*métaliste autour des îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire)…


  • Une #île_artificielle pour déporter les palestiniens ?

    Ce lundi 22 janvier à Bruxelles, une réunion du Conseil des affaires étrangères de l’Union Européenne était organisée, en présence de Ministres des 27 États membres ainsi que du représentant d’Israël, invité pour parler de la situation au Proche-Orient.

    À cette occasion, le chef de la diplomatie Israélienne, #Israël_Katz, a proposé la construction d’une île artificielle en #Méditerranée, au large de Gaza, pour y “loger” la population palestinienne, selon les mot du journal anglais The Guardian. Le ministre a montré deux vidéos lors de cette réunion, l’une montrant une ligne de train reliant Gaza à la Cisjordanie, et l’autre montrant ce projet d’île artificielle comprenant un port, une zone industrielle et des habitations. Cette modélisation d’île hautement militarisée et comprenant des checkpoints parait toutefois bien trop petite pour y déporter un grand nombre de palestiniens.

    Cette proposition semble aussi dystopique que déplacée, car cette réunion avait pour objectif de discuter de la crise humanitaire qui frappe Gaza et les moyens d’aller vers une désescalade de la violence. Josep Borell, le représentant des affaires étrangères pour l’Union Européenne, a déclaré aux journalistes : « Je pense que le ministre aurait pu mieux utiliser son temps pour s’inquiéter de la situation dans son pays ou du nombre élevé de morts à Gaza ». Plusieurs ministres ont exprimé leur « perplexité ». C’est un euphémisme.

    Ce projet d’île remonterait à l’époque où Katz était ministre israélien des Transports et a été présenté pour la première fois dans une vidéo de 2017 comme « une réponse à une réalité qui est mauvaise pour les Palestiniens et pas bonne pour Israël », selon Reuters.

    La réunion avait lieu après que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou ait répété son opposition à la création d’un État palestinien. Sachant que la « solution à deux États », palestinien et israélien, est celle proposée par les États européens. Une idée hypocrite, puisque l’extrême droite israélienne est en train de raser Gaza et d’éliminer ses habitants tout en colonisant morceaux par morceaux la Cisjordanie. Tout ceci vise à rendre impossible toute création d’un futur État palestinien viable. La seule option réaliste est celle d’un seul État, multiconfessionnel, avec une égalité des droits, sans murs, sans discrimination, sans colonisation.

    Netanyahou et ses complices n’ont jamais caché leur volonté d’annexer toute la terre palestinienne, au nom de textes religieux vieux de plus de 2000 ans attribuant, selon eux, ce territoire au seul peuple juif. Dans cette logique messianique, il faudrait donc chasser tous les palestiniens.

    Il y a quelques jours, les médias révélaient un autre projet du gouvernement israélien : celui de déporter la population de Gaza vers un pays africain, affirmant même que des négociations avaient lieu avec le Congo. Une proposition finalement démentie face au scandale.

    Au début de la seconde guerre mondiale, les nazis annonçaient leur projet de chasser tous les juifs d’Europe et envisageaient sérieusement de les déporter sur l’île de Madagascar. Un plan appelé « Madagaskar Projekt » a même été élaboré par des cadres du Reich. Face aux contraintes logistiques posées par la guerre, et animé par un antisémitisme exterminateur, Hitler avait opté pour la solution finale et les camps de la mort.

    L’idée d’îles « ghettos » ou d’îles « prison » pour parquer les indésirables n’est pas unique dans l’histoire. Au large de l’Australie, l’île de Nauru et celle de Manus ont été transformées en camps visant à enfermer des personnes sans-papiers pendant des mois voire des années. Ce modèle inspire l’Europe, qui installe des points de contrôles et des camps de réfugiés sur les îles aux portes de l’Europe.

    Cependant, le projet israélien serait d’une ampleur sans commune mesure, et paraît difficilement réalisable s’il fallait y déplacer des centaines de milliers de personnes. Mais le fait même qu’une telle idée soit évoquée témoigne d’une volonté d’épuration ethnique de la part de l’État israélien.


    #île #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_palestiniens #Palestine #îles #Israël

    voir aussi, signalé par @gonzo :
    Sources, Katz proposes artificial island in front of Gaza.

