Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases


  • Une super base de données de composés phyto-chimique de plantes risque de disparaitre. Je n’ai pas les compétences pour l’héberger, mais si de bonnes âmes sont intéressées par sauver ces informations, quelles en soient louées et leurs exploits chantés pour des siècles.

    Dr. Duke’s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

    Notification regarding availability of the Phytochemical Database: This database has been hosted for many years by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of USDA. Dr. Jim Duke was an ARS scientist whose research included information presented in this database. Dr. Duke has been retired since 1995. The ARS system that has hosted the Phytochemical Database will soon be migrating to a new platform. We will no longer host the Phytochemical Database and it will cease to be publicly available as of approximately December 1, 2015. If any private organization is interested in hosting the database, discussions can be initiated with ARS about the possibilities of such a transfer. The database is Oracle 10G and contains 15 tables and approximately 400,000 rows. The website is currently presented using Perl and Oracle XSQL Servlet, and typically receives several hundred unique visits per day. Proficiency with these systems or the expertise to upgrade the application is essential for hosting it. Interested organizations may contact Dr. Jim Duke at and Dr. Gary Kinard at

    #geek #informatique #plantes #base_de_données