World news and comment from the Guardian | World news


  • The Soviet decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made in October 1985, several months before Stinger missiles entered Afghanistan in significant quantities in the autumn of 1986. None of the secret Politburo discussions that have since been declassified mentioned the Stingers or any other shift in mujahideen equipment as the reason for the policy change from indefinite occupation to preparations for retreat.

    10 myths about Afghanistan |The Guardian

  • Un Américain qui voulait attaquer le Pentagone avec des avions téléguidés plaide coupable

    Se confiant à un agent du FBI se faisant passer pour un membre d’Al-Qaïda, il a fait part de son intention d’attaquer le Pentagone avec des petits avions téléguidés « semblables à un petit drone », bourrés d’explosifs.

    Les dépêches qui passent aujourd’hui oublient de rappeler qu’il s’agit à nouveau d’un de ces scandaleux cas d’#entrapment montés de toute pièce par le FBI :

    However, some legal organisations and Muslim groups have questioned whether Ferdaus, whose activities were carried out with two undercover FBI agents posing as terrorists, would have been able to carry out such a sophisticated plot if left to his own devices. In numerous previous cases in the US, the FBI has been accused of over-zealousness in its investigations and of entrapping people into terror plots who might otherwise not have carried out an attack.

  • La présentation sur la #stylométrie était géniale
    – mais tout ce qui touche aux questions de linguistique, style, reconnaissance d’un auteur et identification fictionnelle me touche parce que c’est indirectement lié à la pratique avancée de la #littérature. néanmoins aucune naïveté, comme l’a souligné une question dans l’assemblée c’est aussi une problématique politique très sensible

    Il a été question de la « Gay Girl in Damascus », le plus impressionnant hoax de l’année, un Américain qui se faisait passer depuis 5 ans pour une lesbienne américano-syrienne, qui suite aux événements a été interviewé sur CNN et consorts, avant de devoir tomber le masque car il ne pouvait plus gérer l’intérêt qu’il a suscité.

    Beaucoup de curiosité a été suscité par la présentation. Bel outil en version alpha, #anonymouth ; pour lequel l’Université de Drexel cherche de nouveaux participants et développeurs, particulièrement étudiants en master et doctorat.

    Bien représentatif aussi de la variété de l’origine des chercheurs qui font les présentations : des hackers hacktivistes, des universitaires, des experts SSI - le congrès est ouvert à toutes les compétences et possibilités de débats autour des travaux et compétences de chacun.

  • Europeans migrate south as continent drifts deeper into crisis | World news | The Guardian

    A new stream of migrants is leaving the continent. It threatens to become a torrent if the debt crisis continues to worsen.

    Tens of thousands of Portuguese, Greek and Irish people have left their homelands this year, many heading for the southern hemisphere. Anecdotal evidence points to the same happening in Spain and Italy.


    This year, 2,500 Greek citizens have moved to Australia and another 40,000 have “expressed interest” in moving south. Ireland’s central statistics office has projected that 50,000 people will have left the republic by the end of the year, many for Australia and the US.

    Portugal’s foreign ministry reports that at least 10,000 people have left for oil-rich Angola. On 31 October, there were 97,616 Portuguese people registered in the consulates in Luanda and Benguela, almost double the number in 2005.

    The Portuguese are also heading to other former colonies, such as Mozambique and Brazil. According to Brazilian government figures, the number of foreigners legally living in Brazil rose to 1.47 million in June, up more than 50% from 961,877 last December. Not all are Europeans, but the number of Portuguese alone has jumped from 276,000 in 2010 to nearly 330,000.

    For departing Greeks the top destinations over the years, according to the World Bank, have been Germany, Australia, Canada, Albania, Turkey, UK, Cyprus, Israel and Belgium. Skilled Greeks are particularly likely to leave: as an example of what can happen, 4,886 physicians emigrated in the year 2000 (the last year for which the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances Factbook cites data for departing doctors), meaning the country lost 9.4% of its doctors in that single year. The World Bank gives the number of immigrants living in Greece as about 1.13 million in 2010, around 10% of the population. Most have come, over the years, from poorer countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Georgia, it is likely that the majority of new arrivals lack the skills to replace the emigrants.

    #migrations #Europe

  • Meet the ’Ikea anarchists’ | World news | The Guardian

    Walking into a small room in a communal house in north London, I’m confronted by a poster depicting an Egyptian protester hurling himself into a line of riot shields, with a message in huge capitals: “WE WILL FIGHT, WE WILL KISS/LONDON CAIRO ROME TUNIS”. Elsewhere books on radical philosophy are stacked alongside photocopied “FIGHT FOR YOUR EMA” flyers and other design scraps. I’m here to meet – on condition of anonymity – two members of the shadowy Deterritorial Support Group (DSG), who use the names Pablo and Nick, and, via Skype from somewhere outside the M25, a third whom we’ll call Jamie. “I’d make you dinner, but I’m skint,” apologises Pablo, as they set up the laptop. “I wasn’t paid this week.”