    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • Migranti, l’idea di Biancofiore : “Costruire un’isola artificiale in acque internazionali”

    La senatrice centrista dice di ispirarsi all’#Isola_delle_Rose, e sulla fattispecie di quanto predisposto dall’Australia

    «Costruire, immediatamente, in acque internazionali un’isola artificiale nel Mediterraneo, una sorta di ’pit stop’ di approdo, sulla fattispecie dell’Isola delle Rose, dove realizzare un hub di accoglienza e salvezza, e di verifica se gli immigrati abbiano titolo a venire in Europa o siano clandestini». È questa l’idea, «sulla fattispecie - spiega - di quanto predisposto dall’Australia», lanciata dalla capogruppo al Senato Civici d’Italia-Noi Moderati-Coraggio Italia-Udc-Maie, #Michaela_Biancofiore, per gestire l’emergenza migranti.

    Sempre durante la trasmissione de La Verità ’Dimmi la verità’, Biancofiore osserva che si tratterebbe di agire «in accordo con l’Ue e l’Onu» e ricorda come la sua proposta sia «un pò quanto ha suggerito anche la Grecia: un luogo neutro di cooperazione internazionale nel quale, di concerto con la Croce Rossa internazionale e altre associazioni umanitarie, ci si possa prendere cura di questi disperati, farli approdare senza lasciarli annegare ma, allo stesso tempo, gli si prendano le impronte per le identificazioni e per valutare il loro diritto a chiedere ed ottenere asilo».

    «Chi non ha i requisiti - dice ancora - dovrà essere rimpatriato, come sottolineato dalla presidente Von der Leyen. Si impedirebbe così il dramma di Lampedusa o Porto Empedocle o altri luoghi rivieraschi del nostro Paese o della Spagna, della Grecia, di Malta e così via».

    «Benissimo quanto sta facendo la premier Meloni per fermare gli sbarchi di clandestini e per non far diventare l’Italia il campo profughi dell’Ue - aggiunge - Dobbiamo imprimere una vera svolta al fenomeno migratorio impedendo che i clandestini arrivino sulle nostre coste che sono, ricordiamolo, i confini dell’Europa».


    Le projet auquel Biancofiore fait référence, l’#île_de_la_Rose :

    Pendant une courte période, la République espérantiste de l’île de la Rose (en espéranto : Esperantista respubliko de la Insulo de la Rozoj) a existé du 1er mai au 24 juillet 1968 en tant que micronation au large de la côte de la province italienne de Forlì dans la mer Adriatique.

    #micro-Etat #micronation #Insulo_de_la_Rozoj

    #île #île_artificielle #Italie #migrations #asile #réfugiés #eaux_internationales #Méditerranée #externalisation #tri #catégorisation


    ajouté à la métaliste sur des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • #Bibby_Stockholm en 2023... des bateaux au large de la #Jamaïque pour « accueillir » des #réfugiés_haïtiens qui demandaient l’asile aux #USA en 1994...

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said.




    The United States has reached an agreement with Jamaica to set up a facility on the Caribbean island to process Haitian refugees, according to officials close to negotiations that have been taking place between the two nations for several days.

    The agreement is likely to be announced today in Kingston, the officials said. This is the first time another government has offered to help the Clinton administration share the burden of handling those who flee Haiti’s military regime by taking to the sea, most of them seeking political asylum in the United States.

    Aside from providing a diplomatic boost to the administration’s efforts, Jamaica has helped resolve logistical problems that have bedeviled U.S. officials for weeks.

    The United States asked Jamaica to consider hosting a refugee facility last week and since then U.S. and Jamaican officials have been engaged in almost continuous discussions, here and in Kingston.

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said. The ships would be used to house Haitians picked up by the Coast Guard and would serve as a processing center where their applications for refugee status would be heard and adjudicated. U.S. officials could be housed on land along with all facilities needed to support the ships.

    President Clinton’s special advisor on Haiti, former House member William H. Gray III, was to arrive in Jamaica yesterday afternoon and begin meetings with top Jamaican officials today. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott is due to begin a visit to Kingston Thursday.

    A formal agreement on a processing facility could be announced during these meetings, officials said, and the first Haitians could be brought to Jamaica as early as the beginning of next week.

    “We are encouraged by the progress that has been made in the talks and we are hopeful progress will continue and that we will be able to say something more on this soon,” a senior U.S. official said. In recent weeks Clinton repeatedly has emphasized his desire to pursue a policy on Haiti with international and especially regional support.

