
    Si vous n’avez pas encore entendu parler de l’alt-right (contraction en anglais de « droite alternative »), l’accession de Donald Trump au pouvoir devrait rapidement vous en donner un aperçu. Derrière le terme encore méconnu en France, on trouve une nébuleuse d’#extrême_droite, raciste, viscéralement antiféministe et qui se donne pour but de sauver « l’identité blanche » aux États-Unis. Une nébuleuse qui rappelle la fachosphère française, et dont l’un des principaux représentants, le patron de Breitbart, vient d’être nommé chef de la stratégie de Trump à la Maison Blanche. Un peu comme si le fondateur de #Fdesouche était nommé à l’Élysée.

    #Twitter suspend d’importants comptes d’extrême droite américains

    Au moins une dizaine de comptes influents de l’« alt-right », ce mouvement suprémaciste américain, ont été suspendus cette semaine sur Twitter, ont signalé mardi 15 novembre USA Today et le Washington Post. Parmi eux, celui de Richard Spencer, autoproclamé « Karl Marx de l’alt-right » et figure tutélaire du mouvement, ainsi que les comptes qui lui sont indirectement affiliés, comme son « think tank » NPI America, et son journal en ligne Radix. Dans une vidéo sur YouTube, Richard Spencer a dénoncé une action de « stalinisme d’entreprise, au sens où il s’agit d’une purge, et qu’elle vise les gens en fonction de leurs opinions ».

    Twitter a refusé comme à son habitude de commenter la suspension de ces comptes, se contentant, dans un communiqué, de rappeler que « les règles de Twitter interdisent les insultes et le harcèlement » et que l’entreprise « suspend les comptes qui [les] violent ».

    The amplification of censorship: How attacking the alt-right only adds to the flames

    What blissful days these must be for the alt-right.

    Their preferred candidate for president is transitioning into the White House.

    Their champion, Steve Bannon, formerly CEO of the most mainstream media platform for alt-right voices on the internet, Breitbart.com, has secured a place in the West Wing at elbow’s length from the new president.

    And the conventional media! They seem to be stumbling around trying to decide whether to explain the alt-right, ignore it, censor it or refuse to even speak its name.

    Josh Marshall, at Talking Points Memo, fears the very term “alt-right” is a sinister “branding move” to give cover to racists. Instead he suggests journalists should use phrases such as “the alt-right, a white nationalist, anti-Semitic movement.”

  • Trump: I intend to achieve the ’ultimate deal’ - Israeli-Palestinian peace - U.S. Election 2016 -
    In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the president-elect says he wants to do ’the deal that can’t be made’ for the sake of humanity.

    Barak Ravid Nov 12, 2016
    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/u-s-election-2016/.premium-1.752681

    President-elect of the United States Donald Trump said he will try and achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians in order to bring an end to what he called “the war that never ends.”
    Trump, who starts his term in office on January 20, made the remarks during an interview with The Wall Street Journal a day after his initial meeting with outgoing President Barack Obama at the White House as part of the process of transferring power to the new administration.
    In the interview with the conservative newspaper, Trump referred to a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians in business world terms, calling it “the ultimate deal.”
    “As a deal maker, I’d like to do… the deal that can’t be made. And do it for humanity’s sake,” he added.
    Trump has made similar statements about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process during the election campaign, but this the first time that he has addressed the subject since he won the presidency.

  • Thanks to Trump, we can better understand how Hitler was possible
    Chemi Shalev


    This is not to say that comparisons between the rise of Donald Trump and the ascent of Adolf Hitler are inappropriate. On the contrary: Such analogies may be light years from perfect, but they are hardly misplaced. It just seems to me that the emergence of the specifically German word Lügenpresse provided a convenient peg for some in the media to remake a connection that they have otherwise been shying away from in recent months, either because they are wary of the expected pushback or because, as Americans, they would prefer not to believe that America in 2016 bears any resemblance whatsoever to Germany of the 1920’s or 1930’s.
    Nonetheless, some of the elements of the Nazi ascent to power, as well as the emergence of other totalitarian regimes in Europe at the time, can provide clues and early warning signs to explain Trump’s success in the Republican primaries and his continuing popularity as we approach the presidential elections. Conversely – and this has been dealt with less in the media – Trump’s astonishing selection as the GOP candidate for the presidency, his continuing appeal to millions of Americans and the basic characteristics of his message have provided a new and valuable viewing angle on one of the last century’s most perplexing questions: how was Adolf Hitler possible? 
    And please spare me your “how dare you compare” indignation, if you are so inclined.

