times this number which increases over the first three years.
      – Member States’ individual adequate capacity (minimum number or target for border procedures) will be set using a formula based on the overall adequate capacity and the number of a “irregular” entries (i.e. people arriving to seek protection).
      – Member States can cease to use the border procedure when they approach their target with a notification to the Commission.
      – At the same time, the target for relocations is also set at 30,000.
      – There is an incentive to provide relocations (rather than other solidarity) in the form of “offsets” (reductions of solidarity contributions for those offering relocation).
      - The financial equivalent of a relocation is set at EUR 20,000. Money will also be provided from EU funding for reception capacity to manage the border procedure.

      The good news

      - This is the beginning of the end of the reforms.
      - There is a solidarity mechanism, to be codified in EU law.

      The bad news

      – Expanded use of the border procedure equals more people in detention centres at the external border, subject to sub-standard asylum procedures.
      – With the increase in responsibility for countries at the border, and given how controversial centres are for local communities, there is a risk that they chose pushbacks instead. If Italy’s share of the 30,000 annual border procedure cases is 5000, for example, are they likely to go ahead with detention centres or to deny entry?
      – Setting a numerical target for the use of the border procedure – which will almost always take place in detention – creates the risk of arbitrariness in its application.
      - The rules on responsibility remain as per Dublin. The Commission’s improvements have been removed so the incentives to avoid compliance, for instance on reception conditions, remain.
      – There is strong encouragement of the use of “safe third concept” as a basis for denying people access to an in-merits asylum procedure or to protection in Europe.
      - The definition of a safe third country has been eroded as Member States will decide which countries meet the definition. A country needs to meet certain protection criteria and there needs to be a connection between the person and the country, as per international law. However, what constitutes a connection is determined by national law. Examples in the text are family links and previous residence, but a MS could decide that pure transit is a sufficient connection.
      - Solidarity is flexible. If Member States can choose, how many will choose relocation? Relocation of people across the EU would lead to a fairer division of responsibility instead of too much being required of the countries at the external border.
      - The procedural rules appear complex to the point of unworkability.

      Uncertain as yet

      – What has been agreed on offsets – solidarity obligation offsets (reductions in a country’s solidarity obligations to others) in the case of offering relocation places and solidarity benefit offsets (reductions in solidarity entitlements of a country under pressure) in the case of failure to accept Dublin transfers.
      - Definition of migratory pressure and whether and how it incorporates “instrumentalisation” and SAR.

      What will change in practice?

      – More of the people arriving to seek protection in Europe will be subject to a border procedure, rather than having their case heard in a regular asylum procedure.
      – People will still arrive seeking protection in Europe but they will face a harsher system.
      - Responsibilities of the countries at the external borders are increased, which continues to provide an incentive to deny access to territory and to keep standards – on reception or inclusion, for example – low.
      - There could now be greater focus on implementation and management of asylum systems. However, the only concrete references to compliance are in relation to achieving the set number of border procedures and in ensuring Dublin transfers happen.
      – Onward (“secondary”) movement is still likely, and smugglers will continue to adapt, offering more to take people to countries away from the external borders.

      The winners

      – The Commission, which has invested everything on getting the Pact passed. “Trust and cooperation is back in the Council,” according to the Commissioner.
      – France, the Netherlands and the other hardliners, who have largely got what they wanted.
      - The Swedish Presidency, which has brokered a deal and one that suits them – as a less than honest broker. The Minister’s presentation at the press conference underlined secondary movement and enforcement of Dublin.
      – Smugglers, who will be able to charge more for the more complex and longer journeys that people will have to take.

      The losers

      - Refugees, for whom access to a fair asylum procedure will be harder. Risk of detention is higher. Risk of pushbacks is increased. Length and complexity of procedures is increased.
      - Non-EU countries at the borders who will deal with more pushed back people and who will be under pressure to build asylum systems to be safe enough to be “safe” third countries.
      - The Med5+ who have conceded on every major point and gained very little. They will have to manage the border procedures and, while solidarity is mandatory, it is flexible, meaning that relocation is not prioritised. It all begs the question: what have they really been offered in return?
      - Germany, which refused to stand firm and defend the even minor improvements that the government coalition agreement required, and on which it had the support of a small progressive alliance, and potential alliances with the south. For example, on exemptions to the border procedure. Given the desperation to reach a deal more could and should have been demanded.


