If you could bring a loved one back from the dead, should you ?


  • Warm Fuzzies - Issue 28 : 2050

    Robert led the man into his intentionally boring office. He gestured toward one of the several extremely comfortable and intentionally beige chairs that sat in front of his desk, midway between the office’s two identical doors. “Won’t you please have a seat? And may I get you anything?” The anxious man sat, sinking deep into the cushions. He crossed his arms. “No.” Then he added, “Thank you. It’s just that—I’d rather get down to business.” Check, Robert thought, check and tilde. “And what business is that, Mr., ah …” Robert made a show of checking for Monahan’s name on the clipboard that he’d positioned in the middle of his desk. “Monahan. Michael C. Monahan. And you know what business it is. I want you to bring my wife back from the dead.” Check, Robert thought. He let his face crease into a wince. (...)