    He was able to win such backing for tighter economic sanctions against Haiti, which went into effect on May 21. But it has proved more difficult for Clinton to get help with the other half of his Haitian dilemma, the handling of boat people.

    After protests by civil rights groups and refugee advocates, Clinton on May 8 ended a policy of automatically returning all Haitians picked up at sea without giving them a chance to seek the shelter of refugee status.

    Instead he promised to set up facilities that would let the Haitians apply for refugee status, which entitles them to permanent resettlement in the United States. Clinton insisted, however, that most boat people were likely to be rejected and sent back.

    Although it has held discussions with a number of governments in the regions, the only expression of support the administration had received thus far was an agreement with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to cooperate on handling the boat people.

    Last week the United States sought permission to locate a processing facility on the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British dependency, but has yet to receive a response.



    Jamaica to Let U.S. Anchor Ship Off Coast

    Jamaica agreed today to let the United States anchor ships in its waters so American officials can hold shipboard hearings to determine whether fleeing Haitians qualify for refugee status.

    The Jamaican decision represents a diplomatic victory for the Clinton Administration, which promised last month to provide individual hearings for Haitian boat people rather than forcibly send them back without hearings. Later, the Administration realized it did not have a suitable place to conduct such hearings.

    The Clinton Administration has been eager to find processing centers in third countries because fleeing Haitians who are processed in the United States often remain for years even if their asylum applications are rejected because Federal courts can permit them to stay until their appeals are exhausted.

    The Administration has been under pressure to set up the shipboard processing as soon as possible because it has been in the embarrassing position of continuing to summarily repatriate Haitians without interviews even though President Clinton announced on May 8 that he was abandoning this policy.

    [ The United States Coast Guard returned 63 fleeing Haitians to Port-au-Prince Wednesday, the third group repatriated in a week, Reuters reported. That brought to 1,439 the number of refugees brought back to their homeland since Washington said it would halt the practice. ] Ship Heads for Kingston

    After the United States and Jamaica announced their agreement, Administration officials said they hoped to have a large American ship anchored in Kingston harbor within several days to begin interviewing Haitian emigrants.

    “They’d like to start this at the beginning of next week,” said Barbara Francis, the United States spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is working with the Clinton Administration on setting up the processing.

    The plan is for a 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship to arrive in Jamaica this week so it can begin processing what American officials expect to be a steady stream of fleeing Haitians. In light of a recent United Nations decision to tighten the trade embargo against Haiti, Administration officials fear an accelerating exodus.

    About 300 Americans will work on the hospital ship, including Immigration and Naturalization Service officials who will conduct hearings and Navy personnel who run the ship.
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    In addition, about 10 employees of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees will work on the ship to provide training for the American hearing officers and will counsel the Haitian applicants. U.S. to Cover All Costs

    Christine Shelly, a State Department spokeswoman, said the United States will cover all costs connected to the shipboard processing.

    Jamaica has not asked Washington for any payment for allowing American ships to anchor in its waters, but Jamaican officials have conveyed their displeasure that the Clinton Administration has not appointed an Ambassador to Jamaica and is cutting economic aid to the island.

    Under the Administration’s plan, Coast Guard cutters will pick up Haitian boat people in the Caribbean and take them to Kingston Harbor. Haitians who are found to have a well-founded fear of persecution in their homeland will be transported to the United States, or perhaps another country. Those whose claim of persecution is declared to be not well-founded will be taken back to Haiti.

    “We would hope they would go not only to the U.S., but that other countries would step forward to accept some of them,” an Administration official said concerning those granted asylum. Hope for Turks and Caicos

    United States officials say they still hope that the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British-ruled group of small islands off the Bahamas, will agree to allow Washington to set up processing centers there.

    The legislative council of those islands is scheduled to meet on Friday to consider Washington’s request.

    Turks and Caicos officials have offered the United States an uninhabited island, but Washington is concerned about the lack of docking facilities and potable water on the island.

    The United States sent a second ship to Jamaica today. That ship, a leased, 700-bed Ukrainian cruise ship, will be anchored in Kingston to handle the spillover from the Navy hospital ship, or it will be anchored off the Turks and Caicos Islands, officials said. -------------------- Haitian Files Suit

    A Haitian refugee who was chopped with a machete and left for dead in her homeland filed a $30 million lawsuit in Brooklyn yesterday against a far-right political group in Haiti.

