Take Good News on Afghanistan’s Reconstruction With a ‘Grain of Salt’


  • Take Good News on Afghanistan’s Reconstruction With a ‘Grain of Salt’ | Inter Press Service

    Among others, official groups like the United States Agency for International Development (#USAID) say that higher life expectancy outcomes, better healthcare facilities and improved education access represent the ‘positive’ side of U.S. intervention.

    From this perspective, the estimated 26,000 civilian casualties as a direct result of U.S. military action must be viewed against the fact that people are now living longer, fewer mothers are dying while giving birth, and more children are going to school.

    But the diligent work undertaken by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (#SIGAR) suggests that “much of the official happy talk on [reconstruction] should be taken with a grain of salt – iodized, of course – to prevent informational goiter.”

    Formed in 2008, SIGAR is endowed with the authority to “audit, inspect, investigate, and otherwise examine any and all aspects of reconstruction, regardless of departmental ownership.”

    In a May 5 speech, John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector General, called the reconstruction effort a “huge and far-reaching undertaking” that has scarcely left any part of Afghan life untouched.

    Poured into endless projects from propping up the local army and police, to digging wells and finding alternatives to poppy cultivation, funds allocated to rebuilding #Afghanistan now “exceed the value of the entire Marshall Plan effort to rebuild Western Europe after World War II.”

    “Unfortunately,” Sopko said, “from the outset to this very day large amounts of taxpayer dollars have been lost to waste, fraud, and abuse.

    “These disasters often occur when the U.S. officials who implement and oversee programs fail to distinguish fact from fantasy,” he added.
