Vehicle emissions testing in the EU : Why we are still struggling with the dead hand of the past—and what the future is likely to bring


  • Accusé de tricherie Volkswagen est menacé de sanctions aux Etats-Unis

    Les Etats-Unis et l’Etat de Californie accusent Volkswagen (VW) d’avoir délibérément contourné les règles en vigueur en matière de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique. L’Agence fédérale de protection de l’environnement (EPA) affirme que VW a équipé ses modèles diesel Volkswagen et Audi des années 2009 à 2015 d’un logiciel permettant de contourner les tests d’émission de certains polluants atmosphériques.

    Ce petit logiciel espion enclenchait – a priori à l’insu des conducteurs – un mécanisme interne de limitation des gaz polluants permettant au véhicule de passer le test sans encombres et de se voir décerner un certificat de bonne conduite écologique. Toutefois, une fois le test fini, le mécanisme anti-pollution se désactivait et le véhicule libérait alors dans l’atmosphère davantage de gaz polluants et notamment du dioxyde d’azote, lié à de graves maladies respiratoires dont l’asthme.

    La notification de non-respect de la réglementation Notification of Violation (NOV) par l’EPA

    Each vehicle identified by the table below has AECDs that were not described in the application for the COC that purportedly covers the vehicle. Specifically, VW manufactured and installed software in the electronic control module (ECM) of these vehicles that sensed when the vehicle was being tested for compliance with EPA emission standards. For ease of reference, the EPA is calling this the #switch. The “switch” senses whether the vehicle is being test or not based on various inputs including the position of the steering wheel, vehicle speed, the duration of engine’s operation, and barometric pressure. These inputs precisely track the parameters of the federal test procedure used for emission testing for EPA certification purposes. During EPA emission testing, the vehicles’ ECM ran software which produced compliant emission results under an ECM calibration that VW referred to as the “dyno calibration” (referring to the equipment used in emissions testing, called dynamometer). At all other times during normal vehicle operation, the “switch” was activated and the vehicle ECM software ran a separate “road calibration” which reduced the effectiveness of the emission control system (specifically the selective catalytic reduction of the lean NOx trap). As a result, emissions of NOx increased by a factor of 10 to 40 times above the EPA compliant levels, depending on the type of drive cycle (e.g. city, highway).

    Dans le communiqué de presse

    09/18/2015 : EPA, California Notify Volkswagen of Clean Air Act Violations!opendocument

    The allegations cover roughly 482,000 diesel passenger cars sold in the United States since 2008.

    Affected diesel models include:
    • Jetta (Model Years 2009 – 2015)
    • Beetle (Model Years 2009 – 2015)
    • Audi A3 (Model Years 2009 – 2015)
    • Golf (Model Years 2009 – 2015)
    • Passat (Model Years 2014-2015)

    • EPA Accuses Volkswagen of Dodging Emissions Rules - WSJ

      U.S. officials said Volkswagen violated two parts of the federal Clean Air Act and could face sizable financial penalties of up to $37,500 per car, or more than $18 billion. It remained unclear whether the government would seek such an onerous penalty. The EPA in November 2014 hit South Korean auto makers Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Corp. with a record $100 million penalty for overstating fuel-economy claims and forced the companies to cough up another $200 million in regulatory credits.

    • L’ICCT n’est pas qu’aux É.-U. et en Allemagne comme l’indique le Monde. Sa branche au Royaume-Uni fait aussi d’intéressantes études…

      Vehicle emissions testing in the EU : Why we are still struggling with the dead hand of the past—and what the future is likely to bring | International Council on Clean Transportation

      The results of this bottom-up approach align surprisingly well with the top-down observations based on statistical data. We found that the gap for new cars was about 10% in 2001 and—for private car owners—increased to about 35% by 2014 (see graph). The most important reason for the growth in the gap, based on our assessment, is an increasing exploitation by manufacturers of tolerances and flexibilities in the vehicle test procedure for determining CO2 emission levels of new cars. For example, when determining the aerodynamic and rolling resistance (road load) of a vehicle on an outdoor test track before laboratory testing, manufacturers can choose an especially favorable test track (even one with a slight downhill slope) and make use of specially prepared tires that are hardened in an oven before testing. For the actual vehicle test in the laboratory (the chassis dynamometer test), vehicle manufacturers can slightly increase the vehicle mass to put it into the next higher inertia class, thereby reducing the official CO2 emission level to some extent. Any one of these test optimization measures by itself may have a rather small effect, but in the aggregate they have a large impact on official vehicle CO2 emission values and explain why we see a continuously growing gap between official and real-world figures.

      Ou comment les émissions de CO2 affichées par les constructeurs sont systématiquement sous-estimées…

      Bottom-up estimate of the emissions gap between type-approval and real-world CO2 emissions, differentiated into individual influencing parameters

    • Tricherie aux Etats-Unis : les regrets de VW

      Volkswagen a ordonné l’ouverture d’une enquête externe à la suite d’accusations portées par les autorités américaines chargées de la protection de l’environnement, a rapporté, dimanche 20 septembre, Martin Winterkorn, le président du directoire du groupe automobile.

      « Je regrette personnellement, et profondément, que nous ayons déçu la confiance de nos clients et du public », a déclaré le patron du constructeur allemand au siège du groupe de Wolfsburg, promettant de coopérer avec les autorités américaines « pour établir les faits rapidement et de façon transparente ».

      « Clairement : Volkswagen ne tolère aucune violation, d’aucune sorte, d’une loi ou d’une norme », a insisté M. Winterkorn, promettant que le groupe ferait « tout pour regagner pleinement la confiance que tant de gens [lui] accordent » et pour « éviter » que des préjudices ne soient causés. « Ces événements sont pour notre directoire, et pour moi personnellement, de la première importance », a ajouté le patron de Volkswagen.

      #à_l'insu_de_mon_plein_gré !