Where Does Inequality Come From ?


  • Where Does Inequality Come From?

    Asked in April 2001 to defend the “justice” of the deeply unequal society he presided over, Blair explained:

    When you say where is the justice in that, the justice for me is concentrated on lifting incomes of those that don’t have a decent income. It’s not a burning ambition for me to make sure that David Beckham earns less money.

    Though Blair pivots smoothly, that second instance of “justice” functions rhetorically. #Justice, as Plato observed long ago, concerns an interrelation of parts, not merely the amelioration of the indigent. Note how cleverly Blair chooses a sports celebrity, who got rich quasi-magically, rather than a businessman or banker, whose fortunes were made with other people’s labor and by virtue of the #deregulation and privatization of the British economy. When detached from a theory of how wealth and poverty connect, charity, even public charity, aspires to communal improvement rather than distributive justice. The goal of alleviating poverty had entirely replaced a vision of an equal society.

    #riches #pauvres #inégalités