’Israel’ builds bases in Syria, sparking fear of occupation:
By Al Mayadeen English | Source: The Washington Post | 2 Feb 2025 15:50
Satellite imagery reviewed by the Washington Post indicates that three Israeli bases are being built on Syrian territory, raising locals’ concerns about the occupation of their land.
The Israeli occupation forces, who have invaded several Syrian villages beyond the buffer zone and Mount Hermon, appear to be preparing for a lasting stay in the territories, The Washington Post speculated, as earthmoving Israeli vehicles make their way across the Syrian border.
Satellite images reviewed by The Post reveal over half a dozen buildings and vehicles within a fortified Israeli base, with a nearly identical site located five miles to the south. The two bases are connected by newly constructed dirt roads leading to the occupied Golan Heights. Further south, a cleared area—identified by experts as the possible foundation of a third base—is also visible. (...)