    • La stratégie électorale des libéraux hallucinés qui ont accès aux commandes partout dans le bloc occidental est très clairement depuis 30-40 ans de mettre en avant l’extrême droite afin de se présenter en sauveurs de la démocratie. Le traumatisme « hitlérien » devient hélas pour nous tous de plus en plus abstrait et leur stratégie est en train de se retourner contre nous tous.
      Il faut voir combien toutes les lois d’exception sont systématiquement un outil contre les mouvements progressistes (les vrais, pas ceux qui se contentent de faire des happenings photographiques sans conséquences). COP21+écolos mis au pas comme de terribles terroristes... Loi Travail... etc. Sans parler de ce qu’il se passe à l’étranger et dont nous n’avons pas trace dans nos contrées. Je pense aux syndicalistes et écologistes tués en Amérique Centrale et dont on n’entend pas un mot chez nous, depuis que les gvts progressistes y ont été destitué « légalement ». Et aux US aussi, les mouvements écologistes sont traités comme des mouvements criminels et terroristes.

  • In response to Elie Wiesel advertisement comparing Hamas to Nazis, 327 Jewish Holocaust survivors and descendants publish New York Times ad accusing Israel of ’ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people.’
    Holocaust Survivors Condemn Israel for ’Gaza Massacre,’ Call for Boycott - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz

    Haaretz Aug 23, 2014
    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.612072


    Hundreds of Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors have signed a letter, published as an advertisement in Saturday’s New York Times, condemning “the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza” and calling for a complete boycott of Israel.
    skip - skip -

    According to the letter, the condemnation was prompted by an advertisement written by Elie Wiesel and published in major news outlets worldwide, accusing Hamas of “child sacrifice” and comparing the group to the Nazis.
    The letter, signed by 327 Jewish Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors and sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, accuses Wiesel of “abuse of history” in order to justify Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip:
    “…we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water.”
    The letter also blames the United States of aiding Israel in its Gaza operation, and the West in general of protecting Israel from condemnation.
    “Genocide begins with the silence of the world,” the letter reads.
    The letter ends with a call to bring the blockade of Gaza to an immediate end, and for a full boycott of Israel. “Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!,” the letter concludes.
    Full text of letter:
    "Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of Nazi genocide unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza
    "As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonization of historic Palestine. We further condemn the United States for providing Israel with the funding to carry out the attack, and Western states more generally for using their diplomatic muscle to protect Israel from condemnation. Genocide begins with the silence of the world.
    "We are alarmed by the extreme, racist dehumanization of Palestinians in Israeli society, which has reached a fever-pitch. In Israel, politicians and pundits in The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post have called openly for genocide of Palestinians and right-wing Israelis are adopting Neo-Nazi insignia.
    "Furthermore, we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history in these pages to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities. Nothing can justify depriving people of electricity and water.
    “We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. We call for an immediate end to the siege against and blockade of Gaza. We call for the full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. “Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!”
    For full list of the letter’s signatories, click here

    • Des survivants de l’Holocauste condamnent Israël pour le massacre de Gaza et appellent au boycott
      Déposé par VB dans 26 août 2014

      Nous publions, dessous, un article paru le 23 août dans le quotidien israélien Haaretz portant sur une lettre rédigée par 327 juifs et descendants de survivants de l’Holocauste qui condamnent le massacre en cours à Gaza et appellent au boycott d’Israël.

      Des centaines de survivants et descendants de survivants de l’holocauste ont signé une lettre, publiée sous forme de publicité dans le New York Times de samedi, condamnant « le massacre des Palestiniens de Gaza » et appelant à un boycott total d’Israël.

