la Russie aurait frappé les jihadistes à Raqa, fief de Daech


  • Live du « The Telegraph » sur les bombardements russes en Syrie,

    Are the non-Isil groups being bombed terrorists?

    The groups they are bombing a spectrum of opposition groups from an alliance called Jaish al-Fatah - Army of Conquest - to brigades of “moderate” rebels backed and even, according to one account, trained by the US.
    Jaish al-Fatah made up of hardline groups that include Jabhat al-Nusra, which is aligned to #al-Qaeda, so they are formally designated by the West and the United Nations as terrorists.

    Good ! Hit ALL jihadi groups ! Create a coordination center !

    “So, who else could Russian jets be targeting? Ruth Sherlock writes:

    Russia may have targeted Jaysh al-Fatah as they are the rebel group that poses the greatest threat to Latakia, the regime’s heartland and location of the Russian controlled port of Tartous.

    Some background on who this group are: Jaysh al-Fateh - the Army of Conquest - is a broad alliance of hardline Islamist groups, which includes both Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham.

    In March this group captured Idlib, making it the second provincial capital to fall to the opposition since the start of the war.

    Since then they have been effective in fighting the regime in Idlib and it looks like they may be able to push on government strongholds in central Syria and Latakia.

    One interesting note - the Russians appear to have been watching this group for a long time: A year ago much of the Ahrar al-Sham leadership was wiped out by an explosion that took place where all the commanders had gathered.” Telegraph

    • Pour vérification plus tard,

      The Telegraph :

      Iran was on Thursday night moving up its ground forces in Syria in preparation for an attack to reclaim rebel-held territory under the cover of Russian air strikes, according to sources close to Damascus.

      Hizbollah, the Lebanese Shia militia which has come to the Assad regime’s rescue in battle-fronts across the country in the past two years, is being prepared to capitalise on the strikes, a Syrian figure close to the regime told The Telegraph

      Sources in Lebanon told Reuters that Iran, which is the main sponsor and tactical adviser to Hizbollah, was sending in hundreds of its own troops to reinforce them.

      Iran made no comment on the claims but Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, said the move would be an “apt and powerful illustration” that Russia’s military actions had worsened the conflict.

      A Hizbollah-backed advance would fit the pattern of Russian air-strikes, which have predominantly targeted those rebels not aligned to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant who currently present the gravest threat on the ground to core regime territory.

      The long-term aim would be to defeat or demoralise the non-Isil opposition, so that Isil became the regime’s only enemy. That would force the West to back President Bashar al-Assad against it.

      “They want to clean the country of non-Isil rebels, and then the US will work with them as Isil will be the only enemy," the Damascus source said.

      In the first instance, an attack in north-western Homs province, the apparent chosen battle-front, would help distract the rebel alliance from attacking Latakia, the stronghold of the Alawite minority from which much of the regime is drawn.

    • Syrie : les Russes ont frappé des rebelles formés par la CIA
      Jeudi, 1 octobre 2015

      Les bombardements russes en Syrie de mercredi ont visé des rebelles entraînés et financés par la CIA notamment pour combattre le groupe État islamique, a affirmé l’influent sénateur américain John McCain.

      « Je peux absolument confirmer que ces frappes visaient l’Armée syrienne libre ou des groupes qui ont été armés et entraînés par la CIA », a affirmé jeudi matin M. McCain sur la chaîne de télévision CNN.
      Poutine s’attend à une guerre de l’information

      Vladimir Poutine a dit être prêt à la « guerre de l’information » après les accusations de meurtre de civils formulées par l’opposition syrienne en exil contre l’aviation russe, qui a entamé la veille ses premières frappes en Syrie.

      « En ce qui concerne les informations de presse à propos de victimes au sein de la population civile, nous sommes prêts à cette guerre de l’information », a déclaré M. Poutine, affirmant que ces accusations ont été formulées avant même que les avions russes ne décollent dans le ciel syrien.