Report : Lebanese Army Unable to Control Border Villages Threatening Northern Israel - Israel News -
L’etat sioniste a déclaré qu’il ne comptait pas se retirer de 3 zones libanaises à la frontière ?
Ça tombe très bien, ce sont, nous apprend le Haaretz, les zones où l’armée libanaise est incapable d’accéder à cause… des chiites et ce d’autant plus que, nous apprend encore le Haaretz, il n’y a pas de chiites dans ladite armée.
“It doesn’t surprise us that the Lebanese army is having trouble taking over these villages. This is what it was like before the war. These are Shi’ite villages, and ethnically, there are no Shi’ites in the Lebanese army. These villages wouldn’t take orders from the army, considering the area their territory. When we observed them [before the war] through binoculars, we saw that each patrol by an army vehicle was accompanied by a Hezbollah one, dictating where they could go and at what speed,” a Metula resident told Haaretz. “It is clear to us that this is what will happen now too, after the agreement. It’s obvious that the Lebanese army will find it very difficult to face up to the villages without help from an international body, since the villagers see themselves as rulers of this area.”