      Selon la lettre, la condamnation a été motivée par une annonce écrite sous forme d’une publicité par Elie Wiesel et publiée dans les principaux organes de presse du monde entier, accusant le Hamas de « sacrifice d’enfants » et comparant le groupe aux nazis. Le chapeau de l’encart publicitaire que s‘est payé Elie Wiesel (prix Nobel de la paix, rescapé du nazisme) annonçait de façon plus que provocatrice « Les juifs ont rejeté le sacrifice des enfants il y a de ça 3,500 ans. A présent c’est au tour du Hamas ». La lettre, signée par 327 survivants et descendants de survivants de l’Holocauste juif et parrainée par le réseau international juif anti-sioniste, accuse Wiesel « d’abus de l’histoire » afin de justifier les actions d’Israël dans la bande de Gaza :

      « Nous sommes dégoûtés et scandalisés par la violence d’Elie Wiesel qui abuse notre histoire dans ces pages pour justifier l’injustifiable : l’effort systématique d’Israël à détruire Gaza et à assassiner plus de 2.000 Palestiniens, dont des centaines d’enfants. Rien ne peut justifier le bombardement des abris de l’ONU, les maisons, les hôpitaux et les universités. Rien ne peut justifier de priver les gens de l’électricité et de l’eau ». La lettre accuse également les Etats-Unis d’aider Israël dans son opération de Gaza, et l’Occident en général de protéger Israël de la condamnation. »Le génocide commence par le silence du monde », dit la lettre. Elle se termine par un appel à mettre immédiatement un terme au blocus de Gaza et à un boycott total d’Israël. La lettre conclue par « Never again » (ndlr : « Plus jamais ça ») doit signifier « Plus jamais ça pour qui que ce soit ! »

      Le texte intégral de la lettre :

      « Les survivants et descendants de survivants et victimes du génocide nazi condamnent sans équivoque le massacre des Palestiniens à Gaza.

      Comme survivants et descendants de survivants juifs et des victimes du génocide nazi, nous condamnons sans équivoque le massacre de Palestiniens à Gaza, l’occupation continue ainsi que la colonisation de la Palestine historique. Nous condamnons en outre les États-Unis pour fournir à Israël le financement nécessaire pour mener à bien cette attaque, et les pays occidentaux plus généralement, pour peser de tout leur poids diplomatique afin de protéger Israël de la condamnation. Tout génocide commence par le silence du monde.

      Nous sommes alarmés par l’extrême et très raciste déshumanisation des Palestiniens dans la société israélienne, qui a atteint un paroxysme. En Israël, les politiciens et les experts dans le Times d’Israël et le Jerusalem Post ont appelé ouvertement au génocide des Palestiniens, tandis que la droite israélienne arbore désormais publiquement des insignes néo-nazi.

      En outre, nous sommes dégoûtés et scandalisés par la violence d’Elie Wiesel pour justifier l’injustifiable : l’effort de guerre d’Israël consiste à détruire Gaza et à assassiner plus de 2.000 Palestiniens, dont des centaines d’enfants. Rien ne peut justifier le bombardement des abris de l’ONU, des maisons, des hôpitaux et des universités ! Rien ne peut justifier de priver les gens d’électricité et d’eau !

      Nous devons élever nos voix et utiliser notre pouvoir collectif pour mettre un terme à toutes les formes de racisme, y compris le génocide en cours du peuple palestinien. Nous demandons la fin immédiate du siège et du blocus de Gaza. Nous appelons au boycott économique, culturel et académique d’Israël. « Never again » doit signifier PLUS JAMAIS POUR PERSONNE ! »

    • Clinton Campaign Slams Max Blumenthal for Accusing Eli Wiesel of ’Inciting Hatred’

      ’Secretary Clinton emphatically rejects these offensive, hateful, and patently absurd statements about Elie Wiesel,’ policy adviser says.
      JTA Jul 07, 2016 2:19 PM
      read more: http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/u-s-election-2016/1.729514

      (...) Secretary Clinton emphatically rejects these offensive, hateful, and patently absurd statements about Elie Wiesel,” Jake Sullivan, a policy adviser to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, said in a statement shared with JTA on Wednesday. “She believes they are wrong in all senses of the term.”