    • Décryptage – Pacte UE migration et asile : une approche répressive et sécuritaire au mépris des droits humains

      Le #8_juin_2023, les Etats membres de l’UE réunis en #Conseil_Justice_et_Affaires_Intérieures sont parvenus à un #accord sur deux des #règlements du #pacte_européen_sur_la_migration_et_l’asile. Alors que les négociations entre le Parlement et le Conseil se poursuivent, La Cimade décrypte les principaux enjeux des réformes européennes en cours d’adoption en matière de migration et d’asile et rend publique ses analyses et propositions.

      Le 23 septembre 2020, la Commission européenne dévoilait sa proposition de « pacte euro­péen sur la migration et l’asile » comme une « une nouvelle approche en matière de migration » visant à « instaurer un climat de confiance et un nouvel équilibre entre responsabi­lité et solidarité ».

      Sur la forme, ce pacte se traduit par un éventail de mesures législatives et opérationnelles pour la mise en œuvre de cette « nouvelle » politique migra­toire. À ce jour, la plupart de ces propositions n’ont pas encore été adoptées et font encore l’objet d’intenses négociations entre le Conseil et le Parlement européen.

      Sur le fond, les mesures proposées s’inscrivent dans la continuité des logiques déjà largement éprouvées. Elles sont fondées sur une approche répressive et sécuritaire au service de l’endiguement des migrations et de l’encouragement des expulsions, solutions qui ont prouvé leur inefficacité, et surtout qui coutent des vies humaines.

      La Cimade appelle l’UE et ses Etats membres à engager un véritable changement de paradigme, pour une Europe qui se fonde sur le respect des droits humains et les solidarités internationales, afin d’assurer la protection des personnes et non leur exclusion. La Cimade continuera à se mobiliser avec d’autres pour défendre les droits des personnes en exil tout au long des parcours migratoires.

      A travers ce document de décryptage, La Cimade souhaite contribuer à la compréhension des principaux enjeux des réformes européennes en cours d’adoption en matière de migration et d’asile et rendre publique ses analyses ainsi que ses propositions.

      #pacte #pacte_migration_et_asile #pacte_migration_asile

    • L’Europe se ferme un peu plus aux réfugiés

      Au moment où le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés des Nations unies (UNHCR) annonce, dans son rapport annuel, que le nombre de réfugiés et de déplacés dans le monde n’a jamais été aussi élevé qu’en 2022, le Conseil de l’Union européenne (UE) se félicite qu’après trois ans de négociation, les Etats membres se sont mis enfin mis d’accord sur un projet de réforme du droit d’asile.

      Ce pourrait être une bonne nouvelle. Car le rapport de l’ONU indique que les pays riches, dont font partie la plupart des Etats européens, sont loin de prendre leur part de cet exode. Ils n’accueillent que 24 % de l’ensemble des réfugiés, la grande majorité de ceux-ci se trouvant dans des Etats à revenu faible ou intermédiaire.

      En témoigne la liste des cinq pays qui accueillent le plus de réfugiés : si l’on excepte l’Allemagne, qui occupe la quatrième place, il s’agit de la Turquie (3,6 millions), de l’Iran (3,4 millions), du Pakistan (1,7 million) et de l’Ouganda (1,5 million).

      Et si l’on rapporte le nombre de personnes accueillies à la population, c’est l’île caribéenne d’Aruba (un réfugié pour six habitants) et le Liban (un réfugié pour sept habitants) qui viennent en tête du classement. A titre de comparaison, on compte en France un réfugié pour 110 habitants.
      Un partage plus équitable

      L’Europe aurait-elle décidé de corriger ce déséquilibre, pour répondre à l’appel de Filippo Gandi, le Haut-Commissaire pour les réfugiés, qui réclame « un partage plus équitable des responsabilités, en particulier avec les pays qui accueillent la majorité des personnes déracinées dans le monde » ?

      S’il s’agissait de cela, quelques moyens simples pourraient être mis en œuvre. En premier lieu, on pourrait ouvrir des voies légales permettant aux personnes en besoin de protection de gagner l’Europe sans être confrontées aux refus de visas qui leur sont quasi systématiquement opposés.

