#Agrandir une #photo sans perte de qualité avec #SmillaEnlarger
le soft est aussi utilisable en #cli (ligne de commande), avec toutes ses options de choix de qualité. Sur Mac ça donne ça :
/Applications/SmillaEnlarger.app/Contents/MacOS/SmillaEnlarger -h
SmillaEnlarger [ < sourcename > ] [ -options... ]
with options
-z <number> / -zoom <number>
Set zoom-factor to <number> percent ( integer value ).
-o <filename>
Write result to file <filename> .
-saveto <foldername>
Write results into folder <foldername> .
Output Dimensions:
-width < sizex > and -height < sizey >
set size of resulting image.
If both width and height are given, aspect ratio is changed by default.
Additionally, if you have set -width AND -height ,
you can set one of the following options:
Fit output inside the given rectangle.
Fit output inside the given rectangle,
fill up with black margins.
Cover the given rectangle.
Cover the given rectangle, cut away the overlapping parts.
Enlarge Parameters:
-sharp < n >, -flat < n >, -dither < n >
-deNoise < n >, -preSharp < n >, -fNoise < n >
Set the enlarge parameters with integer numbers < n > between 0 and 100.
-quality <number>
Set image quality of the result.
-h / -help
Print this help.
Start in interactive mode.