      The statement was in response to a series of tweets over the weekend by Max Blumenthal, a journalist who often writes critically about Israel. Although Blumenthal has no connection to the Clinton campaign, he is the son of Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime confidante and adviser to the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. The connection is mentioned frequently by other journalists when writing about Max Blumenthal.

      Just hours after Wiesel’s death on Saturday, Max Blumenthal wrote a flurry of tweets insisting Wiesel should not be be honored because of his unwavering support for Israel.

      “Elie Wiesel is dead. He spent his last years inciting hatred, defending apartheid & palling around with fascists,” Blumenthal wrote.

      “Elie Wiesel went from a victim of war crimes to a supporter of those who commit them. He did more harm than good and should not be honored.”

      In his response, Sullivan said Blumenthal and others “should cease and desist” from criticizing the Auschwitz survivor and author.

      “Elie Wiesel was a hero to her as he was to so many, and she will keep doing everything she can to honor his memory and to carry his message forward,” Sullivan wrote of Clinton.

      Responding to the campaign’s statement, Max Blumenthal accused Clinton of remaining silent when Wiesel accused Palestinians of “ritual child sacrifice.” He was referring to an advertisement in 2014 by The Jewish Values Network in which Wiesel spoke out against Hamas and allegations that it had intentionally placed munitions and fighters in areas near children.

      Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who heads The Jewish Values Network, has called Blumenthal an “informal adviser” to Clinton, which the campaign categorically denies.(...)

  • Sanders Inspires Debate on Democrats’s Language on Israel

    Discussions about whether to include Palestinian rights and Israeli occupation in the platform were more robust than ever before in party history, a development J Street has advocated.
    The Forward and Nathan Guttman Jun 11, 2016 12:23 AM

    Washington – The Democratic Party’s first round of platform committee hearings had something for everyone, from AIPAC to J Street.

    Discussions about whether to include Palestinian rights and Israeli occupation in the platform were more robust than ever before in party history, a development J Street has advocated.

    For AIPAC, the meeting sent a clear message that despite the concerted effort by Bernie Sanders and his supporters, the platform is not going to change.

    “What everybody tends to forget, with all due respect, is that there was a winner of the Democratic primaries and her name is Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton has a long established, decades-long policy regarding Israel,” said former Florida congressman Robert Wexler after delivering his forceful pro-Israel testimony to the platform committee. “It is Hillary Clinton’s view that won out.”

    But as committee members argued under the watchful eyes of the lobbyists in the audience, the debate’s direction became more clear. Supporters of changing the platform, backed by Sanders and by J Street, have succeeded in raising new issues and grabbing the headlines. But Democratic establishment members will have the last word, win the majority of votes and preserve the current AIPAC-supported language.

    Wexler represents the thinking of many in the Democratic National Committee who believe it is best to leave the plank on Israel untouched, with a possible addition of a clause denouncing efforts to boycott and delegitimize Israel. That means preserving language that focuses on the rights and needs of Israel, couching support for a two-state solution as an Israeli interest and continuing to omit the word “occupation.”

    Others who testified that day pushed to include it.

    “The word occupation is not a pejorative, it is a legal category and the situation in the Palestinian territories clearly meets it,” said Matt Duss, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, in an interview outside the committee room. Duss, in his testimony to the platform committee, tried to make the case for including the term in the plank and adjusting the language in a way that would recognize Palestinian rights as well as those of Israelis, a point Sanders and his supporters have been stressing for months.

    “These two things, supporting the rights of the Palestinians and the rights of Israelis, are entirely consistent with each other,” Duss said.

    But the idea of adopting the term occupation into the platform is a non-starter for Wexler.

    “If there are minor modifications that allow people to coalesce around language, sure, everyone should be amenable to hearing other people’s views,” said Wexler in response, “but adding language such as occupation is not a minor change.”

    Scholar and activist Cornel West, a Sanders representative, delivered the most vocal defense of the candidate’s wish to change the party’s discourse on Israel.

    West, known for his outspoken criticism of Israel, as well as that of mainstream Democrats and of President Obama, called Israeli officials, especially newly-appointed defense minister Avigdor Lieberman “Trump-like figures in Israeli life.” West asked his fellow committee members to explain why they are so quick to criticize the Republican presumptive nominee for his racist comments, but are hesitant to speak out when it comes to Israeli politicians. “Why can we focus on xenophobes here, and seem to be so reluctant to call out xenophobes in Israel and other places?” West asked.

