US aircraft carrier acted provocatively after Iran arrested sailors : IRGC | News , Middle East


  • Deux navires de la marine américaine appréhendés par l’Iran

    Cette photo fournie par l’armée américaine montre un bateau similaire à ceux appréhendés par l’armée iranienne dans le Golfe persique.

    Deux bateaux légers de la marine américaine, avec à leur bord 10 marins, ont dérivé dans les eaux territoriales iraniennes et ont été appréhendés par Téhéran, mardi 12 janvier.

    Les Etats-Unis ont obtenu de l’Iran l’assurance que les marins étaient « en sécurité » et pourraient « rapidement » poursuivre leur voyage, a indiqué le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche.

    Selon un autre responsable américain, le secrétaire d’Etat John Kerry a été en contact téléphonique avec son homologue iranien Mohammad Javad Zarif sitôt qu’il a eu vent de l’incident pour tenter de trouver une issue. Les deux diplomates ont noué, au fil des longues négociations sur le nucléaire, des relations personnelles malgré l’interruption, il y a 35 ans, des relations diplomatiques entre leurs deux pays.

    Le commandement américain a perdu le contact avec les deux bateaux alors que ces derniers effectuaient une patrouille, de routine selon Washington, entre le Koweït et Bahreïn. Aucune explication n’a été fournie sur les raisons pour lesquelles les navires se sont retrouvés dans les eaux iraniennes. Un responsable américain, toujours sous couvert d’anonymat, a évoqué l’hypothèse d’une panne touchant l’un des deux navires, les faisant dériver tous deux vers l’île iranienne de Farsi, au milieu du Golfe persique.

    • Vu la nature des bateaux retenus (Riverine Command Boat) et le profil particulièrement bas des réactions états-uniennes, il est difficile de ne pas penser immédiatement à une infiltration ou une covert action

      Autre vue sur Pinterest

      L’image fournie au Monde par la marine états-unienne est ainsi légendée

      ARABIAN SEA (June 12, 2012) A riverine command boat from Riverine Detachment 23 operates with the amphibious transport dock ship USS New York (LPD 21), not pictured, during a maritime air support operations center exercise. New York is part of the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group with the embarked 24th Expeditionary Unit. New York is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
      (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Zane Ecklund/Released)

    • US aircraft carrier acted provocatively after Iran arrested sailors: IRGC | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

      A U.S. aircraft carrier acted “provocatively and unprofessionally” for 40 minutes by carrying out maneuvers in the Gulf after Iran arrested 10 American sailors, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Naval commander, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, said on state television Wednesday.

      Separately, a spokesman for the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said the U.S. sailors were being interrogated, according to the Tasnim news agency.

    • Iran releases US marines

      Tehran, Jan 13, IRNA – Iran has released the US marines who had crossed into Iranian terrorial waters.

      According to a statement by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, the 10 sailors have been taken to international waters and freed there.

      et sans doute pas (pas encore ?) le navire de commandement, rempli d’outils de communication comme le montrent ses très nombreuses antennes…

    • Une heure plus tard, le communiqué complet (qui ne parle toujours pas des bateaux)

      US marines entered unintentionally, released after apology : IRGC

      Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Public Relations Department said in a statement on Wednesday that the US sailors in custody of Iran have been released in the international waters.

      The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and the French Navy’s Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier were present in the region when the sailors were detained and the US aircraft carrier had some nervous but passive air and naval reactions which were controlled powerfully and calm returned to the region, the statement added.

      The US sailors had both light and half-heavy weapons with themselves, when arrested, it said.

      The statement noted that US political officials in their repeated contacts with Iranian officials called the action as unintentional and called for the release of the marines.

      The US marines were detained and questioned about their presence in Iran’s territorial waters in the IRGC naval base in the region, it said.

      IRGC statement underlined that after technical and operational investigations of the case and in coordination with political and national security decision makers, the marines were released.

      IRGC reiterated that the marines were released because they had entered Iran’s territorial waters unintentionally and they have apologized for their illegal action.

      Americans guaranteed not to repeat such mistakes again, the statement said.

