A Secure, Undisclosed Location - By Nicholas Blanford


  • La nouvelle fabrication de Nicholas Blanford est particulièrement grotesque (mais c’est pour ça qu’on l’aime) : il prétend avoir découvert ce que ni la Finul pendant des années, ni Israël à coup de bombes intelligentes, n’ont jamais réussi à trouver, un bunker secret du Hezbollah. Et c’est comme les maisons des célébrités de Beverly Hills : il suffit d’acheter la carte à l’office de tourisme du bled d’à côté.

    A Secure, Undisclosed Location - By Nicholas Blanford | Foreign Policy

    After several false leads, I acquired a set of map coordinates marking the locations of Hezbollah bunkers and rocket firing posts near the village of Alma Shaab. Punching the coordinates into a handheld GPS device, I headed into a former Hezbollah security pocket accompanied by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, an intrepid war correspondent for The Guardian and a photographer for the Getty agency.

    We had walked along the track at the bottom of the valley for about ten minutes when the arrow on the GPS began to rotate to the right. We left the track and, once beneath the canopy of dense foliage, noticed numerous thin trails made by Hezbollah militants crisscrossing the hillside. Steps of rock-hard sandbags helped overcome the steeper sections. We scanned the footpath carefully, not only for cluster bombs but also for possible booby traps. Hezbollah had rigged some simple IEDs consisting of trip wires attached to blocks of TNT around some of their old positions to deter snoopers

    After a five-minute climb, my GPS informed us that we had reached our destination. But there was no bunker entrance to be seen, just outcrops of rock, thickets of thorn bushes, scrub oak, and tree roots snaking across the bedrock beneath a carpet of dead leaves and dried twigs. Thinking the GPS must be off by a few feet, I moved away to examine the surrounding area for the entrance. But it was Ghaith who found it.