le rapport que les autorités égyptiennes ne veulent pas qu’on lise


  • Egypte : Le journaliste Mahmoud Abou Zeid (Shawkan) détenu depuis près de 2 ans sans charges ni procès - CPJ

    Il devrait être entendu par la justice aujourd’hui. A suivre sur Twitter : @sharifkouddous

    Affiliation: Freelance
    Prison term: Pre-trial detention
    Charges: No charges
    Held at: Tora Prison

    Mahmoud Abou Zeid, a freelance photographer who is known professionally as Shawkan, was one of several journalists detained in Cairo while covering clashes between Egyptian security forces and supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi on August 14, 2013, according to news reports. Abou Zeid, who has contributed to local and international websites, has been accused of illegal assembly, murder, attempted murder, and possessing weapons—the same allegations levied against hundreds of protesters detained during the clashes last summer. No charges have been filed against Abou Zeid, but his appeal for release has been denied. His pretrial detention has been extended several times.

    The photographer has contributed to the U.K.-based citizen journalism site and photo agency Demotix and digital media company Corbis. After he was detained, Demotix sent a letter to Egyptian authorities confirming that Abou Zeid was covering the clashes for the agency, the photographer’s brother, Mohamed Abou Zeid, told CPJ.

    Key fact : In 2012, no journalists were in prison in Egypt, compared with five in late 2013.

    Key works : A source close to Abou Zeid snuck out his written account from Tora Prison for an article published on March 3.
    Abou Zeid’s profile page at Demotix features several of his photos.

    Sur @OrientXXI Massacre de Rabaa : le rapport que les autorités égyptiennes ne veulent pas qu’on lise http://www.orientxxi.info/lu-vu-entendu/massacre-de-rabaa-le-rapport-que,0654

    Égypte, guerre ouverte contre le journalisme http://www.orientxxi.info/magazine/egypte-guerre-ouverte-contre-le,0605