    The refugee, Alerte Belance, who now lives in Newark, N.J., sued the Haitian Front of Advancement and Progress in Federal Court for an attack last fall that cost her a right arm and left her with deep gashes on her neck and across her face.

    Her suit is based on a ruling that allows some victims of human rights abuses committed abroad to seek redress in an American court.


    #USA #asile #migrations #bateau #réfugiés #Etats-Unis #externalisation #procédure_d'asile

    Sur la #Bibby_Stockholm :

    Et la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • Remote Atlantic Ocean rock could host migrants, UK says

    The UK is threatening to deport irregular migrants to Ascension Island if its plan to send people to Rwanda fails, amid another lethal shipwreck in the Mediterranean.

    British officials briefed national press anonymously on the Ascension Island idea on Sunday (6 August).

    “It’s pragmatic to consider all options and it makes sense to draw up proposals to stop the boats that could work alongside our Rwanda policy,” a “senior government source” told The Sunday Times.

    “We’re still confident that our Rwanda scheme is lawful, but having alternative proposals on the table would provide us with a back-up if we’re frustrated legally,” the source said.

    “All options were on the table”, British home secretary Suella Braverman also told the Mail on Sunday.

    Ascension Island is part of the Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha British overseas territory in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    The volcanic outcrop is just 88 km squared and located 6,000 km away from Europe.

    Braverman had planned to start deporting people to Rwanda on flights in January to act as a deterrent.

    But this was ruled illegal by the Court of Appeal in June over deficiencies in Rwanda’s asylum system, with a final verdict due by the Supreme Court in late autumn.

    Other “Plan B” locations alongside Ascension Island included Alderney in the Channel islands, a British military base in Cyprus, Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia, and Morocco, the Sunday Times reported.

    Niger had been on the list, but a coup in Niamey in July now threatened to see military intervention by neighbouring states, making the region a source of even higher numbers of refugees.

    The Falkland Islands had also been considered, but were deemed too sensitive due to the 1982 Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.

    And British officials cited Australia’s policy of processing asylum claims on Nauru in the South Pacific as a model for their far-flung schemes.

    The Rwanda Plan A has been pasted by human-rights groups as demonisation of vulnerable people by Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, which trails in polls ahead of elections likely in 2024.

    About 15,000 have crossed to the UK on small boats from France so far this year, down 15 percent on the same period in 2022.

    But arrivals to Europe are on the rise, via dangerous Mediterranean crossings and Turkey.

    Over 127,300 people came in the first seven months of this year compared to 189,600 in all of last year, according to the International Organisation for Migration, a UN limb.

    More than 2,330 people lost their lives or went missing, compared to 2,965 in 2022.

    Another woman and child died and 30 were still missing after two boats capsized near the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, Italian authorities said.

    The coastguard saved 57 people so far.

    They also airlifted 34 others, including two pregnant women and a child, who had been clinging to a cliff face on Lampedusa since Friday following a previous shipwreck.
    Unwelcoming mood

    The right-wing government of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni has been accused of complicating rescues by forcing charity ships to disembark at far-away ports, echoing the UK approach.

    And migration is likely to feature heavily in the European Parliament elections next year, just as in post-Brexit Britain.

    Germany’s far-right AfD party declared the EU a “failed project” and promised to crack down on migrants in its programme for next June’s vote, unveiled on Sunday.

    It called for the EU to reform as a “federation of European nations” that protected “different identities” in Europe.

    It also spoke of a “Europe of fatherlands, a European community of sovereign, democratic states”.

    The AfD is poles apart from the old German spirit under former conservative chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed refugees in 2015.

    But the far-right party is now polling at 19 to 22 percent, making it the second strongest political force in the EU’s largest member state.


