• COVID-19 and Digital Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Many of our digital rights are impacted by COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019). For example, public health authorities across the world are working to contain the spread of the virus by collecting and analyzing personal information about large numbers of people, including their health, travel, and personal relationships. Likewise, in an attempt to curb the spread of misinformation and provide tools for people working and attending school from home, companies ranging from internet service (...)

    #domination # #santé #surveillance #travail #EFF

    ##_ ##santé

  • Quelques organismes qui défendent le domaine publique en Allemagne et ailleurs

    Commons und Konvivialismus – Das Commons-Institut

    Das »Konvivialistische Manifest« (2014 auf Deutsch erschienen) hat die globale Debatte um die Frage neu formatiert, wie wir das Zusammenleben angesichts von Klimakatastrophe und Finanzkrisen gestalten wollen und müssen. Die Beiträge des Bandes »Konvivialismus. Eine Debatte« (Hg. Frank Adloff und Volker M. Heins, erschienen im Transcript-Verlag) eröffnen nun die Diskussion um die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Manifests im deutschsprachigen Raum: Wo liegen seine Stärken, wo die Schwächen? Was hieße es, eine konviviale Gesellschaft anzustreben – in Politik, Kultur, Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft? Welche neuen Formen des Zusammenlebens sind wünschenswert und welche Chancen bestehen, sie durchzusetzen? Acht Mitglieder des Commons-Instituts haben einen Kommentar-Beitrag zu dem Diskussionsband geschrieben

    Free software is a matter of liberty, not price — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

    The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. We defend the rights of all software users.
    As our society grows more dependent on computers, the software we run is of critical importance to securing the future of a free society. Free software is about having control over the technology we use in our homes, schools and businesses, where computers work for our individual and communal benefit, not for proprietary software companies or governments who might seek to restrict and monitor us. The Free Software Foundation exclusively uses free software to perform its work.

    GNU und die Freie-Software-Bewegung

    GNU ist ein Betriebssystem, das Freie Software ist ‑ d. h. es respektiert die Freiheit der Nutzer. Das GNU-Betriebssystem besteht aus GNU-Paketen (Programme, die speziell vom GNU-Projekt freigegeben wurden) sowie von Dritten freigegebene Freie Software. Die Entwicklung von GNU ermöglichte es einen Rechner ohne Software benutzen zu können, die Ihre Freiheit mit Füßen treten würde.

    Commons einfach erklärt - Hauptsache Commons

    Die Haupt-Commons-Formel lautet:
    ∑[aD+nW] = bL

    aD = anderes DENKEN
    nW = neues WIRTSCHAFTEN
    bL = besseres LEBEN

    Das Handeln nach Commons-Prinzipien ermöglicht eine Gesellschaft ohne soziale Widersprüche oder ökonomische Krisen. Commons ersetzen die alten Strukturen. Sie bilden sich selbst organisierende Netzwerke aus, geeignet für Innovationen, da sie die kollektive Intelligenz für das Wohlergehen Aller nutzen.

    Wildnis in Deutschland - Hauptsache Commons

    Die Initiative „Wildnis in Deutschland“ wird von 18 Naturschutzorganisationen getragen. Die Beteiligten finden, dass es ’höchste Zeit für mehr Wildnis in Deutschland’ ist !

    Sie unterstützen die Gründung von Nationalparks und die Schaffung von Wildnisgebieten und stärken die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit rund um das Thema Wildnis. Gemeinsam mit vielen Partnern und Initiativen sind sie aktiv für mehr faszinierende große Wildnisgebiete in Deutschland – für uns, unsere Kinder und Enkel.

    Creativity & Innovation | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Our digital future depends on our ability to access, use, and build on technology. A few media or political interests shouldn’t have unfair technological or legal advantages over the rest of us. Unfortunately, litigious copyright and patent owners can abuse the law to inhibit fair use and stifle competition. Internet service providers can give established content companies an advantage over startups and veto the choices you make in how to use the Internet. The Electronic Frontier Foundation fights against these unfair practices and defends digital creators, inventors, and ordinary technology users. We work to protect and strengthen fair use, innovation, open access, net neutrality, and your freedom to tinker.

    In principle, intellectual property laws (or IP law, a catchall term for copyright, patents, and trademarks) should serve the public in a number of ways. Copyrights provide economic incentives for authors and artists to create and distribute new expressive works. Patents reward inventors for sharing new inventions with the public, granting them a temporary and limited monopoly on them in return for contributing to the public body of knowledge. Trademarks help protect customers by encouraging companies to make sure products match the quality standards the public expects.