      On pourrait ensuite mettre en place une politique d’accueil adaptée, à l’instar de celle que les pays européens ont su mettre en place pour faire face à l’arrivée de plusieurs millions d’Ukrainiens en 2022.

      A la lecture du communiqué du Conseil de l’UE du 8 juin, on comprend que la réforme ne vise ni à faciliter les arrivées, ni à offrir de bonnes conditions d’accueil. Il y est certes question d’un « besoin de solidarité », mais l’objectif n’est pas de soulager ces pays qui accueillent la majorité des déracinés : il s’agit d’aider les Etats membres « en première ligne » à faire face aux « défis posés par la migration ».

      Autrement dit, de faire baisser la pression qui pèse sur les pays qui forment la frontière méditerranéenne de l’UE (principalement l’Italie, la Grèce et Malte) du fait des arrivées d’exilés par la voie maritime.

      Non que leur nombre soit démesuré – il était de l’ordre de 160 000 personnes en 2022 –, mais parce que la loi européenne prévoit que le pays responsable d’une demande d’asile est celui par lequel le demandeur a pénétré en premier dans l’espace européen.

      En vertu de ce règlement dit « Dublin », ce sont donc les pays où débarquent les boat people qui doivent les prendre en charge, et ces derniers sont censés y demeurer, même si leur projet était de se rendre ailleurs en Europe.

      L’accord conclu le 8 juin, qui doit encore être approuvé par le Parlement européen, ne remet pas en cause ce principe profondément inéquitable, qui n’est réaménagé qu’à la marge. Il porte sur deux propositions de règlements.

      La première réforme la procédure d’asile applicable à la frontière, avec notamment une phase de « screening » impliquant l’obligation de placer en détention la plupart des personnes qui demandent l’asile à la suite d’un débarquement, le temps de procéder au tri entre celles dont les demandes seront jugées irrecevables – pour pouvoir procéder à leur éloignement rapide – et celles dont les demandes seront examinées.

      Un dispositif contraire aux recommandations du Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés qui rappelle, dans ses lignes directrices sur la détention, que « déposer une demande d’asile n’est pas un acte criminel ».

      La seconde met en place un « mécanisme de solidarité », particulièrement complexe, destiné à organiser la « relocalisation » des exilés admis à déposer une demande d’asile dans un autre Etat membre que celui dans lequel ils ont débarqué.
      Un goût de réchauffé

      Ces deux « innovations », dont le Conseil de l’UE prétend qu’elles marquent « une étape décisive sur la voie d’une modernisation du processus en matière d’asile et d’immigration », ont pourtant un goût de réchauffé.

      En 2015, en réaction aux arrivées en grand nombre de boat people sur les côtes grecques et italiennes, essentiellement dues à l’exil massif de Syriens fuyant la guerre civile – épisode qui fut alors qualifié de « crise migratoire majeure » – , le Conseil de l’UE avait mis en place l’« approche hotspot », destinée à assister les pays dont les frontières extérieures sont soumises à une « pression migratoire démesurée ».

      Ce dispositif, incluant déjà une procédure de filtrage pour distinguer les potentiels réfugiés des migrants présumés « irréguliers », visait à organiser l’expulsion de ces derniers dans des délais rapides et à répartir les autres ailleurs en Europe.

      A cette fin, le Conseil avait adopté un programme de « relocalisation », en vue de transférer 160 000 personnes reconnues éligibles à demander l’asile depuis l’Italie et la Grèce vers d’autres Etats membres de l’UE.

      On le voit, les innovations de 2023 présentent de grandes similitudes avec le plan d’action de 2015. Qu’est-il advenu de celui-ci ? Loin de permettre la prise en charge rapide des exilés ayant surmonté la traversée de la Méditerranée, l’approche hotspot a entraîné la création, dans cinq îles grecques de la mer Egée, de gigantesques prisons à ciel ouvert où des milliers de personnes ont été entassées sans possibilité de rejoindre le continent, parfois pendant plusieurs années, dans un déni généralisé des droits humains (surpopulation, insécurité, manque d’hygiène, violences sexuelles, atteintes aux droits de l’enfant et au droit d’asile). Un désastre régulièrement documenté, à partir de 2016, tant par les ONG que par les agences onusiennes et européennes, et qui perdure.