    At various points DSG – named as an antithesis to the Territorial Support Group, the Met’s public order riot police, and kettling specialists – will identify themselves as “Ikea anarchists”, “autonomist Marxists”, “humorous provocateurs”, “cartoonish materialists” and an “ultra-left propaganda machine” (their official description). These tongue-in-cheek/silly labels might mark them as determined outsiders hectoring from the fringes, but they have cast a long shadow over politics in 2011, infiltrating mainstream debate via the virus-like spread of their internet memes. Since the student protests a year ago, they have become know for a stream of provocative political posters; for timely polemics about internet activists Anonymous, political policing and the Occupy movement; for sparking journalist Johann Hari’s downfall; and for spreading across the global media an astonishing hoax about radical philosopher Slavoj Žižek offering his endorsement of Lady Gaga.
    ah putain ils sont excellents je les suis depuis un moment sur twitter et ils sont très bons, je me marre..

  • Brazil warns of humanitarian crisis as Haitians arrive in their thousands | The Guardian

    Human rights activists and politicians in the Brazilian Amazon have warned of an imminent humanitarian crisis, as hundreds of Haitian migrants continue to pour into the region in the wake of the 2010 earthquake.

    #réfugiés #Haiti #Brésil

  • Spanish superspy Francisco Paesa, 75, gets out of yet another scrape. Paru le 29/11/2011 dans The Guardian

    For years Paesa featured on Interpol’s most wanted list after a Spanish court accused him of laundering millions of pounds stolen by a corrupt senior socialist government official.

    Paesa had previously been involved in a sting operation against the Basque terrorist group Eta in 1986, in which he sold them missiles fitted with radio transmitters so that they could be tracked by the police.

    His name was also mentioned in the mid-1990s as a middleman between the socialist government of prime minister Felipe González and the so-called Anti Terrorist Liberation Group (GAL), set up by Spain’s interior ministry to carry out attacks in south-west France on suspected Eta members.

    The group hired mercenaries from Portugal, Italy and elsewhere to carry out attacks that killed 26 people – a third of whom turned out to have nothing to do with Eta.

    Paesa’s contacts were said to be several bag men who worked in González’s office when he was prime minister between 1982 and 1996 – though courts found insufficient evidence to convict him of any GAL-related charges.

  • Revealed: true cost of the Christmas toys we buy from China’s factories

    Big brands such as Disney, Lego and Marks & Spencer pay only a fraction of the shop price of products to the factories that make their toys. Last summer – as factories geared up to cope with demand for the Christmas period – investigators spent three weeks in the industrial cities of Shenzhen and Dongguan. In some cases, they found that employees:

    ■ worked up to 140 hours overtime a month;

    ■ were paid up to a month late;

    ■ claimed they were expected to work with dangerous tools and machines without training or safety measures;

    ■ had to work in silence and were fined up to £5 for going to the toilet without permission.

  • Kentucky churchgoer tells of deep hurt after interracial marriage ban | World news |

    A small baptist church in eastern Kentucky has voted to ban interracial couples from joining the congregation and from taking part in all church functions other than funerals.


    The vote was held on a motion brought by the former pastor of the church, Melvin Thompson. He proposed that people in interracial marriages should not be “received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions – with the exception being funerals”.

    #religion #racisme

    • C’est un peu pour ca que je disais dans un autre commentaire qu’il fallait définir les termes que nous utilisons. Le mot « religion » vu par cette église baptiste ne recouvre certainement pas le même sens que le même mot vu par Khayyam ou Rûmî.
      Comme on dit dans le sud : qué tristesse

    • Certes. Mais il est valable dans les deux cas. Je ne crois pas qu’il faille cloisonner les termes polysémiques. C’est comme le mot art ou politique. Y’a des trucs supers et de la merde.

    • Mmmh je suis pas d’accord avec la question qualitative, dans la mesure ou ça implique que quelqu’un ou une institution quelconque juge de cette qualité ; dès lors, il me parait impossible d’aboutir à un consensus « objectif » qui permettrait d’invalider le terme art pour telle ou telle œuvre. Je n’ai peut être pas assez confiance en mon jugement esthétique, mais je préfère laisser de côté la question de ce qui est ou pas art.

  • Jerusalem dance studio is the new frontline in battle for secular liberty | World news | The Observer

    Since the company renovated its premises in the centre of Jerusalem, installing picture windows that let passers-by see the rehearsals, ultra-orthodox Jews in the locality have waged a campaign against what they call the “indecency” of the women dancers.

    They have demanded that the company close the blinds to conceal the women, banging on the windows and yelling through the glass whenever it has not complied.

    Last week the company took a stand. It raised the blinds for an informal performance of Babel and the dancers continue to rehearse in full view.