    #domaine_publique #creative_commons #convivialité #Allemagne

  • Shadow Regulations

    Shadow Regulations are voluntary agreements between companies (sometimes described as codes, principles, standards, or guidelines) to regulate your use of the Internet, often without your knowledge.

    Shadow Regulation has become increasingly popular after the monumental failure of restrictive Internet laws such as ACTA, SOPA and PIPA. This is because Shadow Regulation can involve restrictions that are as effective as any law, but without the need for approval by a court or parliament. Indeed, sometimes Shadow Regulation is even initiated by government officials, who offer companies the Hobson’s choice of coming up with a “voluntary” solution, or submitting to government regulation.

    How Big Pharma’s Shadow Regulation Censors the Internet

    This particular Shadow Regulation network contains a confusing web of similar-sounding organizations with overlapping memberships, such as the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) and the Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies (CSIP). In simple terms the former is comprised mostly of the pharmaceutical industry, whereas the latter pulls in its partners such as Internet platforms (Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!), payment processors (PayPal, Mastercard, and American Express), delivery providers (UPS), and domain name companies (GoDaddy and Rightside). A third key player is LegitScript, which was instrumental in the formation of both ASOP and CSIP, and carries out most of the operational level arrangements that are agreed at a level of principle by those organizations. Internet users are not represented at board level in either ASOP, CSIP, or LegitScript.

    A hallmark of Shadow Regulation is that government is also often quietly involved behind the scenes, and so it is here. The formation of the CSIP was announced at a White House-hosted industry event [PDF] on October 14, 2010, following months of talks between the administration and the CSIP’s founding industry members. Similarly, LegitScript is led by the former Associate Deputy Director Office of National Drug Control Policy, and subsists on lucrative contracts from government as well as from private industry. With this framework in place, the “voluntary” adoption by Internet intermediaries of measures that primarily benefit the pharmaceutical industry suddenly becomes very easily explicable.

    #Etats-Unis #démocratie #farce #big_pharma

  • #Imprimantes sous #surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    In a purported effort to identify counterfeiters the US government has succeeded in persuading some color laser printer manufacturers to encode each page with identifying information. That means that without your knowledge or consent an act you assume is private could become public. A communication tool you’re using in everyday life could become a tool for government surveillance. And what’s worse there are no laws to prevent abuse.

    The ACLU recently issued a report revealing that the FBI has amassed more than 1 100 pages of documents on the organization since 2001 as well as documents concerning other non-violent groups including Greenpeace and United for Peace and Justice. In the current political climate it’s not hard to imagine the government using the ability to determine who may have printed what document for purposes other than identifying counterfeiters.

  • Notable dans l’intervention d’Evgueny Morozov : pas de citation de Wikileaks en dépit des Spy Files (historique : http://spyfiles.org).
    En terme hacktiviste,
    – se réfère au travail de Telecomix (Projet Blue Cabinet : http://werebuild.eu/wiki/Blue_cabinet) - Telecomix est l’initiative des révélations sur les ventes de Blue Coat à la Syrie voir par ex. l’article dans Forbes : http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2011/12/26/meet-telecomix-the-hackers-bent-on-exposing-those-who-censor-and-surveil-the et tweet Telecomix du 31/10 )
    – se réfère également à la demande FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) produite par l’Electronic Frontier Foundation (voir https://www.eff.org/issues/foia et https://www.eff.org/foia/foia-records-problems-electronic-surveillance)

    En terme presse a cité Bloomberg, The Washington Post (Bloomberg a récemment révélé la vente de matériel à l’Iran par la firme Allot - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-24/iran-sales-sink-allot-as-lawmaker-seeks-probe-israel-overnight.html)

    Enfin, au titre d’un des exemples cités pour illustrer les pratiques des firmes incriminées, cite la position de Polaris Wireless (qui vend des outils de surveillance par géolocalisation) - cf par exemple un communiqué ici : http://www.generation-nt.com/polaris-wireless-declare-expansion-dans-region-emea-suite-newswire-14

    Bref une intervention qui positionne bien une part des thématiques abordées au Chaos Congress chaque année, très musclée et froide. A suscité néanmoins moins de retour dans la salle que Rop Gonggrijp il y a un an - peut-être une illustration du passage du thème de l’an dernier « We come in Peace », à cette année... « Behing The Enemy Lines ».