    As Wexler tried to convince members of the committee that current pro-Israel platform language should be adopted, West pushed for denouncing the Israeli occupation in the party’s official document. “If there were a Palestinian occupation of Jewish brothers and sisters would we respond the same way?” he asked. West also turned to committee members and posed an even tougher question: Could they agree “that life of Palestinian baby is just as valuable as Jewish baby.” America’s commitment to its allies, he added, “can never be predicated on occupation.”

    West is one of five members appointed by Sanders to the 15-member Democratic platform drafting committee. At least two of Sanders’ other picks, James Zogby who is the president of the Arab American Institute, and Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim-American elected to Congress, believe the Democratic Party should adjust its position to include greater recognition of Palestinian rights.

    But they are a minority within the party and its institutions. A polite, but forceful, pushback from other committee members made it clear that while the party mainstream will continue to support a two-state solution, they are unwilling to consider taking any deliberate step to address concerns of pro-Palestinian activists in their formal platform.

    Clinton’s delegates to the committee also alluded to political concerns.

    “We should make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States,” Berman said, “and I think of our responsibility of this platform in terms of what can bring us together,” said committee member Howard Berman, a former California congressman and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    In a written testimony provided to the committee, J Street’s president Jeremy Ben-Ami sought to dispel this notion, which he described as an “erroneous understanding of American Jewish opinion.”

    According to Ben-Ami, Jewish Democratic voters are, in fact, much more progressive when it comes to Israel than the party gives them credit for. ”In Congress, in Jewish communities and at the ballot box, this gap is now closing,” Ben-Ami wrote. “The drafting committee has an opportunity to close the same gap in their platform.”

    Cornel West made the same argument in a blunter way: The Democratic Party, he said, has been “beholden to AIPAC for too long.”

    In the coming weeks, the platform drafting committee will hold another public hearing and then move to voting on the language. Sanders’s and his supporters’s best hope right now is for a large enough dissenting minority to get the question of Israel and the Palestinians to a floor debate at the party’s convention in Philadelphia.

  • Washington Post propagandist for Israel warns Sanders to stay away from the subject, forever

    “Sanders faces denunciations for ignorant remarks about Israel” is the headline in the Washington Post, on a column by Jennifer Rubin about Bernie Sanders’s comments about Israel and Palestine to the Daily News.

    It is propaganda from start to finish, beginning with the headline.

    Let me translate.

    • Democratic debate: Is Netanyahu welcome at White House or an arrogant, deceptive asshole?

      In the last 24 hours the hiring of Simone Zimmerman as Bernie Sanders’s Jewish outreach director has caught fire on the internet, thanks to the pro-Israel community’s outrage that she doesn’t like Israeli PM Netanyahu. Zimmerman expressed herself on Facebook during the Gaza slaughter of 2014.

      “Fuck you, Bibi… you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people this summer.”

      Then over Netanyahu’s showing up the president last March by speaking at Congress to try to upend the Iran deal:

      “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative asshole.”

      This is a good debate to have.

    • Bernie Sanders Suspends Staffer for Criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

      In an act of political cowardice, the campaign of Bernie Sanders has suspended a young staffer named Simone Zimmerman, who was recently hired to coordinate the campaign’s outreach to Jewish communities, for criticizing Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing Prime Minister of Israel, in a year-old post on Facebook.

    • At Democratic Debate, Sanders Stands Up for Palestinians While Clinton Takes Strong pro-Israel Stance

      There comes a time when you have to say that ’Netanyahu isn’t right all of the time,’ Sanders says, criticizes ’disproportionate’ use of force in Gaza; Clinton say Hamas deliberately put civilians at risk.
      Haaretz Apr 15, 2016 5:56 AM

      Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton took a strong pro-Israel stance in a presidential debate in Brooklyn on Thursday, while her rival Bernie Sanders again doubled down on his criticism of Israel’s conduct during the 2014 conflict with the Gaza Strip, proceeding to state that “we’re going to have to say that Netanyahu isn’t right all of the time.”