    Tension between the Haredim and other Jews is mounting across Israel. But it is acute in Jerusalem, where the proportion of Haredim is more than 20% and rising fast because of their high birth rate and the flight of many secular Jews from the city. Many non-Haredim say that the ultra-orthodox wield disproportionate influence on Jerusalem’s politics and social policy. Amir Kolben, the founder of the dance company, says its visibility is only one issue. “Jerusalem is full of friction points between ultra-orthodox Jews and secular culture. We have nothing against religious or orthodox Jews, but unfortunately this is not the case from the other side,” he said..

    #Israël #ultra-orthodoxes #sexisme #artistes

  • #Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant operator ’ignored tsunami warning’ | World news | The Guardian

    Tokyo Electric Power (#Tepco) officials rejected “unrealistic” estimates made in a 2008 internal report that the plant could be threatened by a tsunami of up to 10.2 metres, Kyodo news agency said.

    The tsunami that crippled backup power supplies at the plant on the afternoon of 11 March, leading to the meltdown of three reactors, was more than 14 metres high.


    (ce genre de truc qui ne fait scandale que dans les cas où la catastrophe est arrivée)

  • Bahrain medics face new charges of supplying weapons to protesters | World news | The Guardian

    Twenty staff from the Salmaniya Medical Complex in Manama had thought their ordeal might be ending on Monday after the release of last week’s report detailing human rights abuses by Bahrain’s security forces during the Pearl revolution in February.

    The report by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) found allegations that the medics “assisted the demonstrators by supplying them with weapons” to be unfounded.

    But prosecutors produced guns, swords, knives and chains and claimed this was proof against the doctors, nurses, and paramedics. These weapons had not been presented previously – and led to an incredulous response in court. “It was really hilarious,” one of them, Dr Nada Dhaif, told BBC Radio 5. “The government has missed the chance that anyone will take this seriously.”

    The 20 were initially convicted in the military-run national safety court in September on a raft of charges, including incitement to overthrow the regime. The government said they were involved with “hardline protesters” and they were sentenced to five to 15 years.

    Au fait, tu sais que Bahrein a voté les sanctions économiques contre la Syrie ?

  • Gay clergy row threatens mass resignations from Church of Scotland | World news | The Guardian

    The Church of Scotland is braced for mass resignations over moves to allow the ordination of gay ministers, with up to 150 conservative and evangelical ministers threatening to quit, the Guardian can reveal.

    The rebellion began after the Church of Scotland became the first major presbyterian church in the world to allow openly gay and lesbian ministers to take up parishes at its general assembly in May, despite evidence that 20% of its elders and office-bearers could leave in protest.


  • Brazil census shows African-Brazilians in the majority for the first time | World news | The Guardian

    Preliminary results from the 2010 census, released on Wednesday, show that 97 million Brazilians, or 50.7% of the population, now define themselves as black or mixed race, compared with 91 million or 47.7% who label themselves white.

    According to the census, 7.6% of Brazilians said they were black, compared with 6.2% in 2000, and 43.1% said they were mixed race, up from 38.5%.

    In 1872, when Brazil’s first census was conducted, the population was split into just two groups: free people and slaves, who then represented 15% of the population.

    A parallel study, released this week by the Data Popular Institute, provided further evidence of the racial divide that continues to blight Brazilian society. The wealthiest group of Brazilians – known as “Class A” – was made up of 82.3% white people and just 17.7% African-Brazilians.

    In contrast “Class E” – the poorest section of society – was 76.3% African-Brazilian and 23.7% white.

    en conclusion

    A news report on the census findings aired by the Brazilian channel Record TV said the rise in Brazil’s officially black and mixed race population was “a signal of growing pride among the descendants of Africans”. The story was presented by a white reporter and introduced by two white news anchors.

    #démographie #discriminations #Brésil

  • Fake terror plots, paid informants : the tactics of FBI ’#entrapment' questioned | World news |

    Instead Williams and three other struggling local men beset by drug, criminal and mental health issues were convicted of an Islamic terrorist plot to blow up Jewish synagogues and shoot down military jets with missiles.

    Even more shocking was that the organisation, money, weapons and motivation for this plot did not come from real Islamic terrorists. It came from the FBI, and an informant paid to pose as a terrorist mastermind paying big bucks for help in carrying out an attack. For McWilliams, her own government had actually cajoled and paid her beloved nephew into being a terrorist, created a fake plot and then jailed him for it. “I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone,” she told the Guardian.

    Lawyers for the so-called Newburgh Four have now launched an appeal that will be held early next year. Advocates hope the case offers the best chance of exposing the issue of FBI “entrapment” in terror cases.

    Après ce genre d’articles, j’ai toujours un pensée émue pour tous ceux qui passent un temps considérable à expliquer que les « théories du complot » ne sont destinées qu’aux déséquilibrés et aux fachos.