• Un hôpital soutenu par MSF bombardé en Syrie

    Un hôpital soutenu par Médecins sans frontières (MSF) a été bombardé, lundi 15 février, dans le nord de la Syrie. L’hôpital est situé à Marat Al-Nouman, à 280 kilomètres au nord de Damas.

    Dans un communiqué, l’ONG a confirmé le bombardement, et dit que l’hôpital a été touché par au moins quatre roquettes et que huit membres du personnel sont portés disparus.
    Autre hôpital touché à proximité d’Alep
    A Azaz, à proximité d’Alep, un missile sol-sol est tombé à proximité d’un hôpital. C’est la deuxième fois qu’il est touché, selon l’ONG Syria Charity, qui l’administre. Un premier bilan fait état d’un blessé grave. La structure avait déjà été évacuée, les patients se trouvant dans des abris dans les sous-sols, à la suite d’une première frappe. L’ONG se pose la question de l’évacuation de tous ses patients.

    Les avions russes ont procédé à de nombreuses frappes aériennes ces dernières semaines dans la région d’Idlib, en soutien au régime syrien. Barack Obama, le président des Etats-Unis, a exhorté dimanche Vladimir Poutine, le président de la Russie à mettre fin aux bombardements de l’aviation russe – qui ont débuté le 30 septembre – contre les « forces de l’opposition modérée » en Syrie.

    Tout Le Monde est là…
    Dans le titre « bombardé »,
    hôpital 1 : 4 roquettes
    hôpital 2 : missile sol-sol
    et, pour finir l’article sans transition : #méchants_avions_russes

    Les précédents bombardements d’hôpitaux de MSF étaient, eux, aériens, et plutôt effectués par des avions états-uniens et séoudiens.

  • Lettre ouverte de MSF aux responsables européens.

    Vos frontières tuent, ouvrez un passage sûr et légal

    Gilet de sauvetage provenant d’un sauvetage en mer.

    EU: your fences kill. Provide safe and legal passage.

    Mediterranean Migration: Open letter to European leaders; Copies sent to Switzerland, Norway, FYROM, Serbia and the President of the European Commission.
    11 September 2015

    We send you this letter today, together with a lifejacket belonging to one of the 15,000 people rescued at sea by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) since May. This poor quality life vest was the only security a man, woman or child had whilst trying to cross the sea to Europe. These jackets sometimes feature handwritten prayers for a safe passage, or phone numbers of relatives and friends to be contacted in case the person wearing it does not make it. This is a reminder that the people embarking on these journeys are fully aware of the risks they are undertaking, and the sheer desperation motivating them to put themselves and their families in so much danger.

    We are treating the medical consequences of the journey, including hypothermia and dehydration, but also acute conditions requiring medical evacuation such as septic shock, pneumonia and wounds inflicted by abuse and violence. We are trying to improve living conditions for people stranded in Greece, Italy, FYROM and Serbia. But all of our work amounts to filling the gaps left by states unwilling or unable to fulfil their responsibilities.

    Many people are fleeing war, oppression and torture. Others are fleeing poverty, persecution and human rights violations. All want a safer and better life. But their exit routes are growing scarcer, while refugee hosting countries such as Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan become more overburdened. The world is faced with the worst displacement crisis since World War II. The conflict in Syria shows no sign of abating. Yet Europe is closing its borders.

    Categorisations of ’migrants; , ’refugees’ or ’asylum seekers’ do not adequately or fairly describe the reality that pushes people to embark on long and dangerous journeys. Every person has a story to tell about why they were forced to risk their lives to reach Europe. When people need medical care, food, water and shelter, they should receive this assistance regardless of their legal status.

    When your ministers gather this Monday for yet another summit on the so-called ‘migration crisis’, bear in mind that the decisions adopted in previous summits have so far largely failed to improve the situation. Some measures have made the situation worse: fences and forced fingerprinting only push people to choose more clandestine and dangerous routes. Lives continue to be lost at sea, in the back of lorries and in make shift camps where people live in unacceptable conditions in the heart of the European Union. It is time to put an end to these policies of deterrence. They have turned a foreseeable and manageable influx of people fleeing for survival into a policy-made human tragedy on Europe’s beaches, borders, train platforms and motorways. They are jeopardising the right to seek asylum. The current approach of ’non-reception’ and closed borders is causing death, injury and chaos.

    La suite est ici :

    #migrants #migrations #occident-qui-tue #MSF