      La principale raison de cet échec tient à l’absence de solidarité des autres Etats de l’UE à l’égard de la Grèce et, dans une moindre mesure, de l’Italie. Car les promesses de « relocalisation » n’ont pas été tenues : sur les 160 000 demandeurs d’asile qui auraient dû être transférés en 2015, 30 000 seulement ont bénéficié de ce programme.

      La France, qui s’était engagée pour 30 000, en a accueilli moins du tiers. Un signe, s’il en était besoin, que les pays européens répugnent à remplir leurs obligations internationales à l’égard des réfugiés, malgré le nombre dérisoire de ceux qui frappent à leur porte, au regard des désordres du monde.

      On se souvient de l’affaire d’Etat qu’a suscitée l’arrivée à Toulon, au mois de novembre 2022, de l’Ocean Viking, ce bateau humanitaire qui a débarqué quelque 230 boat people sauvés du naufrage, immédiatement placés en détention.

      Emboîtant le pas d’une partie de la classe politique qui s’est empressée de crier à l’invasion, le ministre de l’Intérieur avait annoncé que la plupart seraient expulsés – avant que la justice ordonne leur mise en liberté.
      Quelle efficacité ?

      On peine à croire, dans ce contexte, que les promesses de 2023 seront mieux tenues que celles de 2015. Si le nouveau « mécanisme de solidarité » est présenté comme « obligatoire », le communiqué du Conseil de l’UE ajoute qu’il sera « flexible », et qu’« aucun Etat membre ne sera obligé de procéder à des relocalisations » !

      Une façon de prévenir l’opposition frontale de quelques pays, comme la Pologne ou la Hongrie, dont le Premier ministre a déjà fait savoir que le programme de relocalisation imposé par Bruxelles était « inacceptable ». Sur cette base, le système de compensation financière imaginé pour mettre au pas les récalcitrants n’a guère plus de chances de fonctionner.

      De nombreux commentateurs ont salué l’accord conclu le 8 juin comme l’étape inespérée d’un processus qui paraissait enlisé depuis plusieurs années. Ils voient surtout dans ce texte de compromis un espoir de voir la réforme de l’asile adoptée avant le renouvellement, en 2024, du Parlement européen, pour éviter que ces questions ne phagocytent la campagne électorale.

      C’est une analyse à courte vue. Car il y a tout lieu de craindre que cette réforme, qui s’inscrit dans la continuité d’une politique européenne de rejet des exilés, ne fera qu’intensifier le déséquilibre constaté par les Nations unies dans la répartition mondiale des réfugiés. Et poussera toujours davantage ceux-ci vers les routes migratoires qui font de l’Europe la destination la plus dangereuse du monde.



    • Pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile : repartir sur d’autres bases

      La présidence belge de l’UE qui aura lieu en 2024 ambitionne de faire adopter le nouveau pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile. L’approche qui domine est essentiellement répressive et contraire aux droits fondamentaux. Elle ne répond pas aux enjeux des migrations internationales. A ce stade, le pacte ne semble plus pouvoir apporter une amélioration à la situation des personnes exilées. Il faut donc y mettre fin et redémarrer les discussions sur base d’une approche radicalement différente.
      Le nouveau pacte UE : le phénix de Moria ?

      En septembre 2020, à la suite de l’incendie meurtrier du hotspot grec surpeuplé et insalubre de Moria (centre d’enregistrement et de tri mis en place lors de la crise de l’accueil de 2015), la Commission européenne a présenté son projet de pacte sur la migration et l’asile. Celui-ci est censé répondre au « plus jamais ça » et offrir « un modèle de gestion prévisible et stable des migrations internationales ». Il est décrit par Margarítis Schinás, vice-président de la Commission, chargé des Migrations et de la promotion du mode de vie européen, comme une maison commune dont les fondations sont l’externalisation, les étages sont les contrôles aux frontières, et le grenier est l’accueil.

