
  • A Gas Discovery in Egypt Threatens to Upend Mideast Energy Diplomacy
    By STANLEY REEDOCT. 28, 2015

    À cause de la découverte de #gaz naturel dans les eaux égyptiennes, le projet de #chantage ("#diplomatie" en langue orwellienne) à l’#énergie par #Israel vis-à-vis de ses voisins arabes risque ("menace" dans la langue sus-citée) de tomber à l’eau.

    Encore faudrait-il que l’"#élite" compradore et corrompue égyptienne n’agisse pas contre les intérêts du pays.

    (Via angry arab)

    Egypt’s becoming more energy-independent could sidetrack efforts — backed by the United States — to use energy diplomacy to improve relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Israel has its own ambitions for offshore natural gas, including a long-gestating plan to sell gas to Egypt.


    Analysts say there is still room for Israeli gas in Egypt’s plans. But participants in the talks on Israeli gas exports say that Egyptian officials, buoyed by the Eni discovery, might now take a tougher line.

    Mr. Molla, the Egyptian minister, dismissed those concerns. “It is unlikely that the recently achieved Zohr discovery” would affect negotiations between international companies operating in Egypt and those producing gas in Israel, he wrote.

    But Amit Mor, chief executive of Eco Energy, an Israeli consulting firm, said he worried that time might be passing Israel by. Unless the government moves quickly, he said, “we might lose an opportunity