      IRGC underlined that Iran’s navy is ready to powerfully make any sacrifice in defense of Iran’s sea borders in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz.

      The US Navy boats entered Iranian territorial waters due to a broken navigation system.

      IRGC Public Relations Department, in a statement, said that the US navy boats were stopped Tuesday at 4:30 PM (local time) when they entered Iranian territorial waters near Farsi Island in the middle of the Persian Gulf.

      IRGC declared that the US navy boats entered Iranian territorial waters illegally.

    • Anxious phone calls, tense moments before Iran’s Supreme Leader okayed U.S. sailors’ release | Reuters

      The drama in the Gulf, which the U.S. government had initially hoped to keep under wraps, became public knowledge just hours before President Barack Obama was due to give his annual State of the Union address in Congress.

      Kerry learned of the detention of the sailors in their two small craft at 12:30 p.m. EST (1730 GMT), as he and Defense Secretary Ash Carter met with their Filipino counterparts on the State Department’s eighth floor.

      Kerry almost immediately excused himself and went to his seventh floor office. As it happened, he already had a call scheduled with Zarif at about 12.45 EST.

      Appealing for the sailors’ quick release, Kerry told Zarif: “We can make this into what will be a good story for both of us,” according to a senior State Department official. He repeated that message in follow-up calls, the official said.

      Looming large was the nuclear deal, which both men have invested so much in and striven to protect. In Washington, the deal has come under sustained attack from majority Republicans in Congress who have accused Obama of weakness and say the Iranians are not to be trusted.

      In Tehran, the stakes were no less high. Formal implementation of the nuclear deal is expected to begin within days, giving Iran billions of dollars in relief from economic sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear activities.

    • Communication officielle de la marine états-unienne (publiée le 18/01)
      (il est, de nouveau, question d’une dérive inexpliquée et d’une panne de moteur)

      DVIDS - News - US Central Command statement on events surrounding Iranian detainment of 10 US Navy Sailors Jan. 12-13, 2016

      The two RCBs were scheduled to conduct an underway refueling with the USCGC Monomoy in international waters at approximately 2 p.m. (GMT). At approximately 2:10 p.m. (GMT) NAVCENT received a report that the RCBs were being queried by Iranians. At approximately 2:29 p.m. (GMT) NAVCENT was advised of degraded communications with the RCBs. At 2:45 p.m. (GMT) NAVCENT was notified of a total loss of communications with the RCBs. Immediately, NAVCENT initiated an intensive search and rescue operation using both air and naval assets including aircraft from USS Harry S. Truman and the U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Coast Guard, U.K. Royal Navy and U.S. Navy surface vessels.

      At the time of the incident, two carrier strike groups were operating nearby. USS Harry S. Truman carrier strike group was 45 miles southeast of Farsi Island and Charles de Gaulle carrier strike group was 40 miles north of Farsi Island. NAVCENT attempted to contact Iranian military units operating near Farsi Island by broadcasting information regarding their search and rescue effort over marine radio, and separately notified Iranian coast guard units via telephone about the search for their personnel. At 6:15 p.m. (GMT), U.S. Navy cruiser USS Anzio received a communication from the Iranians that the RCB Sailors were in Iranian custody and were “safe and healthy.”

      NAVCENT’s initial operational reports showed that while in transit from Kuwait to Bahrain the RCBs deviated from their planned course on their way to the refueling. The command investigation will determine what caused the change in course and why the RCBs entered into Iranian territorial waters in the vicinity of Farsi Island.

      At some point one RCB had indications of a mechanical issue in a diesel engine which caused the crews to stop the RCBs and begin troubleshooting. As the RCBs travel together, the second RCB also stopped. This stop occurred in Iranian territorial waters, although it’s not clear the crew was aware of their exact location. While the RCBs were stopped and the crew was attempting to evaluate the mechanical issue, Iranian boats approached the vessels.
      A post-recovery inventory of the boats found that all weapons, ammunition and communication gear are accounted for minus two SIM cards that appear to have been removed from two handheld satellite phones.