      Mais le nouvel « air frais » annoncé n’est en réalité qu’un air vicié. Ce pacte présente en effet les mêmes solutions inefficaces, couteuses et violatrices des droits qui dès lors continueront de produire inévitablement les mêmes crises structurelles de l’accueil et l’aggravation des situations humanitaires et meurtrières le long des routes de l’exil. De nombreuses études documentées, depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années, analysent l’impact d’une politique migratoire basée sur l’externalisation des frontières ainsi qu’une vision restrictive de l’accueil, et montrent ses dérives et son inefficacité

      Un pacte contre les migrations : détenir, trier, expulser

      Le projet de Pacte repose sur cinq règlements législatifs et quelques recommandations et lignes directrices. Ceux-ci concernent respectivement : les procédures et contrôles aux frontières (APR et Filtrage), le Règlement de Dublin (AMMR), la gestion des crises aux frontières, l’enregistrement, ainsi que le partage des données numériques des personnes exilées (EURODAC)


      A ce jour, les négociations autour du nouveau pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile sont au stade ultime du trilogue

      . La Présidence belge de l’Union européenne, qui aura lieu au premier semestre 2024, ambitionne d’aboutir à son adoption. Les positions de la Commission (septembre 2020), du Parlement (mars 2023) et du Conseil (juin 2023) sont, malgré des nuances, globalement similaires.

      L’orientation répressive et sélective des personnes exilées tout comme l’externalisation des questions migratoires dominent le contenu du pacte. Il est donc inéluctable, qu’une fois le trilogue terminé et le pacte en voie d’être adopté, la mise en œuvre par les Etats membres de ces cinq règlements occasionnera pour les personnes exilées :

      – une pérennisation des entraves, contrôles et criminalisation de leurs départs avec des risques de refoulements en chaîne, y compris vers des pays aussi dangereux que la Lybie et la Syrie ;
      - une procédure de filtrage ou tri avec une fiction de non entrée, à savoir que les droits et devoirs garantis sur le territoire européen ne leur sont pas applicables, malgré leur présence sur ce territoire ;
      - une mise en détention quasi systématique aux frontières y compris pour les enfants dès douze ans avec la possibilité de prolongation en cas de situation dite de crise ;
      – une procédure express d’analyse des demandes de protection qui est incompatible avec une réelle prise en compte des vulnérabilités notamment chez les mineurs, les femmes et les personnes LGBTQI+ ;
      – des décisions rapides d’expulsions sur base du concept de pays tiers « sûrs » avec un recours non suspensif ;
      – la récolte obligatoire, l’enregistrement et le partage des données personnelles entre agences européennes (Frontex, Europol, EASO etc.) et ce, dès l’âge de 6 ans ;
      - un système d’accueil à la carte est envisagé par le Conseil où les 27 auront le choix entre la relocalisation ou la participation financière à un pot commun européen en vue de financer notamment la dimension externe du pacte. Il s’agit du seul progrès par rapport à la situation actuelle, mais la Hongrie et la Pologne, malgré la position prise à la majorité qualifiée au Conseil de juin 2023, ont déjà annoncé leur refus d’y participer.

      Il est clair qu’avec ce type de mesures, le droit d’asile est en danger, les violences et le nombre de décès sur les routes de l’exil (faute de voies légales accessibles et de refoulements systématiques) vont augmenter et que les crises structurelles de l’accueil ne pourront être résolues.
      Le respect des droits des personnes exilées est résiduel

      La situation actuelle des migrations internationales exige des solutions immédiates et durables vu l’étendue du non-respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes exilées et du droit international.
      Selon l’ONU, près de 300 enfants sont morts depuis le début de l’année 2023

      en essayant de traverser la Méditerranée pour atteindre l’Europe. « Ce chiffre est deux fois plus important que celui des six premiers mois de l’année 2022. Nous estimons qu’au cours des six premiers mois de 2023, 11 600 enfants ont effectué la traversée, soit également le double par rapport à la même période de 2022. Ces décès sont absolument évitables », a souligné la responsable aux migrations et aux déplacés à l’Unicef, Verena Knaus. Les chiffres réels sont probablement plus élevés car de nombreux naufrages ne sont pas enregistrés.