    #UK #Atlantique #Angleterre #île #île_de_l'ascension #externalisation #modèle_australien #asile #migrations #réfugiés #océan_atlantique

    L’île de l’Ascension après d’autres magnifiques idées :
    – le Rwanda : https://seenthis.net/messages/966443
    – la Bibby Stockholm : https://seenthis.net/tag/bibby_stockholm

    Et ça rappelle farouchement ce que les Australiens ont mis en place (la #Pacific_solution) sur l’île de #Nauru : https://seenthis.net/tag/nauru

    D’ailleurs, je découvre grâce aux archives seenthis (#merci @seenthis) qu’en 2020, la #Grande-Bretagne avait déjà imaginé d’envoyer les demandeurs d’asile sur une autre île au milieu de l’Atlantique qui leur appartient : l’île de #Saint-Hélène : https://seenthis.net/messages/881888


    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

    • L’ultima idea di Londra per i richiedenti asilo: «spedirli» su un’isola in mezzo all’Atlantico

      All’Ascensione, territorio dipendente da Sant’Elena. Intanto da ieri decine spostati su una chiatta a Portland

      La buona notizia è che, causa golpe, è tramontata definitivamente l’ipotesi di spostare i migranti in Niger. La cattiva notizia? Tutto il resto.

      Gli arrivi record nel Regno Unito stanno mettendo a durissima prova il governo Sunak, anche se tra i presunti vantaggi di Brexit c’era proprio quello di «riprendere il controllo dei confini britannici» sottraendoli agli odiati burocrati di Bruxelles.

      Così l’ultima ipotesi è quella di portare migliaia di persone — in attesa di verdetto sulla richiesta d’asilo — su un’isola sperduta tra costa africana (1.600 chilometri) e costa sudamericana (2.300 chilometri), l’Isola dell’Ascensione, nell’amministrazione di Sant’Elena di napoleonica memoria. Charles Darwin, che durante il suo viaggio con il veliero Beagle la visitò nel 1836, la definì «orribile».

      L’esilio agli antipodi dei migranti non è neanche il problema più urgente di Sunak, che peraltro è in vacanza negli Stati Uniti con la famiglia, sadicamente pedinato dai tabloid inglesi anche alla lezione di spinning in una palestra di lusso a Santa Monica con accompagnamento musicale di Taylor Swift.

      È cominciato infatti ieri pomeriggio il trasferimento di alcune decine di migranti su una chiatta, la Bibby Stockholm, ancorata nel porto di Portland . Arrivano da alberghi di Oxford, Bristol, Torbay e Bournemouth: proprio il problema degli hotel è quello più urgente. Il governo paga infatti sei milioni di sterline al giorno (sette milioni di euro) per ospitare in albergo migliaia di migranti. L’idea della chiatta è venuta, semplicemente, per risparmiare mentre le lista d’attesa per le richieste d’asilo si allungano spaventosamente.

      Neanche i tabloid stanno facendo sconti al governo: due mesi fa campeggiava sulle loro prime pagine la protesta dei migranti iraniani che rifiutavano la sistemazione in un albergo londinese di Pimlico (centralissimo, 175 euro a notte) perché pretendevano camere singole, e per questo si erano accampati in strada.

      La capacità ricettiva dell’apparato dello Stato britannico pare uscita da un vecchio sketch dei Monty Python, e sarebbe un brutto gesto, oggi, quello di rinfacciare alla fazione pro-Brexit le vecchie critiche alle (effettive) falle nell’accoglienza ai migranti targata Ue. Ma certo è che il «piano B» è una priorità del governo Sunak: s’intende l’idea di trasferire fuori dai confini nazionali i migranti finché non sarà definito l’esito delle loro richieste d’asilo. Soltanto quattordici mesi fa, quando il governo Johnson ormai al capolinea ipotizzò di utilizzare il Ruanda come parcheggio per i migranti desiderosi di vivere nel Regno Unito stringendo con Kigali un accordo di cooperazione da 160 milioni di euro, l’allora principe Carlo con una clamorosa e inedita violazione della tradizionale neutralità politica della Corona — sempre silente sulle scelte governative — lasciò trapelare di essere rimasto «allibito».

      Un trasferimento di seimila chilometri nel territorio britannico d’oltremare nell’Atlantico meridionale provocherebbe, al netto di ogni altra considerazione politica e umanitaria, una serie di complessi problemi organizzativi, dato che l’isola di 88 chilometri quadrati ha soltanto ottocento abitanti e non è ovviamente attrezzata per diventare un campo profughi. Perfino il Daily Mail, giornale per nulla favorevole all’apertura delle frontiere, la definiva ieri «una pietra vulcanica in mezzo al nulla».

      Al momento il piano di collaborazione con Kigali è stato bloccato da un tribunale, ma il governo aspetta il pronunciamento definitivo della Corte suprema in ottobre.