      “Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. That’s not up for debate,” Sanders said, but added: “We had some 10,000 civilians who were wounded, 1,500 who were killed. Was that a disproportionate attack? I believe it was.”

      Stressing what he said was the need for an “even-handed approach” by the U.S., Sanders said that “as someone who’s 100 percent pro-Israel, in the long run, if we’re ever to bring peace… we have to treat Palestinian people with respect and dignity.”

      In response, Clinton touted her role negotiating a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2012, and added that “there’s always second guessing when there’s a war.” Israel did not invite the rocket attacks on its territory, Clinton said, and accused Hamas of conducting warfare in a way which deliberately placed civilians in harm’s way. After Israel left Gaza and “turned over the keys to the Palestinians,” Hamas took over the Strip and turned Gaza into a “terrorist haven,” Clinton said.

      With regards to the conflict as a whole, Clinton said that the U.S. should continue to pursue a two-state solution for the conflict, and added that had Yasser Arafat agreed to Ehud Barak’s proposal in Camp David, there would have been a Palestinian state today. Regarding Sanders’ criticism of Netanyahu, Clinton said that while no Israeli leader is always right, “it’s a difficult position.” It’s difficult to seek peace when there’s a terrorist group in Gaza that doesn’t want you to exist, Clinton said.

      Criticizing Clinton for not mentioning the Palestinians in her AIPAC speech, Sanders said that the U.S. needs to assume an evenhanded approach to the conflict if it intends to bring peace to the area.

      “Describing the problem is easier than trying to solve it,” Clinton responded.

      Last week in a New York Daily News interview, Sanders erroneously inflated the number of Palestinian civilians killed during the 2014 Gaza conflict, for which he has since pulled back after a conversation with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt.

      Sanders is currently trailing Hillary Clinton in the April 19 New York primary by double digits. According to a recent Fox New poll, Clinton leads Sanders among Jewish voters by 24 points (59-35 percent).

      In 2013, the Jewish vote made up 16-19 percent of the electorate in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary.

      Earlier on Thursday, the New York Times reported that Sanders suspended his new Jewish outreach coordinator, after one of her past Facebook posts resurfaced in which she used coarse language to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

      The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday that Simone Zimmerman wrote last year on Facebook that “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a**hole."

    • Un débat tumultueux entre Clinton et Sanders avant les primaires de New York
      LE MONDE | 15.04.2016 à 08h37 | Par Stéphane Lauer (New York, correspondant)
      En matière de politique étrangère, les positions se sont révélées également très tranchées. M. Sanders a ainsi vivement critiqué Mme Clinton pour son soutien inconditionnel à Israël. « Si notre but est de rechercher la paix, nous ne devons pas dire à Nétanyahou qu’il a toujours raison », a-t-il fait valoir. Alors que Barak Obama a déclaré il y a quelques jours sur la chaîne Fox News que sa gestion de la transition démocratique en Libye avait été l’une de ses plus grandes erreurs, Mme Clinton a tenté de se justifier avant que M. Sanders ne lui lance que les décisions prises dans cette région partaient du même état d’esprit que l’invasion de l’Irak.

      La pugnacité de M. Sanders sera-t-elle suffisante pour renverser la vapeur dans cette course à l’investiture ? Rien n’est moins sûr. Même si le sénateur du Vermont sort d’une impressionnante série de huit victoires dans neuf Etats, la bataille de New York s’annonce délicate dans la mesure où il peine à mobiliser au sein de l’électorat noir, qui dans cet Etat pèse plus de 15 % des voix démocrates.

  • Le Monde parvient à couvrir l’écrasante victoire de Bernie Sanders dans le New Hampshire avec un article intégralement consacré à… Hillary Clinton :

    L’article s’aligne sur la campagne pro-Hillary des grands médias américains qui prétendent qu’elle serait une candidate féministe, et que c’est pour cette raison qu’elle perdrait des voix (le retour des machos). Rien évidemment sur le fait qu’elle est désormais perçue comme la candidate de Goldman Sachs, et que la seule catégorie parmi laquelle elle ait battu Sanders, ce sont ceux qui gagnent plus de 200.000 dollars (c’est quoi, les « 2% » ?) et les plus de 65 ans.