      Le racisme et la répression contre les personnes exilées augmentent en Europe et dans les pays du Maghreb, entrainant à leur tour des refoulements systématiques impunis parfois même sous la surveillance de Frontex. Le récent naufrage de Pylos
      au large des côtes grecques et les refoulements effectués depuis la Tunisie dans le désert aux frontières algériennes et libyennes en sont les dramatiques illustrations.
      Quant au volet de l’accueil, il fait l’objet de profonds désaccords. Premièrement, les pays du « MED5 » (Italie, Espagne, Grèce, Malte et Chypre) se disent toujours seuls à assumer la responsabilité de l’accueil sur le sol européen. D’autres pays comme la Belgique se disent également victimes des mouvements secondaires. Face à eux, les pays du groupe de Visegrad (Pologne, Hongrie, Tchéquie, Slovaquie) bloquent tout mécanisme de répartition solidaire. Au niveau européen, la Commission promeut, comme elle l’a fait en juillet 2023 avec la Tunisie, l’adoption de protocoles d’entente avec des Etats peu respectueux des droits humains comme le Maroc et l’Egypte. Cela en vue de limiter la mobilité vers et en Europe. Ces partenariats ont un objectif essentiellement sécuritaire (matériel et formations des garde-côtes aux services du contrôle des frontières et des retours) et n’abordent pas les questions de protection et intégration des personnes migrantes dans les pays du Sud et du Nord

      La solution : suspendre les négociations en repartant sur d’autres bases

      Ni la vision générale du Pacte, ni le contenu de ses cinq règlements législatifs ne répondent aux nombreux défis et opportunités que représentent les migrations internationales. Comme l’a démontré Alice Chatté dans son analyse Regard juridique sur les cinq volets législatifs du pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile

      , « les cinq instruments législatifs proposés dans le pacte, qu’ils soient nouveaux ou réformés, ne sont en réalité que la transcription en instruments légaux des pratiques actuelles des Etats membres, qui ont hélas montré leurs faiblesses et dysfonctionnements. Cela se traduit par des procédures, dorénavant légales, qui autorisent le tri et le recours à la détention systématique à l’ensemble des frontières européennes ainsi que l’examen accéléré des demandes de protection internationale sur base du concept de pays « sûrs » favorisant de facto les pratiques de refoulement et le non-accueil au bénéfice du retour forcé ». Elle ajoute que « le projet du pacte, ainsi que les cinq règlements qui le traduisent juridiquement, ne respectent pas les droits fondamentaux des personnes exilées. Il est en l’état incompatible avec le respect du droit international et européen, ainsi qu’avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations des Nations Unies ».

      A ce stade final du trilogue, les positions des trois Institutions (Commission, Parlement, et Conseil) ne divergent pas fondamentalement entre elles. Les quelques améliorations défendues par le Parlement (dont un monitoring des droits fondamentaux aux frontières et une réforme des critères du Règlement Dublin), sont insuffisantes pour constituer une base de négociation et risquent de ne pas survivre aux négociations ardues du trilogue

      . Puisque le Pacte ne peut plus suffisamment être réformé pour apporter une amélioration immédiate et durable à la situation des personnes exilées, il faut donc se résoudre à mettre fin aux négociations en cours pour repartir sur de nouvelles bases, respectueuses des droits humains et des principes des Pactes mondiaux sur les migrations et sur les réfugiés.
      La Présidence belge de l’UE doit promouvoir la justice migratoire

      Face aux dérives constatées dans de nombreux Etats membres, y compris la Belgique, condamnée à de nombreuses reprises par la justice pour son manque de respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes en demande d’asile, une approche européenne s’impose. Celle-ci doit être basée sur une approche multilatérale, cohérente et positive des migrations internationales, guidée par le respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes exilées et par la solidarité. Le Pacte mondial des migrations des Nations unies adopté en 2018 et la gestion de l’accueil en 2022 d’une partie de la population ukrainienne sont des sources d’inspiration pour refonder les politiques migratoires de l’Union européenne. Plutôt que de chercher à faire aboutir un pacte qui institutionnalise des pratiques de violation des droits humains, la future Présidence belge de l’UE devrait promouvoir une telle vision, afin de promouvoir le respect du droit d’asile et, plus largement, la #justice_migratoire.
