The Ayaan Hirsi Ali problem : why do anti-Islam Muslims keep getting promoted as « experts » ?


  • The Ayaan Hirsi Ali problem : why do anti-Islam Muslims keep getting promoted as « #experts » ?

    L’article montre bien que s’il y a actuellement un domaine où la rigueur intellectuelle non seulement ne s’impose pas mais constitue un handicap insurmontable, c’est celui de l’"#expertise" (littéralement bête et méchante) en #islam. Le plus beau est que ladite expertise est un excellent moyen de réussir dans la vie pour un... #musulman vivant en Occident.

    A 2011 Air Force Research Laboratory white paper has been widely and rightly criticized in recent weeks for making a number of offensive and unsubstantiated claims about Islam, including that wearing hijab — the Islamic headscarf — is a form of “passive terrorism.”

    The article, titled “A Strategic Plan to Defeat Radical Islam,” was published online a few weeks ago by the website Public Intelligence and had been reissued by the Air Force as recently as last summer. It is shocking and irresponsible that such an outrageous claim was included in a military report, but perhaps most surprising of all is that the author was not some far right-wing pundit, but a Muslim.

    The writer is Tawfik Hamid a self-proclaimed “Islamic thinker and reformer, and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt.” He is currently a fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies and is the author of a number of books on radical Islam.

    But it’s not just this one report or this one author. Hamid is part of a long line of “pseudo-experts” on Islam, and he represents a much larger problem in which fringe Muslim Americans pushing an anti-Islam agenda are promoted as legitimate experts, thus mainstreaming ideas that are both offensive and incorrect.

    #campagne #islamophobe officielle aux #Etats-Unis