Intervention française en Syrie : « Les frappes contre Daech sont contreproductives »


  • The Problem with Coalition AirStrikes in Syria - International Crisis Group

    The Problem with Coalition Airstrikes in Syria
    Jean-Marie Guéhenno | 15 Sep 2015

    Jean-Marie Guéhenno, President & CEO, comments on the possible risks of airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria, explaining why putting an end to the civil war could help contain the terrorist threat and help solve the refugee crisis.

    Can bombing the Islamic State (IS) in Syria help end the war and reduce the flow of refugees to Europe? The answer is no. This idea, popular among many western politicians, is an absurd misconception of the situation in place. Airstrikes against IS will neither stop the war, nor will they solve Europe’s biggest headache, the wave of refugees at its borders. But rather the opposite.

    In recent weeks, France became the latest country to announce airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria. French President François Hollande had long hesitated striking IS in Syria for fear the attacks would bolster Bashar Assad, the jihadists’ main enemy. “Nothing should be done to consolidate or keep Assad in power in Syria”, he said.

    #syrie #russie #coalition #guerre #conflits