Amira Hass : La réponse logique à la terreur d’état d’Israël : le boycott


  • The rational response to Israel’s state terror: #boycott
    Amira Hass

    Israel has outsourced the occupation – it has turned the nations of the worlds into active participants. How? American citizens’ tax money funds the generous U.S. security aid to Israel and the close military cooperation with Israel. Their taxes, and taxes from other European and Western states, fund the partial reparations for the material and health damage caused by Israel’s rule and artificially resuscitates the existing order of violence. Gaza has not completely collapsed, because Western states and Qatar provide charity to the hundreds of thousands of people there whom Israel forbids to make a dignified living.

    Western donations are not a safety net for the Palestinians, but rather a safety net for Israel’s prohibitions, restrictions and onslaughts. The donations, in their current form, come in lieu of clear and decisive political action against Israeli policy, which every World Bank report describes as a reason for economic disaster. And surely for more existential disasters to come. It is easier for these countries to spend their taxpayers’ money on expensive water tanks for villages without infrastructure. It’s easier for them to rebuild destroyed buildings for the third or fourth time than to order Israel to stop.

    Why is it surprising, then, that people whose taxes are being used for hush money are beginning to enlist as guerilla fighters in the counter-offensive and boycotting? As unwilling sponsors, they are involved anyway, and it’s their democratic right to express their opinion about the illegitimate use of their money.

    #Israel #terreur #occupation #Palestine #impunité #complicité#communauté_internationale
