Sarin materials brought via Turkey & mixed in Syrian ISIS camps – Turkish MP to RT — RT…


  • La justice turque vient de condamner par contumace un syrien, un certain Haytham Qassab, à 12 ans d’emprisonnement pour « appartenance à une organisation terroriste » (en l’occurrence al-Qaïda) et « tentative d’acquérir des armes pour une organisation terroriste » (en l’occurrence du gaz sarin). Celui-ci, arrêté, avait ensuite été relâché durant le procès et est désormais en fuite.
    Tous les suspects turcs, arrêtés en mai 2013 (soit un peu avant l’attaque chimique dans la Ghouta orientale), pour avoir tenter d’aider à cette opération, ont été acquittés au motif que leur tentative n’en était qu’au stade préliminaire...

    A Turkish court on Tuesday sentenced in absentia a Syrian national accused of attempting to obtain chemicals used in the production of sarin gas to 12 years in jail and acquitted five Turkish suspects, bringing a two-and-a-half-year case that has stirred political controversy to a close.
    The Adana 9th High Criminal Court convicted the Syrian man, Haytham Qassab, of “membership in a terrorist organization” and “attempting to obtain weapons for an armed terrorist organization.” The court ruled to acquit the Turkish suspects who were accused of helping Qassab to acquire the materials sought, saying their attempts to acquire the materials were in the preparatory stages and had not been completed.
    The suspects were initially detained in an Adana police operation in May 2013 on suspicion of seeking to obtain materials used in the production of chemical weapons, reportedly for Syrian rebels linked to al-Qaeda. In July 2013, the suspects were released pending trial but when the court later established that the materials they were trying to obtain could in fact be used to produce sarin, a warrant for the arrest of Qassab, who is the main suspect in the case, was issued. But Qassab could not be arrested and he has remained at large since then.

    Le jugement fait suite aux accusations récentes du député turc du CHP Eren Erdem à l’encontre d’Erdogan et du gouvernement turc d’avoir fait pression sur le magistrat pour enterrer l’affaire :

    Eren Erdem has been accused of “treason” by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and pro-government media, and the lawmaker is also under legal investigation, again on treason charges.
    Erdem has also accused the Turkish authorities of complicity, claiming that the government pressured the prosecutor of the case into toning down the accusations and ending the trial swiftly.

    Pour mémoire le député Erdem, allait même plus loin, en accusant sur Russia Today le gouvernement turc d’avoir permis l’acquisition d’armes chimiques à Da’ich, à partir de pièces de ce procès qu’il aurait obtenues.
    Voir ici :

    #sarin #attaques_chimiques #Turquie #Syrie #al-Nusra #Daech #ISIS