As refugee crisis escalates, Frontex border guard shortage is ‘scandalous’, says senior MEP


  • As refugee crisis escalates, Frontex border guard shortage is ‘scandalous’, says senior MEP | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

    Signalé par Alessandra de Migreurop

    e Bureau of Investigative Journalism a épluché les dépenses de Frontex : restaurant de luxe, chaises en cuir et stylos Parker

    Our investigation also reveals:

    Last year, Frontex awarded a contract worth €22,000 for a staff Christmas party at the top class Palac Prymasowski restaurant in Warsaw where 350 employees and their spouses celebrated the year end. Its one day conference cost €350,000. The Bureau also identified a contract worth €17,500 for eight chairs awarded to a furniture company in Finland in 2014. A Frontex spokeswoman said they were “black leather chairs with a trimension mechanism and a minimum warranty period of five years”. alone, Frontex has budgeted €137,000 for ‘Corporate Identity’. This included one contract worth €38,500 to a Warsaw stationery company; according to the company’s invoice, Frontex paid €9,100 for 400 Parker pens and pencils, and another €5,160 for 4,000 Frontex logoed key rings.

    The chairman of a powerful European Parliament committee today described as “scandalous” a failure by member states to provide EU border agency Frontex with enough equipment and personnel to deal with the continent’s critical crisis.

    UK Labour MEP Claude Moraes, who chairs the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee said people would be “astonished” by findings from a Bureau investigation into Frontex and the migration crisis.

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