affrontements sur l’esplanade des Mosquées (police)


  • Jérusalem-est: affrontements sur l’esplanade des Mosquées (police)
    ats / 13.09.2015

    Des affrontements ont éclaté dimanche matin sur l’esplanade des Mosquées dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem entre la police israélienne et des musulmans. Ces heurts ont eu lieu à quelques heures de la célébration de la nouvelle année juive.

    Selon des témoins musulmans, les policiers israéliens sont entrés dans la mosquée Al-Aqsa, troisième lieu de l’islam, et provoqué des dégâts. Une porte-parole de la police, Luba Samri, a démenti cette information, en précisant que les forces l’ordre s’étaient contentées de fermer la porte d’accès.

    Ces affrontements sont survenus au moment où la tension est montée autour de l’esplanade des Mosquées (le Mont du Temple pour les juifs) à la suite de la décision du ministre israélien de la Défense Moshe Yaalon, qui a déclaré mercredi « illégal » le mouvement des « mourabitoun », un groupe musulman en grande partie informel qui affirme défendre l’esplanade des Mosquées.

    Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, assault worshippers
    Sept. 13, 2015 10:53 A.M. (Updated: Sept. 13, 2015 2:05 P.M.)

    The clashes came with tensions running high after Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon last week outlawed two Muslim groups that protect the mosque, and confront Jewish visitors to the compound, which is holy to both faiths.

    Witnesses told Ma’an that Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound Sunday morning, firing rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades and injuring several worshipers.

    Witnesses said Israeli forces stormed the compound through the Chain and Moroccan gates shortly after dawn prayer.

    The forces then surrounded worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque and closed its doors with “chains and bars” before they started to fire rubber-coated bullets inside the mosque, witnesses said.

    Israel ’has taken over’ Aqsa compound, says official

    Sept. 13, 2015 9:56 P.M. (Updated: Sept. 13, 2015 9:58 P.M.)

    • Des soldats et des colons israéliens attaquent la mosquée Al-Aqsa (vidéo)
      Par Ziad Medoukh

      13.09.2015 - Ce matin, la police israélienne a fermé la porte d’accès de la mosquée. Il y a beaucoup de blessés palestiniens, et beaucoup de dégâts. Les forces de l’occupation israélienne poursuivent leurs attaques sanglantes contre les Palestiniens à Jérusalem, en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza.
      La Palestine résiste, existe et persiste.

    • PCHR Condemns Israeli Forces’ Raid on al-Aqsa Mosque and Deliberately Damaging its content PDF Print E-mail
      Sunday, 13 September 2015

      According to information collected by PCHR from the city, at approximately 05:45 on Sunday, 13 September 2015, when worshipers finished performing the dawn (Fajr) prayer in al-Aqsa Mosque and started getting out of the mosque, large numbers of special Israeli forces stormed al-Aqsa Mosque firing sound bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets. Israeli forces immediately closed the Qibli (southern) mosque while dozens of Israeli soldiers topped the roof of the mosque. They surrounded the young men staying inside and sprayed pepper spray over them. Officers from the special forces evacuated all al-Aqsa Mosque’s yards. In the morning, Israeli forces smashed the windows of al-Qibli Mosque and fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at young men trapped inside, due to which the carpets caught fire. Moreover, Lo’ai Abu al-Sa’ed, one of the mosque’s guards, sustained a bullet wound to the chest; Jad al-Ghoul, a civil defense officer in al-Aqsa Mosque, sustained a bullet wound to the left arm; Anas Siyam (14) sustained a bullet wound to the chest; and Lewa Abu Ermaila, a journalist at Palestine Today satellite channel, and Sabreen Ebeidat, a photojournalist at Quds news network, both were injured by shrapnel from a sound bomb. An eyewitness stated that Israeli forces attacked and pushed Arab members of the Israeli Knesset, who could entered al-Aqsa Mosque, namely Ahmed al-Tibi, Osama al-Sa’di and Talab Abu ’Arar.

      This attack coincided with banning students of al-Aqsa Shari’a schools located inside the mosque (Riyadh al-Aqsa, al-Aqsa School for Boys and al-Aqsa School for Girls), who are about 500 female and male students, from entering the mosque and joining their schools. In addition, Israeli forces denied the administrative and educational employees entry by attacking and pushing them while being present by Hetta and al-Selsela gates. Israeli forces have also prevented worshipers below 45 years old from entering the mosque since the predawn.

      Afterwards, groups of Israeli settlers led by the Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, stormed the mosque through al-Maghareba gate. They performed biblical rituals in al-Hersh area near al-Rahma gate. It should be noted that the (Temple Groups) invited their supporters through media websites and social media to participate in the largest raid on al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday, coinciding with the beginning of the Jewish holidays.