Scans of Over 50 Ron Paul Newsletters


  • Game Over: Scans of Over 50 Ron Paul Newsletters

    For a certain segment of the Ron Paul fanbase, no evidence of his disseminating hateful, paranoid material will ever be enough. Citing James Kirchick’s piece in The New Republic wasn’t sufficient, because Kirchick could have just been “making everything up.” Then, when I and others posted copies of “The Ron Paul Political Report Special Issue on Race Terrorism,” that too wasn’t convincing. “Proof that he said/endorsed racist things? Hardly. Doing it repeatedly in one document isn’t enough to prove that he did it. Now, if there were many documents...”

    Well, now there are many documents. Over fifty. Right here.

    As I said in my rundown on the Paul platform over at Vice, reasonable fans of Dr. Paul now must accept that

    there’s no way Paul could have been ignorant of the content [of] 8-12 page newsletters published under his name for over ten years. Paul supporters face three losing propositions:

    • He lacks the competency to control content published under his own name for over a decade, and is thus unfit to lead a country.
    • He doesn’t believe these things but considers them a useful political tool to motivate racist whites, which makes him fit to be a GOP candidate, but too obvious about it to win.
    • He’s actually a racist, which makes him unfit to be a human being.